Nanoth waters his farm for 5 hours. He then tills 3 more square meters of land, gaining a level in farming. He plants .3 kg of seeds in it for 3 hours, then waters that too for 3 hours. He cooks 4 kg of meat for 2 hours.
Luke takes 4 hours to build 4 crab traps out of 1 kg of wood each. He then sets them, taking 5 hours. He fishes for 7 hours, catching 1.4 kg of fish and storing it in the granary.
Nirur begins work on a 100-kg-stone
Alex hunts for 15 hours, catching 5 pigeons. He cooks 4 of them.
Dances With Clams again hunts clams for 16 hours.
Kadzar spends 1 hour building a hammer from 1 wood and 1 stone. He works on the hut for 15 hours. It is now 31/200 kg done.
Matis spends 8 hours gathering vines from the forest. Schle then spends the rest of the day making 5 ropes and 3 -ropes- out of it.
Crypt Fiend gathers herbs for 8 hours. He collects 5 kilograms of Herb 1 and manages to discover a new plant, which he calls Herb 2. He finds 2 kilograms of it. He spends 8 hours trying to cure the man with botulism. Holy smokes! He rolls a natural 20 and heals the man a bit, reducing the counter by one on his first try. Man, good job. I did not expect that... Anyway, he tries curing the man again for 7 hours, but fails. However, he does gain a level in healing.
Grey hunts for 8 hours. He catches two pigeons. Then he attempts to improve the fire with his mighty magic wood (heh) of power! dice. Turns out he doesn't actually have any mighty magic wood of power, just lots and lots of normal wood.
Ein makes =arrows= for 6 hours and +arrows+ for 2. He refines them for eight hours to make four =arrows= with +fletching+, two =arrows= with #fletching#, and two +arrows+ with #fletching#. He keeps them all in his quiver.
The islanders hunt for 4 hours, catching 58 pigeons. They spend 1 hour cooking all the meat, then gather fruit for 6 hours, getting 77.4 kg of fruit. They then spend 1 hour expanding the farm. They till, plant, and water 14 square meters of it. They then work on the workshop for an hour, building 43 kg of it. They gather roots for the rest of the day, getting 25.8 kg of roots.
The islanders eat 40 kg of cooked bird meat.
An animal steals 3 kg of roots!
It rains. 5 people catch cold for a day!
Nothing attacks.