1. No, harsh if you ask me, I'd say runic magic is just one form and while dwarves may or may not have a greater natural skill for it, while I'd agree it shouldn't be common as a dwarf's digging ability it should still exist even if its just 1 dwarf in an entire civ that has to go learn under a human mage or something.
2. Agree with you on questions of epic, would definetly be a way to turn away from mmorpg party meat shields and DPS classes =P, though implying magic trumps over the sword or bow is not what is wanted overall I think, though admittedly wizards having a loner nature should actually be considered a serious disadvantage to them.
3. I can agree there if there isn't a wizard of your race, whats the harm in having a wizard from a trading parthner (or firm ally for the sake of not ending up with a spy in the base making it easy pickings for an army to swoop in and wipe you out)
4. Eccentric style would be interesting, like the dungeon master, though considering others wouldn't bat an eye lid for it being out of place is a bit of a let down for now.
5. Agree, though promising to feed them and protect them from the harsh outside world ought to persuade more if you ask me, especially if they have a sense of honour and wish to keep agreements
6. Personally I like the idea of a master wizard and apprentices for training them up, but I more or less agree, question is when do they leave the fort if they were to be skilled enough to leave by the time they're 12 (unlikely, but for the sake of argument), would they leave or wait till considered a fully fledged adult.
7. Can agree on procedurally generated spells, though it'd be nice if they were born from a wizard's will to solve a problem before him (such as smooshing into the ground) rather than random inspiration (though thats good too)
8. Due you mean their personality? Sorry bit lost with that
9. Not so positive about this one while yeah possible, I'd almost be inclined to say it should only be born of very special circumstances though demons doing it and stuff sort of seems reasonable (as long as you can fight back with a sword and not be purely at the mercy of your fort's mage)
10. 10 skeletal GCS are oh so better than 9 ~, agree on the whats rune magic could do, though I'd say I vote for the 'no magic industry' thing, no artifact runes either because them runes being made by wizards on a 'whim' in a mood like state appeals more to me