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Author Topic: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" Chapter 2, Page 1  (Read 19002 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2010, 05:54:57 pm »

So, 1 more person and we can start?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2010, 03:18:59 am »

So, 1 more person and we can start?

Yep one more...  but if there is something that you would like to do around the village it would be ok to begin to post a non - turned action.. that is fine. Could one of you guys grab a friend? I am new here and know nobody as of yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2010, 04:12:36 am »

Some more about the surrounding area, geography, people.. basically a ramblin' fleshin' out the world yarn.

  The Village

  As if time never existed.. the long houses stand against the winds.  Small icicles cling to the ledges, the last of winter's might their motivation.  A crisp clear morning, the sight of a pair of breeding hawks riding thermals as if searching for Valhalla through the use of their wings.. silly birds.. not privy to the lives of men. Bjorn, the mule driver, is toiling with his two ancient oxen, attempting to gather timber for the planned construction of a communal barn, at least that is the plan for the spring.  The sounds of axes can be heard in the surrounding wood.  To the south others are fishing from the small brook, this small brook will soon become a full torrent beating it's banks with the runoff from The Hawks' Ridge Heights to the east.  The Heights themselves are stunning in their magnitude.  You and your people know this twisting maze of box canyons and sheer cliffs, more than one mountain goat have been gifted to the village from the great mountain, the richest hunting grounds for a weeks travel in any direction. To the west lie a few more barrier hills, thickly forrested, crisscrossed with known and unknown game trails. beyond that lie the open plains.. no one has ever traveled that far and returned.  Songs are still told in the Longhouses about the souls that tried.  To the north lies the great eternal White.  A land of never ending cold, snow and the most bitter of winds..  few people live in the Great White.. those that do tend to come to your village once spring has broken to trade for their necessities. You can see Mila and Karl.. the two resident newlyweds having their traditional morning rue..  and can barely make out broken words from the distance.. The anger clearly visible on Mila's face as she bashes Karl with a oaken bucket..  a smile plays at the corner of your mouth..  Mila once lived in the Great White.. but rarely speaks of the past. 
   The elders are stirring, as a small column of smoke begins to rise from the Longhouse.  Soon the great horn will be sounded..  and those to be chosen for the day's hunt will be determined. Your stomach begins it's daily yearning reminding you of the harsh winter past.. the light crusting of ice crackles under your weight as the frigid air catches your breath in great plumes. 

 Tribal Elders, history and recent events

   Fredrich and Hanna  -  Fredrich was once the most mighty of the village.. standing easily 6' plus.. he is a giant among men (most Nords were rather short and barrel chested) A nasty scar still occasionally weeps in mid winter, running from the bridge of his nose to the top of his right ear... having removed the eye.  He never speaks of it.. but he is the Headsman of the village.  A cold, calculating man who is only tempered in his rage by his love of the village..  and no doubt would sacrifice all of himself in it's defense.  Hanna, Fredrich's wife, a portly, kind woman is always working.. easily the hardest worker in the village.  She has been known to fell a tree as fast as any of the men.  A fact she reminds them of often, especially if they comment as to the quality of her cooking.

   Old Matilda - The oldest living thing you have ever seen.  It is almost not.. um natural.  She is the 'bonecaster' of the village.  Often sending the youth of the village in search of some sprig of blah or pinch of bleh. If you have a malady she is the one whose council is sought. She tells of the 'birth of trees' and the 'wolves bane' both popular nighttime stories in the Longhouses.

   Jon - Fredrich's right hand.  When the village is threatened Jon is there to 'supervise'. Standing 5'6 of so.. he is decent in a ruckus.. even if it caused by his own drink.  Most in the village whisper behind his back.  Something your fathers have spoken about in hushed tones in private circles.  He does not know that he is disliked, he feels that his position in the tribe has given him 'special immunity' to the harder aspects of village life.

   Rame - The son of Fredrich.  This guy is the village clown.  He is fun, gregarious and is constantly playing practical jokes on Jon.  He does this for the amusement of his clan as he know Jon doesn't dare lay a finger on him due to the true fear of Fredrich.  He is one of your 'pals' (( he is a npc toon that is good friends with all of your toons, even if you are the stanoff-ish type..  he is the one guy that doesn't get on your nerves))

   Karl and Mila - The newly weds.  Mila traveled to the village seeking trade with her clan two seasons ago.  Having met Karl, a long time Sundin Clansmen, Karl was stricken immediately.  It was a fortnights worth of laughter that followed as the good people of Sundin spied the courtship.  Karl not being the quickest of wit or feet eventually won her heart after a hour long fistfight.  Karl's face was beaten black, bloody and blue. Crimson on snow, but he had his bride, and was smiling.  The 'rues' as they have been called among the villagers, are now accepted as routine. The older females can be heard chiding their young with "See what happens when you marry a woman from the Great White, they are red haired hellions!'

   Bjorn 'the mule driver' - An older man.. some say in his 50's the toil of a life's work is evident upon his brow. Hands like iron, he is renown for his grip and work ethic.  He can fell a tree hitch the livestock and move said tree in a single hour.  He is the handyman in the village. Strong and wise..  some say he is truly the muscle behind Fredrich.  He was the one rumored to have saved Fredrich's life the day he lost his eye.

   Seth and Torrin  - both sons of a long dead father killed three or four seasons ago in an ambush by the cowardly Heliks.. a tribe to the south.  Seth is a stout youngster, aged 12, reddish hair and a strong build. He rarely speaks.. and when he does.. it is well rehearsed. He chops wood by the cord.  Torrin, like his older brother is sound of body..  but, he could talk the bark off a spruce tree. He spends much of his time fishing down by the brook, often returning with full stringers.  Both boys are taken care of and raised by the entire village, but answer to Fredrich and Hanna, their 'gaurdians' or so Hanna would put it..
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 11:29:46 am by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2010, 08:57:39 am »

Name: Tarn
Gender: Male
Weapon: Paired Short swords.
Age: 17

Desciption: While he was born short, not very muscular and lacking the natural warrior traits coveted in Norse society,  Tarn was blessed with extereme quickness both physically and mentally making him quite dangerous especially when he is underestimated. He has the typical Norse blonde hair and blue eyes but he lacks a proper beard instead just a messy stubble grows on his youthful face. Has a slightly anti-social personality meaning he is usually quiet around those he does not know and he can be hot-headed at times, but he is loyal and determined to prove himself a proper Norse warrior. 

Positive Perks:

Very Cunning - Tarn's mind is sharp and it enables him to make split-second decisions even in the heat of the moment.

Speed- Tarn's natural speed is a great advantage to him and he can cover distances both short and long quite quickly. He is also very quick with his hands as a result of endless training to make up for the natural strength he lacks.

Determination - If Tarn wants something done then he will give everything he has to make it happen.

Negative Perks :

Weak - Tarn was born small and brittle and while he has developed slightly he is still shorter and thinner than the other villagers and this has disadvantaged him greatly in life.

Hot-Headed - A weakness of Tarn's is that he can often lose his temper easily this greatly reduces his ability to think clearly and has caused others to view him as a liability at times and an out and out danger at others.

Anti-social - Tarn finds it difficult to communicate with strangers and often makes a mess of any social situations.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2010, 09:06:18 am »

Outstanding we have a full crew!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2010, 09:17:10 am »

Flintus Background rolls

  You were born under a bad omen.. or so your grandmother told you.  In reality the harshness of the journey that your mother made over the Hawk's Ridge and lack of nutrition while you were unborn led to your frailty, and your determination.  Why your mother was in the highlands is a story, wrapped in a enigma.  Any inquiries as to the subject were met with swift rebukes from family, it must have been a dark time. (12) as a result of your thinly frame you were bullied by others, often getting the worse of the encounters..  but this made you brood, sometimes darkly, and thus made sharp your wit. (16) As you grew into a young man.. you proved yourself by knocking Jon (see above) clean out with a mighty (lucky) punch, yes he was drunk.. yes he deserved it.  Yes you paid for it.  You gained your reputation as a hot-head in that one singular moment.  Jon has yet to look you in the eyes. (13) <hidden perk - adrenaline fueled strength>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2010, 09:44:23 am »

A note on perks - originating perktrees, hidden perks and mechanics

   Okay this is how this here thingy is gonna work.  It is d20 based modified via conditions (pos+neg) and how close i deem the action to be to the toon's perk tree.  Ie: shooting a bow through a branch to hit a man on horseback = ( d20 roll -2 cover +1 keen eyes -3 galloping horse +1 hidden= 11 the result would be a minor hit.. maybe a glancing blow... if the result is 15 something better ect.. up to 20+  which will be wildly bloody good fun ) These results will be hidden from your view.. these are behind the scenes and i will not post them unless asked to.. and maybe not even then, depending on time constraints and my willingness to type. Rest assured there are mechanics behind the story.  Also.. you character sheet is invisible to you. at no times are you going to know that you are +4 to hit with your favored weapon.. or -4 to hit with a rock.. You will see you skill gains through how the story is told. or by maybe a npc saying..  "By the gods.. you have gotten good with that spear!" ect ect.. the possibilities are endless. Any questions?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2010, 10:15:53 am »

(actions "talking" thinking)

Ianna sat on a rock and waited. Who would be chosen for the next hunt? She grumbled. If she wasn't chosen for the next hunt, she would just go out and hunt herself! It would be dangerous, but she would have the last laugh, bringing home more meat than the actual hunters. She flipped the hair out of her eye and stood up, walking around the village to kill time.

(Is that good for an action?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2010, 10:30:29 am »

((Yes excellent for an action.. well done this is what i am looking for.))

  "Ianna casually strolls past the butcher's tent.. reminiscing upon casting a eye on the cleaver that she once used on her hair...  lost in daydream she is brought out of the trance violently by a.. a face!
 jumping back quickly due to shock <8> her hand slips quickly, deftly to the to fore as she slips to the side.. oh damn.. it is just Rame.. "Whatcha' doing Ianna?" the voice familiar now as the shock wears off.. "Think ya gonnas go huntin' THhhiisS time?" he says in a mocking tone..
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:51:14 am by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2010, 10:35:04 am »

(actions Thinking)
Bodulf was still asleep. He had, predictably, indulged himself a bit too much the night before...while the others headed in early, he was one of those who stayed drinking and carousing. He felt sun rays on his face...and woke with a splitting headache. Rather than grumble, he tossed on his clothes and hurried to see if they had already picked people for the hunt...telling himself "I'm sure this time I'll get in on the hunt...not that those old men would know which end of a spear to stick in a deer themselves. Hah!"

(actions: Clothe and arm myself with my personal possessions, stumble out of my house)
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2010, 10:38:38 am »

A  note: Once the players are untied in one place the game will become less fluid and turns may be included...  as for now.. its free form.. it moves as fast as you post.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2010, 10:43:20 am »

  You do wake up with that splitting headache..  mead and of your strongsuits..  was in full effect last eve.. <5>   You do still have bearry vision for a while yet.. maybe that will clear up once they blow that foul horn for the hunt.. the thing always did hurt your ears..  <11>  You see Ianna being frightened by Rame.. and her almost clobber him.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2010, 10:44:26 am »

"Of course I'm going hunting this time. The elder is smart enough to pick me for the hunt!" Ianna grins and looks Rame in the eyes. "What makes you think I won't?!"
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:46:26 am by Jervous »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2010, 10:48:55 am »

"Of course I'm going hunting this time. The elder is smart enough to pick me for the hunt!" Ianna grins and looks Rame in the eyes. "What makes you think I won't?!"

 Rame just smiles.. you never could resit it, <5> "Oh i bet you will! Seriously! i do!" Rame steps out of punching distance... "Have you been practicing lately? .. I know of a place you could get a hold of a few arrow heads..  if yaaas.. want...  i'll show ya."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2010, 10:51:39 am »

Ianna looks at Rame with hopefulness. "Really? Please, where?"
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