Roland injects Brion with epinephrine (2.5 AP), moves west (3.5 AP), injects Para and Red the Redder with epinephrine (8.5 AP), then realizes that he only has enough AP left for two movements, not three, and shrugs, staying where he is.
Brion fires his grenade launcher at B14. An explosion rocks the area, damaging each of the zombies there for 2.1 damage. He then primes his grenade launcher, reducing the cost next turn to 11 AP (you must note this in your turn, much like drugs). (Zombie at B13: 1.9 HP; Dreadnought at A14: 5.9 HP; Zombie at B14: 1.9 HP; Zombie at C14: 1.9 HP; Zombie at B15: 1.9 HP)
Delmond fires straight ahead, but the stubby derringer is entirely useless at such a range! It was basically included as a joke. Sadly he realizes this and throws it away. He is cheered a bit when exactly $75 rains from the heavens and falls into his lap. He feels better - why, almost as if he will have twice the amount of energy that he usually has next turn! (Also: Scraps can be handed to another player for free, but the players must be adjacent)
The Fonz searches for scraps in the wasteland. Miraculously, he finds 4 pieces of scrap in the exact same spot! He marvels at his luck.
Para moves up and fires at C13. Pow! Pellets blast out of his shotgun, but most miss; he only hits three times. His second shot is a little better, hitting thrice and critting once. The heavy 4.5+ damage easily kills the already-weakened zombie. (Dreadnought at C13: 5.1875 HP; Zombie at B13: Dead)
Boom fires his M79, but as he only has a range of 7 (cardinal), he decides to fire at I13 instead. The grenade hits the ground and bursts into flames, dealing 1.2 damage to everyone around. (Zombie at H13: 1.8 HP; Zombie at I13: 1.8 HP; Zombie at J13: 1.8 HP; Dreadnought at I14: 6.8 HP)
Fenrir fires at the zombies. Despite being behind a sandbag, he misses an enormous amount of the time - only seven bullets hit their mark. Two bullets kill the fragile Reaver, and another four kill a normal zombie, with another hit wounding a zombie. (Zombie at F13: 2.75 HP)
Red the Redder aims carefully through the M8541 Scout Sniper Day Scope of his M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle. Laying down carefully, the beautifully crafted weapon resting on its Harris S-L bipod, he prepares to fire. He aims at the medulla oblongata, or "apricot", of the zombie, attempting to kill it in a single shot and instantly remove its capacity to move at all. He smiles. His weapon is, perhaps, not one that others would pick; they prefer crude weapons, seeking to mow down zombies with brute force. But what others think does not matter to him; he prizes his rifle above all else. But what's that? His eyebrow twitches involuntarily. Something has disturbed his shot. He looks to his side, and to his astonishment, sees another human being. What is that... that
brute doing?! Ugh! Ron, or whatever his name is, he knows Red can't aim when people are bothering him! He's... he's probably trying to steal Red's gun! My God! Red screams in despair and curls up into a ball, seizing his rifle and sobbing uncontrollably.
Blint Weststone tries to fire at D15, but suddenly realizes there's a wooden wall and two other zombies in the way. He shrugs and does nothing.