After all, carrying a gun increases your chance of getting shot yourself. Because guns are... well, just not defensive weapons. Getting one out against an armed criminal virtually guarentees a shootout.
Nope. Giant misconceptions.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Fall 1995. Citizens of the USA use legal guns to defend themselves, successfully, approximately 2,500,000 times per year. 15.6% of those people say they "almost certainly" saved their life in doing so.
In 83.5% of those defenses, the attacker made the first move, meaning the non-criminal acted purely defensively.
Critical Incidents in Policing, published by the FBI, 1991. 92% of civilian self defense incidents in the USA involve no shots fired at the criminal. Less than 0.1% of civilian defensive uses of firearms involve actually killing the attacker.
The National Crime Victimization Survey from 2000 indicates that these numbers are correct, and the number of "warning shots" fired is very low. According to that survey, 91.1% of defensive firearm usage involved no shots fired whatsoever.
This one's a secondary cite from the British Home office, can't find the exact thing on their website, but it's probably somewhere. Robbery victims in England, % who were injured by the robber:
Victim resisted with a gun - 6% injured
Did nothing at all or complied - 25% injured
Resisted with a knife - 40% injured
Non-violent resistance - 45% injured
This seems to indicate that a gun is, in fact, a superior defensive weapon than hand-to-hand, at least in England.
Here's one that shows the cultural differences. Richard Lumb, Paul Friday, City of Charlotte Gunshot Study, Department of Criminal Justice, 1994
71% of gunshot victims (in Charlotte, NC) have previous arrest records.
64% are convicts
The average number of prior arrests for that 64% is 11 arrests.
Firearm-related Injury Incidents in 1999 – Annual Report, San Francisco Department of Public Health and San Francisco Injury Center, February 2002 - backs up the above. Their findings were that 63% of gunshot victims had criminal histories, and they knew their attacker 73% of the time. The gunshot victims without criminal histories knew their attacker about half as often.
A little outdated, but, Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms, James Wright and Peter Rossi, Aldine, 1986. 60% of convicted felons in jail said that they would not commit a crime against a private citizen whom they knew to be armed with a gun. 40% said they would not commit a crime against a citizen who they
suspected had a gun.