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Author Topic: Another lords of creation, for everyone that did not get into the other one.  (Read 573 times)


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Creating a God:
Players need to contact me before posting.

Spoiler: Profile Requirements of Gods (click to show/hide)
Name: Something we can take seriously, please. An epithet is a decorative title (and optional, though most deities here have at least one) similar to Richard the Lionheart
Primary Domain: Ideally, chosen from the ‘Available’ list in the next post. You may also take a domain from the Taken or Claimed list, but you'll have to convince the player who owns that domain to give it up.
Alignment Domain: A domain from the Alignment list that matches your deity's alignment. If your deity is neutral on either axis, they may choose the Balance or Indifference domains.
Portfolio element: A (usually more specific) sphere of influence related to your primary domain. For instance, Thieves would be a portfolio element that goes with Trickery
Symbol: Your deity’s holy or unholy symbol
Alignment: The same as the regular D&D alignments.
Divine Rank: Your godly power. Choose a number 0-6. DR0 deities are barely more than mortal (and not recommended for players.) DR 1-5 deities are able to walk the world; DR6 deities are unable to appear on the material plane without the use of an avatar.
Class levels: Any published base or prestige class levels equal to (16 + (2*DR)).
When you first create a god it has to be DR6 or lower. With the exception of the moderators which will be Intermediate Gods.

Every Other Day you will be restored to full AP.


Spoiler:  Free Actions (click to show/hide)
Cast Spell: You may cast any spell from your domains, and any spell from your class list as often as you like.
Planar Travel: It’s trivial for gods to travel between planes.
Control Followers: You can roleplay what the mortals and monsters in your flock do.
Claim Plane: Take ownership of an unclaimed plane. Note, The Material Plane and The Void cannot be claimed.
Choose Home: Choose your home location. If your home location is a plane you own, you gain +1 to your CR while you are there. If your home is a location you spent AP on, or were invited to live in, you gain a {Home} ability.
Beget Player God: It's free to be the parent of a player god. Just roleplay making 'em. If it's PG-13.
Beget god-ish: Creates a DR0 entity that does not gain AP, and does not have a primary domain. Otherwise, functions as a god, and counts against your NPC god limit. You can upgrade them to a full god with the Beget God action.
Give AP: Transfers however many AP you wish to another god. If the AP is given for a specific action, you can share credit in that action for DR and domain purposes.
Create Herald: A herald serves as a messenger for your god to mortals or other gods. They may only carry one message for you at a time, after which they can only say what they know. A herald reforms at their god's side after being killed. Otherwise, they are equivalent to a monster or player character of CR (16+god's DR)

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)
1 point activities
Teach populous: Introduces a pre-existing concept to a populace, for instance, you could teach magic to the elves. However, knowledge tends to spread, and other groups will pick up on it quickly.
Nourish populous: Directly provides food, or other good conditions to a group for a limited amount of time.
Nourish land: Causes an area of land to be bountiful.
Mold land: Creates or alters a land feature. You could create mountains, forests, a swamp, or split off part of a continent. Not needed on a plane which is divinely morphic with respect to your deity.
Pestilence: Harms a group, with drought, famine, disease, or infestations. Counters or is countered by Nourish Populace
Create Subrace: Creates a subgroup of an existing race, with enough physical or cultural differences to merit a change in racial abilities.
Join Pantheon: Joins a pantheon; pantheons are described under two-point actions.

2 points
Create populace: Creates a single player race, up to three related monsters(For instance, Griffons, Hippogryphs, and Lammasu), a group of very closely themed monsters (Chromatic Dragons, Elementals), or a whole category of "natural" animals (For instance, sea animals, domestic animals, birds)
Create land: Creates new land where there was none (in the middle of the ocean, in an empty plane). This is not necessary on a plane which is divinely morphic with respect to your deity
Guide populace: Vastly changes the beliefs or culture of your followers, declares war, or doubles the level limit for one of your mortal followers.
Create Organization: Creates a country, religious sect, or other major organization. Create Organization can also create a Prestige Class, along with the organization that goes with it.
Create portal: Creates a permanent connection between points on two planes. It can also be used to create Manifest Zones, as in Eberron.
Gain Domain: Adds a Domain to your list. You must have a related portfolio element, and have done three other divine actions relating to the desired domain. You must get the approval of a referee, as well. To advance to Intermediate deity status, you must have at least 3 domains. To advance to Greater, you must have at least 5. You can use any of the spells on your domain lists as an at-will SLA. Gaining a domain does not count towards gaining another domain
Gain Portfolio Element: This is required to gain domains, and helps to flavor your deity. Does not count as one of the three actions towards a domain.
Gain Level: It takes deities a lot of XP for a god to level up.
Aid an Ally: Allows you to come to the aid of another deity engaged in combat. Without this action, you can only add you artifact modifiers if you wish to help.
Lock/Unlock Plane: You stop entry or exit from a plane you control for any deities or mortals you choose. However, if the deity has 4 or more DR than you do, they can make a DR check each week to enter (1d20+their DR vs DC 11+your DR). If the plane is strongly aligned, this DC goes up by 2 for deities of the opposite alignment. So if a Lawful Good deity tried to get into a Chaotic or Evil plane locked by a DR 1 god, the DC for him would be 14 instead of 12. If the Plane was Chaotic Evil, the DC would be 16.
Create Pantheon: The god who uses this action becomes the first and ruling member of a new pantheon (He does not have special power over the other gods; but he does have admin rights to the pantheon). For every two members, a pantheon can have one purpose. The pantheon gains a special AP pool which can be spent to advance a purpose of the pantheon; the pool gains 1 AP a week for every two members of the pantheon.
Shift Land: Relocates a land feature to another plane, or elsewhere on the same plane.
Raise Army: Raises an army of intelligent creatures for a war between gods. This adds 1 to your CR (Combat Rating). This is discussed further in the Combat section. A player may only have a number of armies equal to their divine rank. When a god attacks, all armies are lost afterward.

3 point
Create Artifact: Creates a Battle or Utility Artifact. Battle artifacts add 1 to your CR (Combat Rating). This is discussed further in the Combat section Utility Artifacts can do almost anything else, but should be discussed before you create them, and may cost additional AP.
Create Avatar: Not available to DR0 deities. An avatar is essentially a second body for your deity. Avatars are functionally your DR-1, except on the material plane where they are limited to DR5 or less.
Create Plane: Brings a new plane into being. The creating deity chooses the characteristics of that plane, and is automatically the owner of it.
Evolve Physically: Permanently increases your weekly AP gain by 1. This is usable once per caste that your deity has obtained, and not more than once per week.
Gain Extra domain slot: Adds a slot for an extra domain. By default, Demigods have a maximum of 4 domains, Lesser Deities 5, Intermediate Deities 6, and Greater Deities 8. Your Alignment domain counts toward these limits.
Create concept: Creates a new idea that nobody has thought of before. You can create up to two closely-related base classes with this action (For instance, Wizard and Sorcerer, Scout and Ranger, Psion and Wilder).
Raise Divine Rank: Once you have done a certain number of godly actions (2 for Hero-Gods, 3 for Demigods, 4 for Lesser Gods, 5 for Intermediate Gods, 7 for Greater Gods and 9 for Overgods), an extra 3 point action is available:
Raise Divine Rank Increases your divine rank. You must then perform the number of divine actions listed above before this ability becomes available again. Raising your divine rank does not count towards your next increase in DR or towards a domain.
Create Exarch: An exarch is a unique creature with divine powers. They are immortal, and cannot be killed without their creator's consent. They are for all purposes treated as a combat artifact for increasing CR, including the limit on the number of Combat Artifacts you use in battle.

X AP Actions
Counter: A God can counter another god's actions(Save for 3 AP actions). By spending the AP cost +1, a god can counter any action another god has taken.

Spoiler: combat (click to show/hide)
At any time a god may attack another for 3 AP. When a god does this, he chooses what he wants to do. Here is a list of possible motives. Others should be discussed with the GM through PM.
If you declare war make sure to talk it out on pm with the victim, this is to reduce the posts from battle and to allow it to be more creative but still have the element of conflict.

Imprison: Stop a god from spending AP for a cycle.
Steal Artifact: Take an artifact from another god.
Steal Power: Next cycle the attacked god gains 1 less AP than normal and attacking god gains 1 more.
Claim Territory: The attacked god loses the claimed plane, and the attacker gains control of it.
Slay God: This is a crime against reality, but some gods are so filled with vengeance that they wish to slay another god. This will make the attacker gain no AP on the next cycle, but kills the attacked god. The player may slain god may return and lose a divine rank, or the player may create a new god.

The victor is determined based on Combat Rating. A god's Combat Rating is equal to it divine rank, plus the number of armies it controls, plus the number of combat artifacts it controls. The highest CR wins.

Gods in a pantheon may combine their CR and attack a god or defend as a team. Don't be a douchebag and attack gods for no reason. Even if you're chaotic evil, if you do ill chain your god to a rock and let a bird peck out its eyes, a snake eat its heart and a dog eat its fingers.

Spoiler: Domains (click to show/hide)

Any domain will do, just use these as an example of good domains.

When making a plane please use the information found in the SRD hypertext document for 3.5, found here

You can roleplay the mortals in your flock. However, the power levels are limited; in the first year, mortals cannot exceed level 9, in the second year, they cannot exceed level 18. In year three… just keep epic mortals to a minimum.

When posting, please add the following to your post, so we know which god/mortal etc is speaking, and his location.

most of this was taken from the other lords of creation posts. also, as much as 10 people may join. 5 major gods, with all of the stats above, and 5 minor gods, which are basically the same except they must have 3 AP, while major gods get 5 AP.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 01:39:13 pm by namragog »


  • Bay Watcher
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Name: Xen, Lord of Time and Space
Primary Domain: Time
Alignment Domain: Balance
Portfolio element: Ticking clock or a globe
Symbol: Infinity sign
Alignment: Neutral
Divine Rank: DR 6
I do LP of videogames!
See here:


  • Bay Watcher
  • Prince of Light
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Ermmm....That other lords of creation is still acepting players...
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."