For me it's... sorta the opposite? Not entirely though. I don't necessarily want more drawn-out complexity for ground force design. Rather, I want more control over the command structure and whatnot. Aurora's command structure is incredibly rigid, and there's very little representation beyond direct control roles.
As for ships, components, and ground forces, I like the detail but do agree that having some amount of automation to make it easier to just... have the detail already provided would be nice. Still get the interesting quirks and nuance, but without having to draw it all up yourself. Especially when the systems require so many critical subsystems, and that forgetting one leaves you with something outright useless. Just, like, let me rely on industry to provide components and then it's just plug-and-play with whatever they provided. Maybe with some degree of requesting specific improvements that they can work on. That way instead of designing turrets at the cutting edge of technology, I have to wait for industry leaders (perhaps with some funding incentive options?) to improve their designs. While I no longer necessarily have a direct thumb on the output of research, it'll at least take a good deal of the calculating out of my hands.
Lemme control the big picture. I'm fine with details in the little picture, but let the game fill those in with nuanced reasoning. Sorta like ship control. I don't want to be having to dictate the movements of every single ship in every single fleet at any given moment (especially during combat); let my captains actually captain. I want them to make decisions too, not just be modifier bonuses with a name.