Ah ok, I couldn't find any other sort of controls as far as offering surrender terms, but I could have sworn once upon a time I read something about various surrender options. Probably just an idea being floated around, or just something my imagination made up...
So my wealth situation is in hand now, I had been colonizing from early on, and have a fleet of terraformers (0.5 atm a year at the moment). I also have about 15 terraforming installations, although I'm quickly seeing your point about them being too much bulk to be worth shipping around. I have earth, luna, mars, alpha centuri a1, and some wolf planet terraformed and well colonized, and one other just about to finish terraforming.
I'm not sure how many research facilities I have, but I don't have enough workers on earth for them, even after shipping my refineries, mines, fighter production, and shipyards all to luna. I do have a number of financial districts on earth, which do use a lot of workers. I needed them for a while, shut them off when my wealth recovered, then eventually needed to turn them back on. I may be on stable enough footing to turn them back off, although it's a shame they're a waste now. I have been building some financial districts on my more developed colonies, especially the ones with nothing to mine.
I haven't researched anything to do with troops except the brigade transport module, and engineering brigade (I found some ruins). However I started with my RP pre-allocated, so the computer may have researched some beginning troop strength techs for me. Are those retroactive, or only for newly trained units?
At the moment I've got altogether 150 defensive strength worth of troops, at 12 defense each. 6 mobile infantry, the rest garrisons. I took out the defending troops via bombing, I figured I'd just get the planet once I eliminated all resistance. Stupid alien civilians, why can't I order my troops to shoot them until they are less than 150 strength!?! I do expect that planet to be a large boon for me, and that same alien civ has at least one more planet, with similar defense values. I think I may have found my starting NPR, although since I have NPRs unable to activate other NPRs, that doesn't explain the other aliens that they were fighting... And I established communication with both races, so they're not any kind of spoilers. Although one did hate me right away, and the other hated me as soon as I started blowing up his ships. He started it by causing an hour of 5 second turns

The worker shortage on earth is bad enough that I set it to stable population instead of feeding other colonies. I'm trying to shift more stuff off earth, to allow it to just be the research planet, but there's an awful lot of industry there...
Luna is at capacity, or even a little over, so I can't send my construction there.
Also, is there anything special about troops, for example, each troop brigade has an associated personnel, but is there a way to set up another position over the individual brigades that would add another bonus? Sort of like planet govs and sector govs?