My long dead community fort. Fallout Equestria: Apples.
Based loosely off of Replica's Fallout Equestria canon, I happily jumped onto the bandwagon and soon found sticking to a canon is hard. Also the 'Story bits' were my first forays into writing, please ignore those for your health, but do read if that suits your fancy.
Former avatars stolen from KryptidBecause why not.
FIMFiction collection of DuskfieldsHere I try to collect Duskfields onto Fimfiction, similar to Paaaad's Dawnpick Collection. Updates are rare due to frequent procrastination and the like
Ave! Dance with Caeser!Legate Lanius, Caesar and the Burned Man having a dance contest... or something.
My first real case of !!FUN!!Because I felt it needed to be documented.
My Steam AccountTotally not asking for friends
Joshua Fucking GrahamTotally someone I would be fine with cuddling with/surviving with hehe.
Whence forth we came from Zion.Joshua Fucking Graham with his standard gear.
My FiMFiction ProfileTotally not begging for followers
Adam Jensen here.I didn't ask for mist piss fish wrist this.
An Avatar here.Uh... Insert witty comment here?
Original Picture for Above avatar(nontrasnparent)Yaaaay.
Motherfucking paralyzed TailowKilled by a motherfucking paralyzed Tailow. Let me ask you a question. How'd you get killed by a motherfucking paralyzed Tailow. It's paralyzed, and it's a sparrow!
A sexylicious avatar that you know you love~You know you like it baby~
See me fail at being a Tactician. LAST UPDATE: FOREVER AGO!
Desu Kawaii!An anime'd version of my SS13 character. Made with
thisSMILE DAMNIT!I really love it when you smile smile smiiile~.
I have done nothing but force memes for three days!VHERE HAVE YOU BEEN POSTING IT!?
I will not accept failure on my team!Now get out there, and make me proud maggots!
Let's go practice medicine...I don't zhink we brought enough body bags...
Sorry to 'pop-in' unannounced!
Hi Dashie!
We're gonna make cupcakes!
HalloweeeeenHalloween birdie.
Pirates pirating!
Spoilers: I never watched pirates of the carribean. So no witty comment here
I pass butter for a living.well at least i'll be good at lobster parties.
Drider~!Insert witty comment here.