Decided a different start of a game. Playing humans, but they've evolved to breathe methane from many years of toxic air. On top of that, its a colony (I started with 30 million people) that got lost from exploration some 10s of thousands of years ago and they got stuck in a nebula. Is that scientific? Dunno but thats the RP I'm going with
So I actually started inside a nebula, and made sure my 3 outside connections were nebulas too so I'm starting in middle of a massive nebula.
As for the low amount of starting people. Its because humans like to go to war a lot
I know not creative lol. I was thinking also I could have had it a cloud of oxygen entered the planet from the nebula, and it killed a bunch of people which is what I was actually gonna go with. Dropping the population to a few hundred thousand, but then has been recovering. But no idea how realistic that would actually be. Would there be "floating" clouds of oxygen in a nebula?
Its actually a hard start, 30 million people isn't much. Plus only started with 1 shipyard+5 research labs and I don't have much in the way of mining goes or construction facilities (only 60 constructors). But I like it so far, its a different start than the norm I've done. Though super slow start.
It's fine to be in a nebula, but there's no chance, so far as I'm aware, that a high enough concentration of oxygen could actually reach the planet's surface to kill people. It's also, strictly speaking, a little unlikely that you'd manage to evolve to breathing methane but be poisoned by oxygen because surely there must still be oxygen on the planet for chemical reactions essential to humans to take place?
Yeah, it didn't seem very realistic. So I scrapped it earlier today, cause after sleeping on it the RP/story kinda sucked.
next time I do a nebula game, I think this is far better. So kinda same base story as last time. Except a colonization vessel drifted in space for unknown amount of years (so actually will be vastly higher start than 2100, maybe just cause there has to be a number I'll settle on 5000 plus easier to keep track of how long its been. Ship had enough fuel to go pretty far and "autopiloted" throughout known systems, but eventually lost fuel and drifted through space, eventually hitting a nebula. Well sometime between then and there, the ship ended up in a nebula. When colonists awoke they found they were stuck in orbit of an (oxygen) world and settled there. What luck to have got stuck in orbit of a livable planet, though it still posed a ton of issues but at least they could breathe on it. What started off as 100k colonists, eventually grew to roughly 1 million colonists (many died from disease, supply/food issues early on, parasites and all kinds of things as they settled the planet. But there is now one massive city on the planet and a few settlements and that is where the game takes place.
May need some tweaking, but I dunno if I'm gonna do a nebula game again so soon. Got a weird bug where all my ships show as 0km in a nebula, but they were still moving really fast. Maybe it was just that game, but was a bit weird. I know nebulas slow down ships, but mine were definitely going faster than 0km. So I think the nebula itself was messing with the speed display, if that particular game wasn't just bugged. If so, I wouldn't be able to play a nebula game cause of that if it kept showing the wrong speed. That would bother me too much. It was like 637km per armor level, and so no matter armor level or how fast my ship was bugged to only show 0km. Even though they could catch fast comets and travel far in a short time period, it was stuck at 0km in its display.
Unless I was supposed to just do math and figure it out on my own. Cause the nebula does show the max speed per armor level. So maybe nebula's by default show 0km and you gotta figure out the real speed...that would still bother me too much though