Unless you have Nords, that strategy would fail pretty hard against my army.
Swadian Knights are expensive for a reason. That reason is that they have a... substantial (to say the least) quantity of health, armor, and power. Get them on foot and Nords will kill almost a fourth as many knights as the number of casualties they take, but barring that, the knights will just crash into you and start hitting crap while my Khergits would poke you while strafing around your army.
There's a reason you don't encounter armies that draw substantial numbers of troops from multiple factions, I think. <_<;
I'm not sure I entirely understand your post.
But, it seems you are saying my strategy of bunching up against knights does not work against Swadian Knights? I disagree. The AI of charge cavalry fails against bunched troops. Your army may work great against the AI, but thats because the AI doesn't bunch up their soldiers against your charge. They counter charge.
Try my strategy, take a bunch of troops (preferably spear or pikemen, dismount them for best results), and have them stand ground and move close when against an enemy cavalry charge. The Cav will strike your line hard but since your troops are stationary they will have readied attacks. More often than not your readied foot troops will kill the horses of the charging cav before taking a hit. Sure, some of your men will die but I find the numbers to be minimal. But you then have the advantage of facing a completely stopped enemy cavalry force. Hitting your line of close together troops will
stop the charge. From there, your forces will easily pick off a majority of the cavalry within seconds while the cavalry attempts to maneuver. The trick is to
hold the line. Do not have your men chase the cav that manage to maneuver out and retreat.
And, you mentioned Khergits... I ignored that part, because as I pretty clearly admitted, my strategy fails against Khergits.