I'm going to be the conservative asshole here (even though I'm borderline anarcho-liberal) and say that society does enough for homeless people. There are shelters in all major and not so major cities. Theres soup kitchens, charity drives, churches, and even the generosity of local businesses. When I worked at pizza hut us drivers would let the managers know when we saw a homeless guy eating out of our dumpsters, and wed throw a pizza in the oven for em.
It's ingrained in us as a species to take care of our own. I dont think we need new programs. Certainly no new federal programs. The reason we have so many homeless is because we actually
dont let them starve. We dont give em caviar and fine wine, and we dont build them their own private mansions, but their basic short-term survival is as guaranteed as it can be. Its better than caveman times, or back in the jungle. They didnt have social security, disability, medicare and medicaid. There was no free food for hunters that couldnt catch anything, or free shelters for those who could not build or find one.
So while our present society may be totally corrupt and dysfunctional, it's still better than anything we've managed to come up with before. And at least in western society, the vast majority of homeless people got that way through their own actions. Its very rarely just random chance that takes a good, well-adjusted hard working person down that far. Its usually drugs, alcohol, and horrible life choices.
More should be done for the poor of other countries. American (and European and Japanese I presume) homeless are spoiled brats compared to hard working Burundi farmers, who aren't given free pizzas, shelters, and health clinics. If anything, we should be growing apples for
them, not the drunks and winos of the richest parts of the world.
Am I right?