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Author Topic: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games  (Read 2928800 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18465 on: March 14, 2017, 12:18:17 am »

I'm not using the portable launcher. I'm using the full install launcher.
Power/metagaming RL since Birth/Born to do it.
Quote from: Second Amendment
A militia cannot function properly without arms, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The military cannot function without tanks and warplanes, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear tanks and warplanes, shall not be infringed.
The military cannot function without ICBMs, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear ICBMs, shall not be infringed.

snow dwarf

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18466 on: March 14, 2017, 06:55:05 am »

Damn, trying to get into the game and I find it a shit tone more confusing than DF. Though I find almost any game other than DF confusing.
Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18467 on: March 14, 2017, 08:56:01 am »

Damn, trying to get into the game and I find it a shit tone more confusing than DF. Though I find almost any game other than DF confusing.

If you can make sense of DF, you can make sense of anything.

By the way, I've been dabbling in Command: Modern Air Naval Operations and it sort of looks like how Aurora 2 should be: continuous in various "pulse" settings (1 second, 5 seconds, 15 seconds, etc.). Some chunks of the Windows-like UI reminded me of it, though in several instances better accomplished. And I'm guessing CMANO is far more performant compared to the first Aurora's (rather improvised) engine, if it's able to process thousands of units in anywhere near an acceptable speed and even beyond 1x time compression.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18468 on: March 14, 2017, 12:40:44 pm »

I'm not using the portable launcher. I'm using the full install launcher.
Oh, that's interesting.  I'm sorry, then but I'm afraid I don't know anything further.  I never found a full-screen background with anything other than the portable launcher's custom wrapper.  Steve's full installer only pops up with the Select Game, then to the little title bar across without any big background or other frills.  Sorry about that.

snow dwarf

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18469 on: June 08, 2017, 02:07:19 am »

A necro, but I'm back in the game anr it's really confusing (again). Any tips? Also, are Aurora successions possible?
Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.

Rince Wind

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18470 on: June 08, 2017, 02:34:16 am »

Could you be a bit more specific?

For successions you would need to send the database file. It is pretty big, but it should be possible using Dropbox or something similar.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18471 on: June 08, 2017, 05:10:21 am »

By the way, I've been dabbling in Command: Modern Air Naval Operations and it sort of looks like how Aurora 2 should be

I might have to have a look at this, a quick look at some youtube clips does look quite similar.
pulsar is going through a bit of an architectural upheaval at the moment, it'd gotten to the stage where ships could be ordered around and moved, but it was a bit brittle, and the communication between the ui and the core engine is/was problematic. progress is/has been slow since I've been pretty busy at work over the past year, and struggling with the ui/engine communications was slowing me down too.
Round in circles it seems. this is what happens when you try to develop a game without a lot of previous experience in the type of game you're trying to build.

snow dwarf

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18472 on: June 08, 2017, 07:26:00 am »

Could you be a bit more specific?
Any general beginner tips?
Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.

Rince Wind

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18473 on: June 08, 2017, 08:35:51 am »

I like to start with the ressources of Sol revealed, but if you do not, build a geosurvey ship first. It doesn't have to be fancy, it is only for Sol.
For that you need an engine, hopefully you have at least the first engines, better yet if you already have ion engines. Use a civilian one here (size 25 and up, 50% Power or less, iirc), they use less fuel and civilian designs don't need regular maintenance. I prefer to build civ engines as large as possible, size 50.
You can build the ship(s) with the ressource points you had at the beginning, no need to tool a shipyard for that yet.
Explore Luna, Mars, and then autoexplore (special orders tab, default orders: survey next 5 system bodies. Set conditional orders to refuel at 20%. When you leave Sol later set that higher (depending on you tanks, of course) so your ships don't run out of fuel on the way back.)
Then you should decide where to put your first colony, Mars or Luna. Use the one with better ressources, if any are to be had, if not use Mars, it is easier to terraform.

Build some infrastructure on earth, about 1000 should be enough, and a freighter and a colony ship. Use the same engines you already have if you built the geosurvey ship. Use the points you have left for those, these ships will be obsolete fairly soon anyway.
Ferry the infrastructure to the desired location (you can tick the repeat orders box, so it will do so until there is nothing left on earth), then ferry some colonists. Fairly soon the civvie shipping line should build a ship. Hopefully it is a freighter, so they will bring more infractructure to your colony, and you don't even have to produce it yourself.

In the meantime, research whatever you like, though better engines are the most important thing right now. If you don't have a specialized researcher use the one with the biggest bonus. Better engine/reactor tech and less fuel consumption are the main targets.

I generally set 15% of my production capacity to produce mines, another 15% to produce more factories. The remaining 70% is used for what I need. That is mainly more labs, maybe added factories to kickstart production, a shipyard or three, depending on what you started with, more academies to get that engine specialist, a sector command once you have improved command and control researched (logistics/ground combat). Later automines are important, but you can ship those that are already on earth somewhere else first.

Assign your highest officer to fleet command, tick the automated assignements box. You can still put people on posts manually, but it takes care of all the ships and ground units you don't want to manually assign officers to.
It only works for the military and your civilan shipping, so you need to assign admins to your colonies yourself.

Then build a grav survey, explore the survey points (can be automated as well) and leave Sol for the rest of the universe.

All this only works if you already start with trans-newtonian tech, otherwise you'll be on earth for a long time researching the necessary stuff. I would not recommend that for beginners.

If you just want to learn the ropes you can disable NPRs and AI opponents, but I would leave the precursors in, because they can teach you combat, but they won't come after you and attack earth.

Something I like to do as well is increase the tolerance for humans, so they can settle more planets, because I want an empire, not 3 barely habitable planets between 10 sectors.

I haven't played in a while, so I probably forgot something. :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18474 on: June 08, 2017, 04:40:05 pm »

No, it seems pretty good for few first hours.

On the other hand, if you like to explore yourself, I would advice for non-transneptunian start. Game gets slow, options are limited for first few years ... that means it is easier to find your way through various screens. At least for me it worked.

Other question is Rince Wind list of starting ideas at the level you wanted, snow dwarf, or are you yet at Game Creation Screen or even figuring the downloading?
Beside other things, bay12forums is also the leader website in calculations of saguaro wood density.
(noted by jwoodward48df)

snow dwarf

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18475 on: June 08, 2017, 11:42:43 pm »

Thx, I will keep this stuff in mind. I already am around year 10 of trans newtonian start.
Here at Bay12 we excel at Theoretical Biology. Need to know the value of Merbone? Check. Need to know the density of a thrown Fluffy Wambler? Check. Need to know how a walking Mushroom can theoretically talk? Check.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18476 on: June 10, 2017, 12:15:27 pm »

Hey guys, gals and eldritch abominations alike, I have a quick question. Is it possible to have a mobile empire? I.E, hold no territory but still be more or less stable. I am aware that construction is not an option, but I can think of a few ways to get around that.

If so, I am going to begin construction of my fuckhuge carrier group and have some fun with it.
We have a rich tradition of percussion instruments as well, all of which are based around a musician smacking variously sized hollow rocks.
It was quite brutal actually. Who knew you could suffer major head trauma from undergarments?


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18477 on: June 10, 2017, 12:22:47 pm »

Pretty much everything is tied to bodies, but with asteroid miners, fuel harvest, a shit ton of freighter to carry factories around and maintenance off, it's doable.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18478 on: June 10, 2017, 01:03:36 pm »

Hey guys, gals and eldritch abominations alike, I have a quick question. Is it possible to have a mobile empire? I.E, hold no territory but still be more or less stable. I am aware that construction is not an option, but I can think of a few ways to get around that.

If so, I am going to begin construction of my fuckhuge carrier group and have some fun with it.
Check changes to maintenance coming in the next version. Deep space repair bases should help you with your nomadic fleet.
Beside other things, bay12forums is also the leader website in calculations of saguaro wood density.
(noted by jwoodward48df)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #18479 on: June 10, 2017, 01:11:48 pm »

I think I'm going to try it. I'll produce about 10 tugs to pull around shipyards, which I'll just stick around asteroids when I need to. 30 Freighters, five of which will be taking mineral and the rest will hold production which I will, again, just stick on an a random planet and another five for infrastructure. Six colony ships , 10 tankers, a gate construction ship, a survey ship of both flavors, some number of miners, a fuel refinery and 5 tankers should just about round that out, I think. And I finally will have an excuse to use my big ass ships! I've been working on a fleet of supercarriers and battleships for a while now, supported by missile cruisers, which should be fun!
We have a rich tradition of percussion instruments as well, all of which are based around a musician smacking variously sized hollow rocks.
It was quite brutal actually. Who knew you could suffer major head trauma from undergarments?
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