And Helmaroc acts, favoring his goblins for a time, telling their leader to build a great city and explaining to him the civil life. The goblin goes, his tribe following, to the mountains, to build the city great.
And Ortol moves, acting , creating a large spring of life near the tree. It forms beneath the tree as well, around it.
The Race:
Helmaroc's Champion reaches the tree and jumps to it's side, but soon after, his powerful legs puncture a wound in the tree, causing the sap to burn his leg. It is pained, but he moves on, slower though.
Faden's Abomination:The abomination reaches the bottom of the tree, however pauses in the water. It seems to move around his body, fixing and amending the mistakes. He becomes the vision of Faden, now no longer the abomination it was. It begins to speed across the tree, nearing the other.
State of Creatures
Goblins:Now eleven strong, the Goblins have followed Gr'ruth to the location of the mountain home. Snarecrevice, Gr'ruth called it, and here will be their home. Ga'ghan, or the Wise One, has begun the exploration of the nearby, gathering plants of any kind.
Shaluri-These beasts have grown fat with their slaughter, and have now taken residence of the southern mountains of the Venom Planet.
Giant Muskox-The Giant Muskox roam the Black Rock Planet ever still. They have created a small valley with their roaming and rampantness, and have killed a fair number of the deer.
Six-Legged Deer-These have breed even more, and with their numbers not checked, they will soon devour all of the grasses.
Faden-2 Act
Helmaroc-1 Act
Kaluri-1 Act
Ortol-2 Act
Fil-3 Act