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Author Topic: Third God Game  (Read 7969 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #105 on: February 16, 2010, 10:57:08 pm »

Ga'ghan swiftly proceeds to the Feather Tree and, at Otrol's command, drinks from the Fountain of Life. A healthy glow suffuses him and he returns to the healthy vigor of his youth. So long as he drunk from the Fountain once a year, he would never grow old or perish of disease.

Otrol grants his shaman the greatest gift of all: eternal life.

And then the time came for the next chapter of history, and Otrol awaited its coming with open branches.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2010, 10:35:03 am »

Faden begins to feel the first pangs of exhaustion, but she acts once more.
First, she braids together the branches of the Feather Tree, creating a nest. She lines the nest with the foliage of the Venom Planet, and lays three eggs.
One egg is silver, and cold to the touch. Another egg is the color of blood, with an inner warmth. The third egg is the deep black of night, with an oily texture.
One contains a helpful entity. Another contains a beast of burden. One of the eggs, however, contains an unspeakable evil, a vile blight upon the land.
Faden will hatch only one egg per AEON. Which egg is hatched will be decided by the other gods at the beginning of a new AEON.
Ready for a new AEON, Faden sleeps atop the eggs.

Faden lays three eggs in the Great Feather Tree. (Remember to vote for your favorite egg!)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2010, 08:03:49 pm »

waiting on fil and helmaroc...


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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #108 on: February 18, 2010, 06:56:41 pm »

Helmaroc hears Armok's call for rest and spends the last of his energy.

He considers granting the bag to his goblins and instead creates a new form. He creates a female for his champion spider, and tells them to move to the caves, to hide away in darkness and increase in number with meat from the supply.

Helmaroc creates a mate for his champion, letting them keep the bag of infinite meat, and tells them to live and increase in the caves of the Venom Planet.

Next he visits his goblins, gathering them all around. He proclaims himself their god, and brings forth the brightest of the tribe. He blesses this one and names him prophet, the messenger between the world and their god. He tells the tribe that above all, goblins must never turn against their fellow tribesmen, and the tribe must never divide.

Helmaroc names one goblin prophet and tells his people that they are to remain as one tribe through the ages, never dividing into separate groups.

Helmaroc creeps back into a slumber, prepared for the great passing of time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #109 on: February 19, 2010, 03:52:12 pm »

I'm just worried about people not keeping interest in this. it has been four days since the acts were given, which i am certain is the time from of which the paradox is based on, at this point.

I wonder who is going to be the replacement if Fil is a noshow.
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.


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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #110 on: February 19, 2010, 03:55:26 pm »

Yeah...Sorry Fil.
Fil succumbs to a paradox, and is destroyed as the others watch on. However, his creations live on.

And Armok awakes again, and drops one more droplet of his blood. It goes on, ready to form a new spirit...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #111 on: February 19, 2010, 04:26:15 pm »

Dundas is most often depicted as a tall, blond, bearded axeman. He is a deity associated with alcohol, axes, war and women.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #112 on: February 19, 2010, 04:29:19 pm »

You have one ACT


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #113 on: February 19, 2010, 04:54:11 pm »

Dundas stretched, cracked his knuckles and set to work. First, He took 14 of the soil golems and hardened them to rock. He then filled them with booze and a desire for battle and blood and more booze. He placed them 10 of them upon the Venom Planet and the other four on the Black Rock Planet.

Dundas turns fourteen of the Soil Golems into bloodthirsty, alcohol hungry Rock Golems and puts ten on Venom and four on Black Rock.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #114 on: February 19, 2010, 10:43:24 pm »

It may be a day or two. ACT+AEON PASSING=WORK


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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #115 on: February 21, 2010, 02:34:52 pm »

And Kaluri goes down to her work, the ferocious Shaluri. Kaluri speaks in their minds, of doors and floors, of stone and wood. The Old Ones begin their cave work, protecting their caves.

And Ortol commands the shaman, to drink from the spring. As he sips, a glow appears from him, and he seems to lose his old appearence. And now, so long as he drinks every year, he will never grow old or die of disease. The only way for him to leave this world, is to die by blade or bow. But, surely this is a healer, one not known for fighting Only time will tell...

And Faden creates a nest, and fills it with three eggs. One, silver, and yet has a frozen touch. Another, bloodied, and yet it feels like a burning fire. The third, dark, darer than all. When they hatch, only Faden and Armok know...

And Helmaroc acts, first creating a champion alike, this one a pair for the other. Then, he commands one things for them, to stay within the mountain's reach. They hurry off, to hold a role one day...

And he comes again, to the peoples of the craggy cliffs, the goblins green. He steps down to one, a young one at that. He has something in his eyes, and you sense something for his future. He is named prophet, and teaches them of who he is, and telling them to never stray apart.

And lastly, Dundas, the newly formed, awakens. He turns to the creatures of old, the golems of earth. Fourteen he searches for, yet six he finds, only on the Venom Planet. Where they have gone, even the gods cannot foretell. However, with those he finds, he instills with a bloodthirst. And he changes the soil, to a rocky skin. Lastly, he fills them for a yearning, for a liquid unmade, booze it is called. They thirst, and search, heading for the city of Snarecrevice.

Then they sleep, and as they sleep, they dream...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #116 on: February 28, 2010, 01:43:56 pm »



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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #117 on: February 28, 2010, 02:31:01 pm »

I am working on it.
It is just taking some time.
It is somewhat large.


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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #118 on: March 06, 2010, 09:11:28 pm »

And everyone sleeps, and Armok stnads forth, and sends a vision in

your dream...

And you see the Snarecrevice City, as it grows and grows. You see

Bloodhand die, and his line continue through his son. You see his

son die, and his three sons vie for power, only stopped by Ta'hath.

You see king after king after king, born, and die. You see libraries

built, observatories, all made and built as the goblins grow in

intellect. Great minds of goblins are made. You see new Goblin

cities appear, all growing near the mountain home. You see

Cavernhall, great city under the deep, glistening in the creations

of another god. Invasions and attacks, glimpses of wars you see: you

see a mountainous rock golem strike at the walls, you see a dragon-

like beast pack invade the Cavernhall, you see a wave of spiders,

riding forth, two huge beasts at their front. Most attacks are

beaten back, but some cities are lost forever. You see the Ta'hath,

Blessed One, who is now old. Older than many. He now leads the

Snarecrevice's religion: praying, sacrificing, and praising his god.

Only one goblin does not follow the religion, one older than all

other beings, other than the gods themselves...

And you see the Wise One. Old, he has searched the planet. Each

year, he returns to his god's springs. You see glimpses of his time:

from him sipping from the Healing Springs, to him beating back

spiders great, to him stealing an egg from the Shaluri beasts, to

him sneaking into the Snarecrevice city. Long, he has watched

others, and observed. His home, even though he wanders, resides in

the Feather Tree, high above the brances. There, he collects, and

has a collection of books and scrolls, of weapons and stones. And

you see a final glimpse, of him filling a vile, a green liquid

pouring in. You feel something becoming of this, but Armok turns

your attention elsewhere...

And you see the Shaluri, now with a cavern town of their own. Many

of their children inhabit the many caves and caverns, spanning

endless distances throughout the mountains. Some lead to the goblin

kingdom, some lead near the Great Tree. The Shaluri have smoothed

caverns, and traps and doors. They use iron weapons, and yet wear no

armor. A single city on the surface they dwell, a goblin city, taken

when it the greenskins came too close to the Shaluri caves. You

glimpse through their history in your slumber: you see three great

mountain beasts attack, killing many. Two are felled by trap and

rope, yet one gets away, creating a great toll of casualties; you

see the goblins, surprised as the beasts break the earth below them,

killing them quick. The Shaluri have no government, and their

religion is little more than ancestor worship.

And you see the Rock Golems, out for blood. They wander and rampage

and kill. You see a battle at a stone city, and dozens of arrows

bouncing from their skin. You see a golem destroying a group of

chalri, and a brif flash of a golem disapearing under the springs,

and not coming back... You see a net, flying and swooping, before

being crushed under a giant golem. The remaining five still wander

the Venom planet, killing and raging.

And you see the Chalri and Ganru, the cats and deer of the lands.

There is another Ganru species, who have fully developed horns,  a

defensive ability gained from them. Another, with shorter horns,

roam the land, but in fewer number. The Chalri have not changed, as

they are still the lead predators other than the Goblins and


And you see the Guardian Champion of the Rift. He is older then

most, and still guards the rift between the worlds. You see the land

around it, with plants snapping and biting. You see a wolfman pack,

leading to go through the rift. You see many skulls now, littering

the ground. And you see the Wise One, entering the rift unhindered.

And then you see the Blackfur tribe, and the Great Muskox. Long have

you seen them, and long have they come. Now, the wolfmen hunt no

more:they have captured all of the muskox, and now breed and

slaughter them. you see how they have forgotten the Hunt, with only

one remembering...You glimpse The Butcher, who kills the musk ox for

the tribe settlement. You see his past, as the seventh son of the

seventh son of the original Alpha, when the Hunt was remembered. He

now leads the Pack.

And then you glimpse something that you hadn't seen: a glimpse of

the future perhaps. You see the great city of Snarecrevice, dead and

littered with bodies unscathed in the open; you see wolfmen, hunting

and being hunted by Shaluri; you see the throne room of

Snarecrevice, a single, maniacle greenskinned figure, laughing as

you see the body of the king; you see the Feather Tree, oozing with

poison, sinking lower into the spring. Armok then awakens you, with

a warning of what is to come.

"Awaken now, my blood children. For a time of great reckoning is

upon you. These worlds are set soon upon a blaze which will destroy


You awake, and the first movement is the cracking of an egg.

Spoiler: Acts (click to show/hide)

Vote on the egg.

Sorry for taking such a long time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third God Game
« Reply #119 on: March 06, 2010, 10:10:35 pm »

Ach, Notepad messed up.
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