Tired of the game being a little too easy? Know all the tricks? run out of megaprojects?... Then how about some creative and unkillable nobels giving you outragous demands?
In this game there will be continuous rounds in which the participants will have to fulfill the outrageous demands made by whoever feels like giving them a demand. Each round the participants will be able to choose the difficulty (1-10, 10 being the hardest) of the demands they receive and then add that to their score. The rounds will last 1 week. Please note that choosing 10 right off the bat will land you with some impossible task like make a magma waterfall in your dining room. and you will fail and subtract those points from your score. The winner is the first to reach 100 points.
(the difficulty of the task is based on whoever gives it, if they think capturing a wild animal in a cage is a difficulty of 2 or 8, then it's that number)(you cannot make demands of things they dont have, like aquiducts, or adamentine)
So, first things first, who will be participating?
Participant #1: Salabasama (Score=0)
Participant #2: Ze Spy (Score=0)
Participant #3: Jfs (Score=0)
Participant #4: Unknown (Score=0)
Participant #5: Unknown (Score=0)
(more participants to be added as needed)
Requirments to participate: A new fortress, magma preferably in pipe form, a report on the materials/creatures you have on the map and and new developments, WEEKLY REPORTING if you miss 2 weeks you will be kicked from the list.