1: Establish a schedule. You need to hit the sack at around the same time every night, but more importantly you need to wake up at the same time every morning. Eventually you'll start waking without an alarm even if you're still tired. Don't stay up super late unless that's the schedule you want to set for yourself.
1A: You are not a "night person" or a "day person". Your rhythm has a lot more to do with the fact that you're human like everyone else, and how much sunlight you get and when. If you want to change your schedule it is possible to adapt to it. But a nocturnal schedule is going to be difficult regardless.
2: Eat right. Eat healthy stuff, drink plenty of water. You don't need a huge amount of meat, certainly not every meal. Try eating meat only at dinner, and then only a playing-card-pack size portion of meat with dinner, and see how you feel.
Drink a whole glass of water when you wake up, with every meal, and before bed. At minimum. Cut out other drinks except milk or 100% juice with no sugar added.
Eat no more than one serving size of meat once a day, and don't eat red meat. Don't eat pastries or cookies - that includes Twinkies, donuts, etc. Have one once in a while, but it's a treat. You can go wild with veggies, fruit, and whole grains. Don't worry about calories and portion sizes if that's what you're eating. Go for food that you prepare from whole ingredients rather than premade things. Get a lot of variety. Bake your own bread, it's easy and letting it rise before baking only takes an hour.
Don't eat out more than three times a week at absolute maximum. When you eat out, eat what you want - but realize that some choices are healthier than others.
Whatever you eat, decide how much you want up front and stick with that. That means fill up your plate but do not go back for seconds. Grab a handful of chips but do not sit there with the bag.
And the trick with portion sizes: drink a whole glass of water anytime you want to eat something. Then eat. You'll feel full but you won't be eating a huge amount. This especially helps with between meal snacking.
3: No exercise an hour before bed. Get some exercise during the day. You should work hard enough to break a sweat and get a little out of breath for half an hour every day. Don't skimp and then try to bunch it all up for the week in one day.
4: No caffeine for three hours before bed. Don't use caffeine heavily at any time (latte, energy drinks, caffeine pills). Coke or meth will keep you up.
5: Don't do anything in bed but sleep (and sex, I guess). You need to establish your bed as a place for sleep. Don't sleep anywhere else but a bed. Not even a nap.
6: A quick nap in the middle of the day is okay, but don't sleep more than an hour.
7: Don't let yourself wake up slowly in the morning. When it's time to get up, get right up, hop in the shower, get dressed and get food in you, even if you don't have to do anything all day.
8: Don't get up and do things because you're bored in bed. Stay put. Anything you do will just keep you up longer than if you sat still. Meditate - try the "empty" meditation rather than "imagery" meditation, though you may have to start with that. Don't use directed meditation like from a music player or something.