I honestly don't think sex ed solves anything. We had it in sixth grade. When told that condoms were less effective at preventing HPV as they were at things like AIDS, one student simply resolved to wear more condoms.
That's the mentality they're dealing with here.
They did have a slideshow that probably put some people off sex forever.
It seems sex ed is more about telling kids to wear condoms these days, more than explaining the consequences of premarital and premature sex, as well as the moral reasons as to why one must wait at least until adulthood (Past 21 years of age, not 18) to try it out. Let's not forget the excluded science behind what goes on with the system (hormones and likewise), so that they understand what's going on, and how to resist urges (or turn them away from the urges initially).
Religious reasons are excluded from that statement, mind you. It seems responsibility is excluded in education of the topic these days. I mean, if they truly want to teach the sex ed they want kids to learn, then they should toss in economics classes, and all sorts of things, along with some hell training on maturity so they can raise an undernourished bastard child with ungodly limited funds and opportunities, and a crappy income, while under-qualified for properly funding careers, due to missed opportunities caused by early child raising.
Sex ed courses should have Reality Law education included in order to knock sense into kids why they must wait until FULL maturity before attempting sex, instead of reaching 18, or first relationship or drunken 1-nighter.