If you add Cargo Handlng units to a ship you can shorten the time it takes to load.
I'm essentially using the freighter from the tutorial, which has two cargo handlers. I kinda ssume when it said "1:01:00" it meant, 'one day and one minute to fully load'
Have you actually produced infrastructure?
The economy screen shows you there is Infrastructure produced in surplus every year, but this is civilian owned. Maybe you can buy it, like you can civ owned minerals, but I'm not sure.
I've created 1000 infrastructure which I assume is just sitting on Earth somewhere. It shows 1000 infrastructure in the summary tab.
Check the events window, might say something there if there is a problem. Without cargo handling units it takes something like 10 days to load a ship.
I think I found the problem? The event window says "Freighter cannot load movement orders as there are shipyard tasks associated with the fleet." The three freighters are in their own task force/fleet named "Freighters"
I have two commercial shipyards and 4 naval shipyards. One naval shipyard is producing the cruiser I mentioned, and one commercial shipyard is making colony ships. No shipyards have any tasks such as making more slipways or anything like that. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Also, if the creator of the game is looking here, I suggest he starts using png's and stuff for the flags, racial pictures, etc. The jpegs are quite ugly and the bitmaps are... well... bitmaps =P though I imagine that's not a very high priority