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Author Topic: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" Chapter 2, Page 1  (Read 18900 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"Do you have a couple hours to waste?" Chapter 2, Page 1
« on: February 06, 2010, 10:41:15 am »

  Hey all, first time poster wanting to start a rp story game this morning. Looking for 4 people to take part in a dark-gritty, some-what realistic (no magic) medieval fantasy/ Nordic - Romanesqe morning tale of heroes/ heroines, evil, honor and possible sacrifice. <clears plans>  (( I have no knowledge of the fancy workings of this here forum like thingy.. but hopefully my eloquence (ha!) will suffice))

 Once again.. looking for 4 people with a few hours (at least) to spare.


 You observe the work of your clan.. the winter's bite forgotten.  Spring hunting rich.. and the rolling hills have regained their nicer faces.  The southerly breeze promises yet another summer of righteous struggle...  or..  well, best not to think of what lies to the south.. the Red Serpent Itself, or at least that is what the elders speak of in those hush, closed meetings when they think that the young are in dream.  Your village of Sundin is by no means a crossroad.  A few long houses in the old style erected around a central grand firepit, rocks still warm from last eve. 24 souls call this home... a number well whittled since it's founding.  Livestock which was once bountiful have also had their number reduced to but a few cows, a handful of poultry and a pair of old broken down oxen that are still used by ole' Bjorn to haul logs up the hillsides.  There are the young..  and the old.

(( well there is the background of our upcoming yarn.  I am rolling a simple d20 to liberally embellish the story for the positive or the negative, you will not know the rolls of stealth-like actions (ie:  Vexal attempts to sneak behind the tree, if you fail.. i may say you think you are being sneaky if you are successful i may say you think you are being sneaky but you may have stepped on a twig, you are not sure.  Yes, i reversed this on purpose. I mean.. how do you REALLY know you are being ninja? Only, what you think the result might/may/what you think happened. Bear with me.  The more detailed your intentions the more detailed my responses.  I will stop short of running you into a pit of death trying to pick up your spear ;D but, please use your common sense.. and what you think that YOUR character is conscience of, in inventory  In shouting range of..  If YOU need to write it down, feel free.. i might. I will try and type as fast as possible.. but i am by no means fast.. and i tend to embelish when needed.  If for whatever reason you loose track of where your Character is in terms of spacial relations  feel free to call a TIMEOUT and ask for clarification))

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

First four that i see (i reserve the right to dispatch a douche without warning and write in a new player)lemme know!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 11:15:40 pm by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 11:29:17 am »

Umm, just curious.. have i posted in the wrong forum... upon further inspection.. umm. Is the a forum for a specific system? RTD? if so you have my apologies.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 12:36:39 pm »

Weapon: Spear/Sword
Visual description: A little under 5 feet, dark skinned, full beard. Wears a perpetual smile and is quick witted with a wry sense of humor.

Positive Perks
-Good Eyes: Bodulf often jokes that he can could spot a white buzzard at night in a snowstorm. While blindfolded. Despite these embellishments, his eyesight is quite exceptional. His vision has spotted far off threats to the village more times than anyone can count.

-Quick Wit: It's well known that laughter is the preferred alternative to bloodshed. Bodulf's jokes and riddles have been to known to defuse tricky situations, or exacerbate them...

-Patrolman: Bodulf spends most of his time on patrol, ferreting out danger to the village. A such, he has learned to move further, faster, without getting tired or hungry as fast. He also is able to stand at attention on mundane tasks without losing focus.

Negative Perks
-Clueless: Bodulfs greatest flaw in his inability to improvise in a physical sense...he prefers planning, routine, and set tasks-anything that throws off the "plan" can cause him great distress, or even emotional paralysis. He wastes a lot of time over planning, when he could be going out and doing it. That the sun rises and sets every day in the same place is a great comfort to him.

-Bad Reputation: Bodulf's wit has gotten him into trouble more often than not, and those unfortunate enough to be the butt of his jokes hold deep grudges. The popular theory around the village and the surrounding lands is that he is some kind of witch.

-Glutton: Bodulf is known to eat big, talk big, and live big. Such concepts as temperance are alien to him-he literally cannot deny himself something that amuses him or makes him happy-for example, if that something is mouthing off to an already angered warrior or having another loaf of bread.

Yarnspinner: We could move this to other games forum, I guess. Also, tell me if I did anything wrong. Cause my knowledge of Nordic is like nil!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 12:47:39 pm »

Sounds like a stalwart young lad.  Lets say .. aged.. 19? (full beard..)  maybe a few points to go add for rp.. being 19 and not selected to go south with the last warband has left a bitter taste in your mouth.. especially since your father was a member of the expedition. (leeds into bad reputation) as such.. you also.. secretly ... scan the hill tops for the hoped return of your kin, as well as the security of the village. You are a skilled hunter.. once trapping a black bear and skewering it with a sharpened stick at the age of 10 (rolled 18), however you do have a slight limp from the same encounter.. you broke your ankle when surprised by the bear.. wedged in rocks.. it wasn't  ground of your choosing (rolled 8) but it only really bugs you when it's cold.. and have never revealed this injury to the tribe out of a sence of independence (rolled 19 - invisible perk.. <Toughness>
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 02:42:33 pm by Yarnspinner »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 01:01:59 pm »

Age: 18

Weapon: Long Bow and Barbed Arrows

Visual Description: She has a thin yet beautiful appearance, with long blonde hair. She usually ties some of the hair into a pony tail, but her bangs usually still cover her eyes. She has big hazel-coloured eyes that one usually doesn't see. Her arms are somewhat muscular, but she wears shirts with long sleeves most of the time. Her mouth is usually in a frown, unless she's trying to charm someone.

Positive Perks:

Swift: Ianna is quick and agile, she is swift in battle and can fire arrows faster than you can say "Archer!"

Sharpshooter: She can hit a target with her eyes closed, need I say anymore?

Beautiful: She can persuade and yank on the heart of any male. She is amazingly charismatic.

Negative Perks:

Vain: She is obsessed with her appearance, and this usually makes her hair get in her eyes, her not wanting to trudge into mud, or eat sloppily.

Frail: She may be quick, but she can't take a good hit.

Fast Metabolism: All the food she eats doesn't exactly affect her appearance, but she has to eat a lot more.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 01:12:09 pm »

Nice Jervous, me and you will make a a good spotter/sniper duo
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2010, 01:19:35 pm »

I am not sure if my last post got eaten.. but.. here we go again..

 Outstanding start guys...

  At the age of 8 you entered a archey competition held by a local Baron.. dressed as a boy (yikes, you even chopped off your long blonde hair with the butcher's clever you flitted away with...) You were severely out matched in your first match.. your bow was inferior to that of the other participants.  And... well.. um.. he was really cute!  you bat your eyelashes..  you went home with the trophy..  he went home with a black eye. (16) <hidden perk - fights harder when angry> You then learned that you had 2 types of power over men.. and let your hair grow back in, much to your mother's relief.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 01:25:55 pm »

I am not sure if my last post got eaten.. but.. here we go again..

 Outstanding start guys...

  At the age of 8 you entered a archey competition held by a local Baron.. dressed as a boy (yikes, you even chopped off your long blonde hair with the butcher's clever you flitted away with...) You were severely out matched in your first match.. your bow was inferior to that of the other participants.  And... well.. um.. he was really cute!  you bat your eyelashes..  you went home with the trophy..  he went home with a black eye. (16) <hidden perk - fights harder when angry> You then learned that you had 2 types of power over men.. and let your hair grow back in, much to your mother's relief.

Also.. you do have to hide you bow in the woods.. just for the sanity of the older males.. you cut them that favor.. the younger of the trible know of your skill.. and your secret dedication to the erradication of the loss at the archery competition.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2010, 01:45:52 pm »

(( FYI since we now have two signed up.. if anyone wants to do anything in the immediate village.. feel free.. mingle, drink relax. I will also begin to head up individual responses with character header names...  so as to avoid confusion.)) < In Real Life.. for me personally  i am stuck in bed for a month at least.. car wreck(not my fault)so i will always have this board minimized while i am awake.. so expect quick responses from this end.. if post times permit.. and no one is "in combat" then feel free to post actions and we can rp at your pace.. story permitting))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2010, 02:54:35 pm »

Umm, just curious.. have i posted in the wrong forum... upon further inspection.. umm. Is the a forum for a specific system? RTD? if so you have my apologies.

RTDs are typically 1d6, with 5 being a perfect roll(6 is an overshot, 2 and below are failures). There is an RTDX system, which uses XdX(My Mercenary RTD for example, uses 2d8). One thing that all RTDs have (as far as I know) is skills that gain experience from being used. Usually training these skills modifies your dice roll so it's better for the player, at least when doing that particular action.

If you plan on using skills, this should be fine here. Otherwise, you might want to move it to the Forum Games and Roleplaying section(the parent of this one) which is for more general games.

Anyway... I'll bite.

Name: Vladimir
Gender: Male
Weapon: Bearded Axe & Heavy Shield
Description: Rather large, standing about 5' 10" tall, with dark brown hair and eyes. Having spend most of his life in the wilderness, he has a very rugged appearance.

Positive Perks:

Rugged: His time in the wilderness has left him very resistant to the effects of weather and other trials nature may throw at him. His strength also means that he can take a hit and dish it back out in turn.

Herbal Lore: Having spent a lot of time in the wilderness as a ranger, he knows a lot about plants and their effects, especially medicinal ones. He is very good at finding food or treating wounds because of this.

Alert: It's a wolf-eat-man world out there, and in order to survive you can't let anything sneak up on you. He can tell when something is wrong based on the sounds of the wildlife(or lack of), visual cues such as tracks, and other giveaways.

Negative Perks:

Reserved: With little time spent around other humans, he is very silent and unable to communicate well. When he does speak, his meaning is sometimes misinterpreted.

Selfish: While he has excellent healing abilities, he isn't a saint. Vladimir will only help those out if he sees some way he can profit off of it. The only other time he will help someone out is if they gained his respect in some way.

Prideful: Surviving 20 years in the wilderness alone isn't something a lot of men can do, and Vladimir sees himself in a better light because of it. In fact, he sees himself as just plain superior to most people. The few who have earned his respect may call them his equals, but if anyone dares suggest they are better than him, he will put them in their place.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2010, 03:12:45 pm »

Umm, just curious.. have i posted in the wrong forum... upon further inspection.. umm. Is the a forum for a specific system? RTD? if so you have my apologies.

RTDs are typically 1d6, with 5 being a perfect roll(6 is an overshot, 2 and below are failures). There is an RTDX system, which uses XdX(My Mercenary RTD for example, uses 2d8). One thing that all RTDs have (as far as I know) is skills that gain experience from being used. Usually training these skills modifies your dice roll so it's better for the player, at least when doing that particular action.

If you plan on using skills, this should be fine here. Otherwise, you might want to move it to the Forum Games and Roleplaying section(the parent of this one) which is for more general games.

Anyway... I'll bite.

Name: Vladimir
Gender: Male
Weapon: Bearded Axe & Heavy Shield
Description: Rather large, standing about 5' 10" tall, with dark brown hair and eyes. Having spend most of his life in the wilderness, he has a very rugged appearance.

Positive Perks:

Rugged: His time in the wilderness has left him very resistant to the effects of weather and other trials nature may throw at him. His strength also means that he can take a hit and dish it back out in turn.

Herbal Lore: Having spent a lot of time in the wilderness as a ranger, he knows a lot about plants and their effects, especially medicinal ones. He is very good at finding food or treating wounds because of this.

Alert: It's a wolf-eat-man world out there, and in order to survive you can't let anything sneak up on you. He can tell when something is wrong based on the sounds of the wildlife(or lack of), visual cues such as tracks, and other giveaways.

Negative Perks:

Reserved: With little time spent around other humans, he is very silent and unable to communicate well. When he does speak, his meaning is sometimes misinterpreted.

Selfish: While he has excellent healing abilities, he isn't a saint. Vladimir will only help those out if he sees some way he can profit off of it. The only other time he will help someone out is if they gained his respect in some way.

Prideful: Surviving 20 years in the wilderness alone isn't something a lot of men can do, and Vladimir sees himself in a better light because of it. In fact, he sees himself as just plain superior to most people. The few who have earned his respect may call them his equals, but if anyone dares suggest they are better than him, he will put them in their place.

 (( Thanks for giving me the chance! I am still getting used to the nuances of this forum, so, please forgive any clunkyness in my forum postings.  I will get better i swear!  ;) .. as to skills.. not the word 'skills' i use a perk system.. you know what you are good at.. i know what you are good at..  i modify a d20 based on the difficulty of the task.  An 'invisible perk' is something that your character has yet to discover about himself.. but is noted to the gm.. you shouldn't RP a invisible quirk.  In conclusion.. minus a few label.. and a d20 v a d6.. i guess it is loose RTD))

  On to your characters random starting rp points...

As one of the older 'younglings' still left in the village you do bear a internal stigma of not being chosen for a warband yet.. this burns you.. this fuels you... this drives you to take long excursions away from the longhouses.  However, you do a have a solid understanding of your abilities (13) you are self aware, and as such.. sometimes introverted.  You prefer the cold kiss of winter and a sheer cliff face over a fire and mead-horn. (19) At the age of 14 you wandered away from the village chasing a deer through the deep woods... moss.. getting darker... vines.. getting thicker.. there goes.. the game....  j-just a bit further..  blackness (2) you found yourself in some sort of cave.. no family, friends.. or deer in sight.. just a old crone of a woman.. with a hooked nose.. and a sharp fingernail.  You remember the line upon lines of age upon her face.. (leads to knowledge of herbalism) Over time.. the vines of your prison seem to grow through your body as time passes..(5)  Winter, Summer, Fall ... a flash of iron.. and the head flies off in a bloody arch lines drawn taught by pain. Rescue. <hidden perk Hatred of Slavery>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2010, 03:18:10 pm »

<hidden perk Hatred of Slavery>

That's odd, considering the way I imagine my character, he thinks that anyone too weak to survive doesn't deserve to survive.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2010, 03:23:42 pm »

<hidden perk Hatred of Slavery>

That's odd, considering the way I imagine my character, he thinks that anyone too weak to survive doesn't deserve to survive.
No worries.. it is a hidden perk.. not a active one..  you will see.. maybe something in the future will trigger memories.. ect.. ect ad nauseum.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2010, 03:34:41 pm »

<hidden perk Hatred of Slavery>

That's odd, considering the way I imagine my character, he thinks that anyone too weak to survive doesn't deserve to survive.
No worries.. it is a hidden perk.. not a active one..  you will see.. maybe something in the future will trigger memories.. ect.. ect ad nauseum.
Or.. if you would rather.. and this fits you conception of your character more closely<Hidden Perk - Unknown Benefactor>> ?  your choice your toon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2010, 05:14:00 pm »

<hidden perk Hatred of Slavery>

That's odd, considering the way I imagine my character, he thinks that anyone too weak to survive doesn't deserve to survive.
No worries.. it is a hidden perk.. not a active one..  you will see.. maybe something in the future will trigger memories.. ect.. ect ad nauseum.
Or.. if you would rather.. and this fits you conception of your character more closely<Hidden Perk - Unknown Benefactor>> ?  your choice your toon.
That works. I was thinking of something more like "fiercely independent", so he's never subject to another's whims again.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.
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