In the beggining, there was only one, floating in the endless void, lets call him Bob.
Bob was all-powerful, able to create things out the nothingness that surrounded him.
Bob felt lonely in the endless dark void, and for the first time, used his powers to create things.
Bob was afraid of the dark, so he created stars.
Bob created a few proto-worlds, with creatures he designed himself.
Some died in a few seconds, some were strong enough to walk on the surface of a star.
But they were not like Bob.
And so Bob still felt lonely.
Eventualy, by watching his creations, Bob started having ideas, many ideas.
Some of these ideas conflicted with eachother.
Over time, these ideas, fueled by Bob's lonelyness, became personalities.
These personalities would grow more complex as Bob developed them, intentionaly, and eventualy, unintentionaly.
They multiplied, and grew.
Eventualy, Bob was not Bob anymore.
Bob was not insane, but he was not the same.
Bob was not only one now.
Bob was many.
This legion of beings slowly grew weary of eachother, sharing a single, if all-powerful, existence.
Their hunger for independence affected Bob's powers.
Thus they finaly hadt he power to do what they wished for.
And then, Bob was no more.
Bob split apart into many, many beings, each holding part of Bob's power.
But they were not like Bob, they were different, from Bob and eachother.
Like Bob, they could create things.
And so they set off to create their own worlds, their own homes, their own creatures.
But eventualy they found out that, unlike Bob's, their powers had a limit.
They hungered for more power.
Eventualy they found out that they could get more of Bob's powers from their brothers and sisters.
And from Bob's ancient creations.
Some started researching them.
Some turned against eachother.
Some allied themselves with a few others.
A war had begun.
And through this war, a universe would be born.
This is the story
of the Firmament Wars.
Yes, I was that bored.