Borked textures, crazy rainbow lighting, air effects jumping all over the place.
Are you sure you didn't just walk into an anomaly? Because that sounds a lot like the visual effects some of them cause when you get caught in one.
I highly doubt there's any anomaly in Yantar that would turn the sky black, the factory walls bright yellow, the Snorks solid pink, the tree trunks invisible, and cause the water surface to hover a foot in the air. But that would one fucking awesome anomaly. What a great game, where the graphics glitches just improve the experience! Except for making inventory management impossible.
I did it. I went into X18 and I killed each and every paint can flinging motherfucker who looked at me sideways and it was nowhere near as scary as I expected it to be. I guess I hyped it up too much.
Well, what freaked me out about it was I kept getting lost finding my way around, my desperate attempts to avoid the paintcans kept landing me in Burners (which is pretty nerve wracking), but mostly in was because I had no idea what I was looking for. I killed the big fat thing (remarkably easy), which I thought would stop the telekinesis. It didn't. Then after bouncing off the walls and catching fire a lot, I killed the burny sphere. That didn't stop the telekinesis either. So I was getting a little weirded out, and I figured the longer I stayed, the more dangerous things would get, which just makes things harder. I didn't know the paintcan flingers could be killed too, because I didn't even know what they were.
Then again, I still have a lingering, deep seated aversion to the ghosts in Mario 3, so maybe I'm just a big blubbering pussy. Besides, it's fun to hype things up, it's a high point of the game.
I tell you what though, this Yantar factory is getting on my nerves. The ghosts and shadows were creepy, Snorks and zombies are just annoying.