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Author Topic: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games  (Read 2937600 times)

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19305 on: February 11, 2019, 05:36:46 am »

I do remember the precursor ship I captured before had two single width holes in the armour that couldn't have been from the ASMs that disabled the ship. In fact it seemed to have repaired its own armour on the fly which player ships cannot do. Knocking out the enemy fire controls and sensors does stop an intact ship from shooting back, and the bruiser is meant for capturing intact foes during battle as opposed to crippled ships after the battle.

The laser would be useless against PDCs though and 5 bruisers can drop an entire division of Heavy Assault troops plus replacement battalions as part of a major offensive.
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19306 on: February 11, 2019, 03:24:49 pm »

It's an interesting ship, albeit maybe a bit overkill.  I see it carries 5 battalions.  Marines are available at the Company size.
Your ship is what the Space Marine chapters would use to ram their entire Chapter into the Heretic flagship.
...Quite interesting.  8)


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19307 on: February 11, 2019, 06:14:08 pm »

5 battalions is ~4000 soldiers. This would be ramming four entire chapters of space marines down someone's throat.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19308 on: February 11, 2019, 06:55:43 pm »

So more of a Horus Heresy-era ship?
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19309 on: February 11, 2019, 07:08:24 pm »

So more of a Horus Heresy-era ship?
"Sire, the Ordo Hereticus has arrived."

"Oh? Yes, see the inquisistor in."

"No... no sire.. the entire ordo has arrived."



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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19310 on: March 08, 2019, 04:47:03 pm »

Much to my surprise I checked the board and saw that the Dev has started a new fiction while playing his new version over the last month. He just stopped the fiction last week to switch to working on the combat A.I. before continuing. So...


Like, maybe this year?


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19311 on: March 08, 2019, 06:08:31 pm »

End of the year isn't a bad estimate, but it really depends on how much work Steve puts in.
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19312 on: October 21, 2019, 02:59:14 am »


Lord Shonus

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19313 on: October 21, 2019, 02:20:30 pm »

March 2020 or sooner. Steve bought a RV, March is the start of RV season, so he's promising that he'll get a release out before he goes gallivanting around in his new toy.
On Giant In the Playground and Something Awful I am Gnoman.
Man, ninja'd by a potentially inebriated Lord Shonus. I was gonna say to burn it.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19314 on: October 21, 2019, 04:40:03 pm »

Most hyped game (for me) 2020.

I started late in Aurora 4x, but it is still by far my favorite 4x game to date. In the time I played. I probably racked up 300+ hours. Which is a lot for me, especially a game I only played for like 2-3 months. I mostly stopped just cause I wanted to wait for the new version.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19315 on: October 22, 2019, 12:53:59 am »

I unabashedly check for new posts from Steve daily. He does excellent campaign write-ups, and it can also be fun to read his development notes - like in the most recent campaign, he'd expected to run into new spoilers, and couldn't figure out why he hadn't run into any after opening up over a dozen systems.

Turns out, the game wasn't spawning them because they need a non-toxic atmosphere... and the game was counting oxygen as a toxic substance - whoops.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19316 on: November 04, 2019, 06:10:50 pm »

For some reason, I decided to try to figure out how to play this game. I dunno what prompted it, though, but I've played about 4 hours total today.

I'm about 4-5 years into my second attempt. Abandoned first after about 8 years due to realizing that I screwed up, and later realizing that I screwed up even worse than I first thought. This includes: not designing engines, not knowing HOW to design engines or that there's an entire screen specifically dedicated to designing ship parts, not properly assigning task groups, trying to survey planets with a ship with no engines and still assigned to the shipyard task group, etc.

Second attempt at 4-5 years in, I've got one ship automatically flying around surveying asteroids(all planets and moons already surveyed), another checking jump points(found one, no way to traverse it yet). I'm waiting on research to design a tiny shuttle for team deployment(not sure that's a good idea), and I'm stuck trying to figure out what I should with asteroid mining components, or if I should use them.

Earth has already run out of galicite, but I've got about 17k in stock and the sole engine I built uses 12 per engine. I've already surveyed other bodies with significant reserves of galicite; Charon in particular has 236,449 with 0.9 accessibility. Mars is lit with over a million each of sorium and uridium, but at 0.1 acc, and over 9 million corbomite at 0.2 acc.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
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Flying Dice

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19317 on: November 04, 2019, 06:24:30 pm »

Dedicated asteroid mining ships aren't really necessary in Sol or nearby systems. Use freighters to drop a mass driver and some automines on whatever you want mined out, come back and relocate them once the deposits run dry.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19318 on: November 04, 2019, 06:38:36 pm »

If Mars has any resources at all, that's great, because you can terraform it.
For mining asteroids, I usually prefer using the automated mining facilities. Mostly because I find it more annoying to manage a large mining fleet.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19319 on: November 04, 2019, 06:46:42 pm »

Ordinarily I would suggest you look up tutorials on Youtube. The reason I can't honestly suggest this is that the youtube tutorials I've seen are largely unedited playthroughs where it can take several hours for the player to get around to actually explaining much of anything. You could probably get an idea of where to start from them but if you want anything to do with ship design you might be watching for a while. (Perhaps try watching at 1.5 or 2x speed?)

It's been ages since I've played, but I don't think you need to design transport ships for your survey teams unless you want to 'roleplay' a bit. You can simply create a colony where you want to survey, do the survey, and then recall them and disband the colony if you don't want it. Also, I seem to remember there being an optimal time to do those surveys, but I can't remember what it is unfortunately.

In terms of Aurora news, I just found out that the dev has a sort of release window for C# at long last. We can expect a public release sometime before March 2020.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 06:52:41 pm by Ozyton »
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