It's weird how a thread on [^the topic^] has turned what into. I thought about suggesting it when I had only started with my comic proposals... Now I'm certain your art deserves its own thread here. Especially if you're going to keep up your output. And also because someone has said that they are going to watch this thread closely, because of [^the topic^].
Now, about motivation. Today I proposed and established a law for myself: Learning a skill requires no less than one lesson a week, be it school, university, or one's own endeavour. Also, the lesson should be no less than 45 minutes. And it should consist of exercises, not some idle chat on the topic (as they like to go about English here in Russia).
The inspirations for this law were my own experience of learning to play guitar and my experience of studying in school and in university.
Also, the law says that it's important to stay on each new level until you are able to do the exercises of this level perfectly.
The problem here is that a student need to have the exercises, and sometimes it's hard to find enough of them. So it happened with my speed reading, and 3d modelling... Ah...
What do you think of my law, and if it's a good motivation when you know that you're going to make it just by setting aside 1-2 hours a week for your studies?
For me personally it used to be a big downer (and demotivator) when the tutorial, textbook or instructor said that you should spend no less than several hours a day training. Screw them.