the building labeled FUSHI has nobody and no counter inside.
Is this because Fushi Cybernetics was not implemented
Fuchi Cybersystems is not implemented. But neither is the hacking system, so it's no tremendous loss. Fuchi is taken from Shadowrun, since I never found an appropriate source for cyberware in the BGC universe apart from Genom, and they needed to have a competitor.
I think you set the boomer encounters way too high.
Keep in mind that "the plan" was for partied team members to fight with you. So keep in mind that you're fighting only one vs. a couple boomers, when (if it were implemented) you could be fighting four vs. a couple boomers.
Even so, the general consensus from playtesting as of two years ago was that boomer encounters were
way too easy. Hardsuit design and combat have a bit of a learning curve. Once you're more familiar with how things work, it will become fairly trivial to kill boomers with zero damage.
For example...try this:
1) Start as, or swap to Sylia as the active character.
2) Go to Kyuusei Heavy Industries, get the contact number, and place an order for 10 plasteel armor plates. If you want to be seriously abusive, also order a set of 10 plasteel structural components. Pay for express delivery.
3) Do delivery missions until the shipment arrives.
4) Press G to spend your skill points. Three points in hardsuit design will allow you to install the plasteel plates you ordered. Spend the rest in marksmanship.
5) Strip the particle cannon from Priss' hardsuit, put it on Sylia's suit so that you have a laser on one arm and the cannon on the other. Install one plasteel plate at each location. You're now a ranged attacker with 70% damage absorbtion to physical attacks. Since plasteel is light, you have a movement speed of +8, which will allow you to outrun most melee boomers. If you went the "seriously abusive" route, remove the steel structural components and replace them with plasteel. You're now very delicate, but your speed will be +16, allowing you to
massively outrun most things. Lasers and cannons don't generate much heat, so heat dispersion systems aren't needed.
5) Press F to change your firing mode, and set to group fire. You'll now fire both weapons with every attack.
You can now run in circles around melee boomers and pelt them indiscriminately at range. If you get stuck in a corner, you have 70% damage absortion. Of course, this sort of design is horribly weak to ranged boomers, but since you have four party members you could always grab Priss, for example, give her a pair of beam sabers, nitro-coolant, ECM and reflective armor so she can chew up the ranged boomers. Take both to your mission sites, and then swap to whomever you need.
Note that while appears there's a bug that causes the game to crash when entering the area 1 apartments. Don't accept missions that require you to go there.
will not sell "neutral" organizations, but only those that it is friendly with.
I'd rather not know just how things will work, but rather if they will work like this.
That was more or less the plan, yes. Though most of those organizations are corporations, so they'll sell standard equipment to anybody, but you would need higher reputation to gain access to more "secret" things as well as the higher level espionage missions. You can see reputations on the C screen.
What are the key commands? I was able to enter the lingre store but I couldn't leave
As EuchreJack said, < and > to enter/leave areas. Whicever symbol you see is the symbol you press to use the exit. (Though from a quick glance, I only see > in actual use.) The game mixes standard roguelike stairs with "walk off edge" mechanics. For example, to exit the Silk'nDoll it's >, but to exit an apartment building you walk off the edge of the map. This gives room for ADPolice and boomer events to occur. I don't remember exactly how thoroughly implemented it is...but I think the ADPolice can arrive on scene if you take too long during an aparment assassination mission.
Other important keys:
? - help
G - Gain skills
Ctrl-Q - Quest log
F - Modify firing groups / change current firing mode
C - Character sheet
u - use item (a lot of the game requires extensive cell phone use)
Y - talk (moving into an unpartied friendly talks by default, but if you party up, this key allows you to talk with your teammates instead of pushing them out of the way)
T - Tactical display mode on/off (hardsuit only)
f - fire ranged weapon
ctrl-X - save and exit
The totally unintuitive keys are ToME defaults. Most everything else in done by moving into something (melee attack, talk to friendlies, use a payphone or computer, buy a subway ticket, talk to someone at a counter, leave an apartment complex, etc.)
I like the documentations for all your games, and found them to be
quite useful, not to mention establishing the setting.
Thank you. I've always thought help should be...well, helpful.
I realize this is an abaondoned 0.5 alpha version of a game. And I also realize these errors will not be fixed. But just in case you ever want to update this game, I best mention these things.
I was quite fond of BGC. In theory, the engine will be going to beta soon. When that happens I may pick up some of my older modules. As was mentioned a page or two in the thread, whichever ones get the most feedback from players will be the ones I spend the most work on.