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- 6 (12.2%)
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- 1 (2%)
------ Haiku, the encore -----
- 17 (34.7%)
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- 0 (0%)
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- 3 (6.1%)
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Author Topic: My problem with modern games.  (Read 121890 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #135 on: February 01, 2010, 05:15:36 pm »

I came around here just to check what was going on and I must say...
I'm a frickin cave man. I knew some of those problems existed, but I didn't think about them.
I'm a teenager therefore I have almost no money and I must say I can live without commercial games.
Diablo 3? SC 2? I'll never play them unless a miracle happens and I can afford a better computer.
Even the older games don't work quite as well on my computer. Of those "big hits" I only play heroes 5.
That's it. Nothing else. I don't have money to spend on games. And I don't approve piracy.
I play only freeware or really cheap games.
Why pay when there's a game I'll enjoy a lot more and it's free? Egoboo much?
I really like Geneforge series from spiderweb software. When was the last time I thought about my moral choices in a game? This game caught me off guard and made me find my morality. Sure I still have to cough up some cash, but at least it plays great. I play ADOM for a couple of years and I'm still not bored. Sure it's essentially a hack & slash, but if you go around killing stuff and not thinking you die real quick.

You people like thinking about your game? Games that use electricity aren't a good solution.
I play a lot of card games, and I start enjoying board games. They keep me entertained a lot longer and they have that competetive replayability.

I'm a cave man indeed. I don't play the new games and I don't experience those problems.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #136 on: February 01, 2010, 05:50:04 pm »

unless that board game uses electricity for online games   :D


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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #137 on: February 01, 2010, 06:01:39 pm »

The N64 games have always been my least favorite Zelda games.  I don't know why they're so popular.  Zelda games, to me, are supposed to be at least somewhat -dark-.  Look at Link to the Past, hell, look at Link's Awakening; those far predated OoT and they weren't happy shiny bouncy places with happy townsfolk everywhere.  And they didn't have Tingle.  And they didn't have the goddamn water temple.

OoT's gameplay annoyed me (the 3d seemed pretty imperfectly implemented), the plot annoyed me, and the setting drove me all the way up the wall and onto the ceiling.  To me, OoT and MM are still "the annoying modern games", and Twilight Princess is what OoT SHOULD have been.

But then, I grew up on the original Zelda.
Some things were made for one thing, for me / that one thing is the sea~
His servers are going to be powered by goat blood and moonlight.
Oh, a biomass/24 hour solar facility. How green!

The Architect

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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #138 on: February 01, 2010, 06:22:42 pm »

So did I, and reading reviews on all of those games will show that you are virtually alone in your opinion.

But you're still quite entitled to it. I didn't find Twilight Princess to be dark at all. In fact it is one of the least dark of the series, and celebrated for being so (which is why parents buy it for their little kids). I still enjoy going back to Ocarina of Time where enemies scare(d) the everliving **** out of me. Remember the undead that sucked the life out of you? Remember the bad guy that was pure evil, the one that finally gave us a face and a background for Ganon(dorf)? The evil murdering wizard! Turning from a kid into a full-grown badass was a huge perk, especially when you got the equipment to be a badass. Fighting gangs of witches, (re)killing the undead, complex puzzles never seen before or since in any Zelda game... what is there not to like?

I think, my friend, you simply harbored a resentment for the new-age, 3D Zelda and you didn't give it the proper attention. Or you're remembering badly. By the time the new ones came out, you'd reconciled enough to enjoy them. But then that's speculation. The point here is that "OoT" is universally considered one of the best, most complex and thrilling games ever invented. Whereas Twilight Princess is generally (judging from online reviews) considered a mediocre disappointment on par with the toon one.

Yes, not having the water temple is a bonus in any game. I didn't finish the game for years because I thought I was permanently stuck there, lol. Had to go find an online guide to get out.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
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Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #139 on: February 01, 2010, 06:43:11 pm »

You people like thinking about your game? Games that use electricity aren't a good solution.
I play a lot of card games, and I start enjoying board games. They keep me entertained a lot longer and they have that competetive replayability.

Sure they are great... if you actually have enough people to play it on a regular basis.

I'd basically kill to have some people around to play Thud.
Is there a more dwarfenly way to kill a troll, as by hurling your fellow dwarfs at them?
I think not.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 06:48:59 pm by Mindmaker »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #140 on: February 02, 2010, 11:01:28 am »

I really like Geneforge series from spiderweb software. When was the last time I thought about my moral choices in a game? This game caught me off guard and made me find my morality.

It's become a bit of an obsession with modern games to have a moral choice system be part of any game released. Unfortunatly it's very rarely a true moral choice. Most games you choose between doing the right thing, and getting rewarded, or doing the wrong thing and getting rewarded equally.

Not to mention most games nowadays only give you the choice between total psychotic sociopath evil, or complete paragon of virtue good, with no middle ground or shades of grey. :(


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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #141 on: February 02, 2010, 11:31:03 am »

I'd basically kill to have some people around to play Thud.
Is there a more dwarfenly way to kill a troll, as by hurling your fellow dwarfs at them?
I think not.

Thud!  Is awesome.  I beat my aunt my first game (she'd previously played against my sister and won, which really isn't much of an accomplishment as my sister invented a chess move called "the king's chariot" in which you put the knights in front of the king and queen, then move all four of them around as a giant king piece).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #142 on: February 02, 2010, 02:02:45 pm »

I really like Geneforge series from spiderweb software. When was the last time I thought about my moral choices in a game? This game caught me off guard and made me find my morality.

It's become a bit of an obsession with modern games to have a moral choice system be part of any game released. Unfortunatly it's very rarely a true moral choice. Most games you choose between doing the right thing, and getting rewarded, or doing the wrong thing and getting rewarded equally.

Not to mention most games nowadays only give you the choice between total psychotic sociopath evil, or complete paragon of virtue good, with no middle ground or shades of grey. :(

You should deffinitely see what geneforge can do to people. I know I was like the shapers. Wanting to control everything with strict laws, trying to protect people from hurting themselves. But shapers were cruel, and didn't allow freedom. Now I'm a neutral sympatising with the rebels that go "everyone should be allowed power, so kill 'em all the bad shapers" . Rebels do more harm to the world than the shapers, and are frequently doing mass genocide. But if all of this is done to ensure freedom, then I'd rather do that, than deny freedom. In geneforge there's no black or white. There's only grey. Maniac grey, idealistic grey, freedom grey, conservative grey and many more.
In geneforge 2 I was so lost. Nobody really stood out to me. Everyone was equally more or less bad. That's why I'm a neutral vigilante killing everyone that stands in my way. Both sinners and innocents. When was the last time a game made you care about what is right or wrong and not who gives the biggest reward?

Everyone please answer my three questions:
1) Serviles are a sentient race created by the shapers. They are humanoid, capable of thought and feelings. They can hate and love. They feel pain. Do you:
a) We created them, so we owe them. They shall be put to slave work for the good of mankind.
b) Serviles are equals with us in every way. They may have a mind of a child and a tendency for mental unstabilities, and even if that would mean that it's economically bad to do so, they should have an equal share on human resources, and should be cared for.

2)A rogue creature (One that isn't controlled by a shaper and has a free mind) is lying on the road, wounded, do you:
a) Kill it. Put it out of it's misery. All rogues deserve to die.
b) Leave, and do not interfere.

3)A powerfull device is created. It has the ability to give power to everyone without effort. What do you think is the best?:
a)Destroy it. Everyone needs to earn power, and needs humility to ensure that it's not put to bad use.
b)Give power to everyone. Power deserves to be shared.

See the problem with these questions? There are no good answers to them. Each answer is both good and bad. Power without control may seem like a fair idea, but it may only hurt the world when everyone has power. Shapers control every aspect of life and that's denying freedom, but at least it's safe. But you like to have freedom do you? Are other sentient beings to be considered lesser and used as slaves, or as equals? Many years into the future robots are supposedly going to reach such an amount of computing power that they will reach almost sentiency. But they aren't alive. They are just machines. Should they be put to use, or given freedom? This is a highly entertaining series of games, and I hope you try it out. The demos are free at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #143 on: February 02, 2010, 02:11:01 pm »

Many years into the future robots are supposedly going to reach such an amount of computing power that they will reach almost sentiency. But they aren't alive. They are just machines. Should they be put to use, or given freedom? This is a highly entertaining series of games, and I hope you try it out. The demos are free at least.

That will occur in our life times (depending on your age, it will definitely occur in mine), but it won't be our choice as to how it plays out: the computers will take over in every task in which they are capable (and humans will only have better dexterity in some applications for only so long).

We already made the choice on how that will play out in the end.

And we did it willingly.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #144 on: February 02, 2010, 03:30:13 pm »

If I'm strictly limited to one of the two options per question (by the game, for example, as part of character generation process), I'd choose "b", "b" for a different reason, and "a" for a different reason. If I'm not, there's always the third option.
Serviles need not be slaves, but what needs to be done with them depends on their abilities. If they are capable of working of their own will, they can cared for while ensuring minimal economic loss on the humanity's part. If they're machines that are more resilient than humans, they can be put to work in environments and situations dangerous for us, under normal conditions and without slavery.
A rogue creature that is wounded can be healed so that it may keep living, or maybe return you the favor and help you.
The powerful device is a do-or-do-not case, so destroying it is more likely to bring more good to humanity. As long as the device exists, it can be used for personal gain, and there will always be people that don't like being equal with others.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #145 on: February 19, 2010, 12:08:23 pm »



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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #146 on: February 19, 2010, 12:18:43 pm »

That DRM thing is a joke, PC gamer has an interview up with them about it where ubisoft shows that they have completely misread their entire customer base

Some highlights include: They're proud you can now install your game as many times as you like, and on as many computers as you like (y'know, like back before they started screwing you with DRM); they know their DRM will be hacked, but they think it'll last long enough to be profitable (It'll be hacked inside of a day, easy) they also think that steam games are cracked too fast

They also dodge the question of "what happens when the servers get shut down?" and basically come off like assholes who use "we love pc gaming!!!111one!" as a cover for "we're fucking our customers, deal with it."



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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #147 on: February 19, 2010, 12:37:42 pm »

Yeah, that's very retarded.
"The real idea is that if you offer a game that is better when you buy it, then people will actually buy it. We wouldn't have built it if we thought that it was really going to piss off our customers."
How forcing people to be online and installing drm-virus in your computer is better? If I ever buy any of their games again, they will be cracked before anything else.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #148 on: February 19, 2010, 12:46:29 pm »

I just dont understand how a company can so completely mis-read its customers. I can only assume that they're just trying to see what they can get away with, gradually weening everyone onto DRM piece by piece untill eventually you'll pay 40 quid for a game, itll work on one machine, for one hour, and all you get is the tutorial level (the rest of the game comes as DLC). You'll have to install 10+ different programs to monitor your computer, make sure you're not running and video capture software (those images are owned by ubisoft/ea/etc) or talking about the game in a negative manner with friends. You'll probobly have to buy some sort of USB dongle too, which will enable you to access the ubisoft network, otherwise you cant save your games.

Meanwhile the pirated version will be cracked on release day, feature complete, with all the levels intact and available, and doesn't require anything aside from the system requirements to run.

They're intentionally crippling their products, blaming it on the pirates, then crippling it more because noone bought the last DRM-ridden piece of crap, blaming it on pirates again.

Dr. Johbson

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Re: My problem with modern games.
« Reply #149 on: February 19, 2010, 12:55:41 pm »

I just dont understand how a company can so completely mis-read its customers. I can only assume that they're just trying to see what they can get away with, gradually weening everyone onto DRM piece by piece untill eventually you'll pay 40 quid for a game, itll work on one machine, for one hour, and all you get is the tutorial level (the rest of the game comes as DLC). You'll have to install 10+ different programs to monitor your computer, make sure you're not running and video capture software (those images are owned by ubisoft/ea/etc) or talking about the game in a negative manner with friends. You'll probobly have to buy some sort of USB dongle too, which will enable you to access the ubisoft network, otherwise you cant save your games.

Meanwhile the pirated version will be cracked on release day, feature complete, with all the levels intact and available, and doesn't require anything aside from the system requirements to run.

They're intentionally crippling their products, blaming it on the pirates, then crippling it more because noone bought the last DRM-ridden piece of crap, blaming it on pirates again.

We live in a fun world.
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