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Author Topic: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .  (Read 14154 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #225 on: February 15, 2010, 04:11:33 pm »

Oh what an incredibly nuanced view of the situation

I'm afraid you lost me on semantics here, unless you where going for sarcasm.


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #226 on: February 15, 2010, 04:55:56 pm »

If someone adds an 'oh' then it generally is.


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #227 on: February 15, 2010, 08:26:02 pm »

Oh what an incredibly nuanced view of the situation

I'm afraid you lost me on semantics here, unless you where going for sarcasm.

I was. His thesis was that the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict exists because of everyone being rigid-minded dickheads that can't deal with their problems like grownups.

Actually, there's a small but influential minority of such people (probably more on the Israeli side - namely Zionist extremists, especially the religious fanatics that make up the core of the settler movement, which is THE biggest obstacle to peace, bar none, terrorists included) and everyone else is dealing pretty much like rational human beings with the problems they cause. Unfortunately the Israeli government is firmly committed to coddling them which is dickheaded behavior in itself but since they've been doing that so long, it has created legitimate problems (such as terrorism) which Israel then has to deal with in more or less rational ways. Unfortunately they're exploiting that fact as an excuse to steal more and more Palestinian land and prevent any potential Palestinian state from ever existing, which is of course a self-perpetuating problem...

well anyway you get the picture...or maybe not...the more time you spend over there the less anything makes sense....the fact that one of the largest problems is caused by certain people's determination to live out a 3000-year-old fairy tale is pretty *@#$^ surreal.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 08:28:08 pm by Jude »
Quote from: Raphite1
I once started with a dwarf that was "belarded by great hanging sacks of fat."

Oh Jesus


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #228 on: February 15, 2010, 10:12:05 pm »

You REALLY dislike religion, don't you, Jude?
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #229 on: February 15, 2010, 10:20:16 pm »

It seems to me that he's directing his comments to religious extremists


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #230 on: February 15, 2010, 10:33:24 pm »

You REALLY dislike religion, don't you, Jude?

Not at all actually. I'm from a religious family and a lot/most of the people I respect most are religious. I just get real pissed when people use it as an excuse to fuck over other people, and such people deserve to have their beliefs called fairy tales. Which is probably accurate. Unfortunately that's also offensive to lots of people I know and love, but if someone is smart enough for me to respect them, and is religious, they're also smart enough to realize there is every rational reason for them NOT to be religious and have reconciled that with the fact that they still have faith.

And yeah in this case I'm referring to fanatic settlers, who are convinced God told their ancestors to live in the hill country of Palestine, and who are now stealing Palestinians' land in order to live there themselves to fulfill the commandments of a God who obviously abandoned them to dispersal and gas chambers. If you talk to these people (I have), they are incapable of rational discussion; it's just "well God told me to live here so fuck the farmer who can't feed his family because my neighborhood is where his olive trees used to be." And then they act like that farmer's sons are crazy for shooting rockets at them.

Of course the majority of settlers are more or less regular Israelis who just want cheap housing, although they probably share the racist and manifest-destiny-esque attitudes of the zealots. Either way, they're all the scum of the earth.
Quote from: Raphite1
I once started with a dwarf that was "belarded by great hanging sacks of fat."

Oh Jesus


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #231 on: February 15, 2010, 10:48:47 pm »

And yet you never seem to wonder why. Why would they? Why would they risk life and limb to do that? Simple pure satanic hatred? You know something like that doesn't exist, doesn't fall out of a clear sky.

Have you studied the teachings of Osama bin Laden?  You're a complete waste of time.

You don't wonder and you don't care.

You're projecting your own ignorance onto me; it is you who have no idea what's really going on.  If you did you would understand my reasoning.

People like you and them make the rest of the world a sad place.

So long as there are people like them there need to be people like me.  Sad or not the world is what it is.  I prefer sadness to ignorance.

If it's not torture you wouldn't mind someone boarding you then?

I don't want to be arrested and imprisoned, either, yet I have no problem doing that to rapists, thieves, and telemarketers.  What's your point?

But it is traumatic and therefore has the potential to have lingering ill psychological effects.

That's the whole point.  If you don't break them they don't talk.  Whether or not that is an "ill" psychological effect depends on your point of view; I would consider Khalid Sheik Muhammad ill before he was waterboarded.  Moreover, he went from murdering madman to life-saving intelligence asset thanks to what we might call "waterboard therapy".  That sounds like a cure to me.

Isn't that true with all torture that isn't done purely for sick pleasure?
Of course not.  Many countries, and indeed the terrorists themselves, engage in torture to intimidate and frighten their enemies.  That's the primary reason the argument that waterboarding encourages them to torture us is ludicrous: the motivations are completely different.

all I can say is wow...
You're welcome.  I do hope I have helped you have a more open mind.

Have you ever felt as if you were drowning 183 times in a row?
What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?  I'd be singing like a canary after 3, 4 tops.  Our enemies, being religious fanatics, are possessed of almost supernatural-seeming psychological willpower by their deeply-held faith in their God, so it takes a few extra passes on the 'board to get them deprogrammed.
Their faith is their greatest strength, but it can be broken with the right tools intelligently applied.  So, too, can the march of science be broken by ignorance and superstition.  This time around Galileo has an army and a waterboard, but the fight isn't over until the last terrorist sputters out the location of the last cache of improvised explosives ... or the last artist beheaded and the last library burned.  It's our choice, really, our fight to win or lose.

Seriously. You don't know jack shit.  [list of IDF / Palestinian military engagements]
You've got to be kidding.  Acts of war happen during wartime.  People die and bad shit happens.  Democracies are magnets for war; they are constantly under attack and constantly forced to defend themselves.
The fact that the Israelis are constant victims of a perpetual war waged against them is a symptom of their being a democracy, not a disqualifier.
Nor for that matter is the alleged "suffering" of the Palestinians.  If they were really suffering they'd end the war.  The Russians would have pulverized the Palestinans 100 times over by now.  America has firebombed cities on less provocation.  For being at war the Palestinians have it remarkably easy.  Let them start shelling Russia or America and let's see how long they last.
Palestinians wage war on Israel and pretend to be victims not because they are victims but because they are not.  If the Israelis truly didn't fight fair -- whatever that means in time of war -- the Palestinans would end the war and beg for mercy, not claim their intifida will "drive the Jews into the sea".  Victims my ass -- they're not victims, they're just on the extreme edge of pathetic: they suck at waging war.  Their incompetence is not my problem.

Also, "constant rain of suicide bombers" lol. Looks like someone hasn't been reading any news from there for the past couple years
They switched from suicide bombers to artillery barrages after Israel built the wall.  How enlightened.  (I mentioned the artillery attacks in the OP, BTW.  Guess you missed it.)

The majority of the Guantanamo Bay suspects, for example, were just dudes
We didn't waterboard every schlub we brought in for questioning.  We waterboarded like half a dozen terrorist leaders, one of whom, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, masterminded 9/11.  Also, incidentally, every criminal in prison is innocent -- you can ask them!  And every prisoner at Gitmo was tortured, same reason.

And yet the US refuses to talk with this democratically chosen entity.
They're waging war on one of our allies.  If we're going to do for them they need to do for us.  The intifada is a deal-breaker.

Also I find it odd that people wouldn't talk to the Hamas government because they're terrorists, but the Olmert government could rack up a death toll much higher than a decade (or more)'s worth of Hamas attacks in "Operation Cast Lead" and not be terrorists and still be worthy to talk to
You've answered your own question: the IDF wear uniforms and follow the rules of war, therefore they're not terrorists.  Body count is irrelevant.  Hamas wages war covertly, intentionally targets Israeli civilians, intentionally puts their own civilians in harm's way, and uses children as human shields.  These are the things America objects to, not the understandable casualties resulting from war.  We once killed over 200,000 people in a single bombing raid -- we would be hypocrites were we to complain about the casualties of other countries' wars.

They are locked in a mindset of thousands of years of hate and resentment
The Israelis would stop fighting tomorrow if the Palestinians would do the same.  And "thousands of years of hate?"  WTF?  The Ottoman Turks got along fine with the Jews, and even encouraged them to immigrate.  Where are you learning your history?

Well there were like wikipedia links in between showing how oppressive Israel is
The irony of calling Israel "oppressive" is that they're about the least-oppressive military opponent in world history.  Russia would've turned Palestine into Grozny.

a 3000-year-old fairy tale
And yet another ignoramus takes yet another prize in Ottoman Turkish history.  Like it or not, the Jews that weren't already living in Israel were invited there as immigrants.  You want them gone?  Too fucking bad.  They've got guns, so you're going to need a bigger army.

settler movement, which is THE biggest obstacle to peace, bar none, terrorists included)
Bullshit.  The Israelis have been fighting for their lives since the day their tribe was granted a nation (as many other tribes in the Middle East were in the dissolution of the British Mandate, but nobody hates Jordanians quite like they hate Jews.)
When the State of Israel was created the Israelis had to fight for their lives.  When their neighbors blockaded their ports they once again had to fight for their lives.  Then again on a religious holiday as holy to Jews as Christmas is to Christians they're fighting off a massive invasion once again just for the privilege of staying alive.  Today they've beaten the odds, built an incredibly powerful military machine, much of it indigenous as a result of constant arms embargoes against them, and they've become very good at fighting for their lives.  Yet the fight is still forced upon them.
Not to go all Godwin's Law here, but the Israelis are literally fighting Nazis, people who were allied with Hitler in WWII, who organized an all-volunteer SS division, and who teach their children that Allah loves them most when they kill Jews.
The "land issue" is hatred of Jews in disguise.  If it were a Jordanian / Syrian border dispute nobody would care.
"Let them eat XXtroutXX!" -Troas


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #232 on: February 15, 2010, 10:56:09 pm »

I'm not even going to respond to your retarded assertions about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, which you know absolutely nothing about, as evidenced by your calling the refugee crisis, occupation, and apartheid wall "IDF/Palestinian military engagements." Your other responses are similar in that they are obviously based in a fantasy world and not reality. I'll just leave you with this: you (obviously) have never been to Israel, and even more obviously not to the occupied territories. I have. I've been inside refugee camps and cities that are locked down under military blockade. I've seen firsthand the environments that kids who become suicide bombers grow up in. Therefore, my opinion carries much more weight and credibility than yours, which is simply the rantings of someone with just enough knowledge to think they have a clue what's going on, but not enough to actually make any coherent arguments.

Also, the Palestinians are Nazis who allied with Hitler? Well, while we're in this universe, I'm riding my unicorn over there this summer, so I'll psychically transmit you some snapshots of innocent Jewish kids being sacrificed and eaten as part of the Islamic holiday of Satanmas.

Finally, let's not forget that for all the bragging about how great Israel is, they're happy to take 3 billion dollars a year in handouts and military aid from America, and America is the only country that doesn't agree Israel is committing war crimes. I guess it's all part of a massive world conspiracy to kill the Jews though.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 10:59:22 pm by Jude »
Quote from: Raphite1
I once started with a dwarf that was "belarded by great hanging sacks of fat."

Oh Jesus


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #233 on: February 15, 2010, 11:04:48 pm »

Been to Israel, dumbass.  Thanks for playing, though.
"Let them eat XXtroutXX!" -Troas


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #234 on: February 15, 2010, 11:10:37 pm »

Certainly getting /b/ in here...

Quote from: ProtonJon
And that's why Communism doesn't work. There's always Chance Time


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #235 on: February 15, 2010, 11:13:30 pm »

Seriously you guys, this is devolving into outright flaming and bigotry with a sprinkle of topic thrown in for fun.

Take it to PMs if things are going to be so heated. Please.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #236 on: February 15, 2010, 11:22:42 pm »

Not at all actually.
That's not what I recall about you. Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else around here.

I'm not even going to respond
Actually not responding is sometimes better than falling back on that.

you know absolutely nothing about
As someone who actually doesn't know shit about the Middle Eastern conflicts because I don't live there, and I don't literally live on a side of the fence:
I blame the foreign government that sanctioned Israel because they had no foresight as to what they were doing, regardless of their good intentions. I blame government and religion being mixed when Israel was created, in how it's run, and also in the nations around it. Some things work better separately. Above all, I blame human nature. "Rational" and "humans" do not belong in a sentence involving "land". If you were Israeli, you would be looking from the other side of the fence on this. Vice versa for Forumsdwarf.

Israel is not a democracy. The United States is not a democracy. Democracy died when the Greeks figured out it was horribly inefficient to have every dumbfuck male in Athens vote on every little thing that needed voting on. We have a representative republic where every few years we go to the ballot box and we pull the lever to have representatives hopefully voice our opinions for us, and then drive off feeling like we actually did something constructive. We call it democracy because "We're bringing you FREEDOM™!" sure sounds a lot better than "we're bringing you the ability to vote in a businessman who is going to look out for his own interests and perhaps fuck you in the ass while pretending to pander to your likes".
+2 for paying attention in government class.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #237 on: February 16, 2010, 12:21:09 am »

@ Forumdwarf.

The only big gripe I have with your multi-paragraph comment, is your endorsement that the torture of Khalid Sheikh brought about intelligence that prevented further terrorist acts.  You have failed to provide a source for this.
Quote from: wikipedia
In October 2006 Mohammed described his mistreatment and torture in detention, including the waterboarding, to a representative of International Committee of the Red Cross. Mohammed said that he had provided a lot of false information that he had supposed the interrogators wanted to hear in order to stop the mistreatment.[60] In the 2006 interview with the Red Cross, Mohammed claimed to have been waterboarded in 5 different sessions during the first month of interrogation in his third place of detention.[60] [61] While the Justice Department memos were confusing in that they did not explain exactly what the numbers represented, a U.S. official with knowledge of the interrogation programs explained the 183 figure represented the number of times water was applied to the detainees face during the waterboarding sessions.[62]

In June 2008, a New York Times article citing unnamed CIA officers claimed that Mohammed was held in a secret facility in Poland near Szymany Airport, about 100 miles north of Warsaw, where he was interrogated under waterboarding before he began to cooperate.[63]
Relevant sources 60-63:

Directly from source 63:
Quote from: NYTimes
But the rules had changed, and the tough treatment began shortly after Mr. Mohammed was delivered to Poland. By several accounts, he proved especially resistant, chanting from the Koran, doling out innocuous information or offering obvious fabrications. The Times reported last year that the intensity of his treatment — various harsh techniques, including waterboarding, used about 100 times over a period of two weeks — prompted worries that officers might have crossed the boundary into illegal torture.

Quote from: forumdwarf
Been to Israel, dumbass.  Thanks for playing, though.
Follow the chart or hit the road.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 12:27:30 am by Qloos »


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #238 on: February 16, 2010, 12:45:28 am »

Are you implying that name-calling is part of a balanced diet?


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Re: Wow. Less than 170 days left . . .
« Reply #239 on: February 16, 2010, 12:54:06 am »

 ??? . . .  :o . . .  :)

No, I am not.  Lets just say, I hope that simple disagreement, is the sound basis for a good debate.
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