RAM heals himself with his first aid kit. Equipping his remaining knife, he attacks the engineer at M7. The first engineer goes down with a quick slash, then a stab to the head. Turning to K7, he swings his knife powerfully, beheading it. Seeing no more engineers that he can attack, he does nothing.
Othar falls to his feet and weeps over his dead comrade. Miraculously, he comes back to life! Othar then fires at the Zombie Wall to the east, the MP5 spitting out bullets. He hits it eight times, dealing 6 damage. (Zombie Wall at L8: 24 DP)
Brion fires at the Engineer at K8. Three hits downs it, and he turns to his left. He attempts to aim at a zombie, but finds that it isn't there. Instead, he fires at the zombies in the F column. Although he misses once, another three hits kills the engineer in the column. He proceeds to fire at the Brute behind it, and sadly, misses twice, only hitting it once. He earns $30 for his kills and $35 for his hits. (Brute at F8: 7.1 HP)
Roland moves west a bit, heals Mikhail, then returns. By a bizarre coincidence, his first aid kit is shaped and colored exactly like a .22 pistol.
Trembling, Para fires at the Virii in the back. One shot kills the one at A10, and another kills the next. With another shot, he attempts to fire at a Destroyer at H9, but sees that it was merely the product of a deranged imagination, and instead kills the engineer at E7.
Unable to stand his ground for any longer, Para flees back to F3.
Mikhail fires at the Titan. The first shot hits it in the head, killing it in an explosion of gore. He then aims at the Dreadnoughts. Although his second shot misses, his third and fourth easily kill two of them.
Survivor fires at the remaining Dreadnoughts. He misses many times, but the massive stream of bullets is unstoppable. A wave of death devastates the dreadnought, at G11, seven bullets slamming into its flesh. Blood spatters as it is gunned down rapidly with bullet after bullet after bullet. The second dreadnought goes down the same way, not even able to thrash in death as a bullet slams into its head, and another shortly after, along with many others.
The zombies do some other stuff. Then you kill them, obviously.