Thats a desing pretty similar to the one I usualy go with for smaller amouths of power required, though mine is slightly smaller. Like this:
1st 2nd
#### ####
#77# # w#
##7# #PW#
#7## +pw+
#R## +h++
#### ++++
Where # are walls, + is floors, R is water covered ramp, 7 is 7/7water, H is a floor hatch, P is a pump, W is waterwheel and where the capital letters indicate an impassable building tile. The pump pumps to the north.
It lags minimally, can have another waterwheel without losing power or stability, and is easy to set up and connect to power.
Great - this is the kind of thing I was hoping for when I requested "clever perpetual motion designs!"
It looks like your generator and mine work pretty much the same way, though I had never really considered using the impassable square of the waterwheel as part of the containment for the pump's output.
Have you checked frame-by-frame to see if the power output is consistent? I would be a little surprised if it was, since this similar design I tested loses power for about one tick in 20:
(pumps from north to south)
Losing power occasionally isn't much of a problem for running pumps, but for millstones, losing power for even 1 tick will cancel all the jobs.
Late reply time!
The desing you put there might falter because of the diagonal pass before the waterwheel, and because the waterwheel only has 1 tile of flowing water beneath it. I havnt tested mine for consistenty, but I dont realy use millstones anyway, I just use those to presurise early magma and water cisterns.
Also, the ramp I put there to easily get rid of stone, and left it there because I didnt have a reason to remove it. The hatch is for an emergency brake. I like my emergency brakes.
The desing mentioned above is pretty much the same, safe for one tile that doesnt matter so much. The waterwheel seems to draw enough power from just 2 tiles of water below, I left mine at 2 to need less water when I duplicate the desing (like the 2nd desing quoted by epdtry 2 posts above).
Also interesting to mention is the possibilty to have the generators transfer power below them by placing a pump at the water level. As such:
1st 2nd
#### ####
#77# # w#
#P7# #PW#
#p## +pw+
#R## +h++
#### ++++Where # are walls, + is floors, R is water covered ramp, 7 is 7/7water, H is a floor hatch, P is a pump, W is waterwheel and where the capital letters indicate an impassable building tile. The pump pumps to the north.