Opening it up with an adventure mode OOC prologue, just to see the situation. I jumbled together some of my own mods I had lying around and plenty of duplicates. I'll get to starting a fort within the post. Hopefully.
I started off trying to play as a goblin (the options were goblins, kobolds, and frogmen). Miner was available as a skill, but I couldn't put any skill points in- apparently the binding for that has changed to "82Shift+UpShift+-Alt+Down". What the hell is UpShift? Whatever. Unfortunately forgoing skills I find that my name is to Muthkat Doormuscle. Whatever. I enter and am greeted by this:
Not... totally sure what happened. Looks like someone was wearing the fabled boiling leather. Perhaps I'll pick over their melted corpse once it cools off. Moments later, they've frozen to death. Well, I guess I won't have to worry about them cooling off. meet another goblin who says absolutely nothing of interest, except that the town is called Whipcrowns (making it, I think, probably built by goblins) and that somebody killed a tentacle demon. Which means there are tentacle demons on the loose. An Axeman (goblin) praises minerals, which is probably also noteworthy.
Sweet looooooot! I decide not to take the fireman silk robe. Things made of materials that should never exist scare me. I also find a camel leather cap.
Well, looks like my earlier assumption was wrong- it's a dwarven fortress. Everything points to the goblins using a dwarf civ file. Well, except that they're called
<profession>men. Which might mean that they're human-civved goblins who conquered a dwarven fort? I head in search of the monarch, or whatever.
I see they have some highly skilled staff.
Tentacle demon worshippers. Their rites must be... interesting. Someone also kills a hoary marmot while I'm down there. I quickly grow bored and head for a shop to cash in my ill-gotten two-humped camel leather goods for a weapon. ...then I remember that dwarven fortresses have no shops. Moving on!
The game crashes when I try to go into a town, unfortunately.
Right now it crashes on embark, so I think I'll have to tone down to dupage. More on this later.