Log of 252.
12th Slate:A single migrant has journeyed to the fortress.
Moose Helmssensed.
She has been assigned to join the people on A1.
The current situation in all the Safes is as follows:
A1 shows no sign of social deterioration. However, none have been exactly happy of their situation, and are simply quite content.
B1 is currently in similar state, with Rubble having become a friend to both Shebi and Tannen, who have yet to spend that much time with each other.
B3 is without change as well. However, due to the strange fashion that cave spiders move about, it seems the subject has not had much contact with them at the moment. It might be a viable option to transport this experiment to a better location, should one be found.
The Homes have been given our recommendation to ease on the spread of rumors of the state of this place, to ensure we are able to build enough Safes to accommodate future subjects in a more timely fashion than with the first wave.
Construction for two Safes is going along well, one in fact already complete, but requiring winter-time to open, while the other simply needs the surrounding walls built up.
Afterwards, we will look for the magma resources that are located within the site in order to begin the planning and construction of the appropriate Safes.
By the end of the year we should have ample testing grounds to again give permission for the Homes to send new people our way.