So are there any good mods still in development, preferably for Warband? All the ones I've looked and and bookmarked over the course of last year seem to be halted in one way or another. Phantasy Calradia, Silverstag, Perisno, Floris; all seem to have stopped development over the course of the last year. And while more seem to have cropped up in their places, they just start from scratch again with little that previous mods haven't had before.
The Reckoning just released its first build with definitely more to come as of right now - and with a submod from one of the community members, a lot of the issues it had early on are addressed.
Solid & Shade, a necromancy mod for old M&B, is nearing its next release soon.
1794: Kosciuszko Uprising is an admittably niche mod that is going to receive a proper, full English translation soon... or more accurately, Soon (TM)
Soon is a registered trademark of Valve (TM) Valve Time Management Corporation as I am in fact the current English translator;
Regardless, there is a release that should be translated enough for playability with all 'story/fluff' lines translated and only some gameplay stuffthings left and no proper proofreading and correction done since, um, the devs sorta released it half-done without telling me beforehand, and it's a pretty good mod, as objectively as someone invested in it could speaking, with a sandbox-storyline hybrid (no strict 'Go here, Do X' most of the time but 'Go wherever, do supportive stuff and quests for us and maybe we'll win'), a duel system (including proper pistol duels to the first blood), XVIIIth century formations and recruiting regiments instead of single troops.