beam overviewLasers: base weapon.
Range: Longest of them all
STS: Very nice, but it focuses on range NOT damage.
PD: haha, wow, it really sucks on PD, basically you have to recharge every shot, while missiles are hitting your ships.
Railgun: I made a mistake,
this fires four times in five seconds.
Range: basically the same as lasers? "The damage falls off in the same way as lasers and their range can be extended by researching Railgun Launch Velocity"
STS: if you get lucky, 1/3 higher than laser (all shots hit), otherwise... well.
PD: Kinda useless, you can't mount it on a turret, but if you have nothing else its better than that laser you have to spend a lot of time recharging on.
Torpedoes: meh its a middle point between Plasma and Lasers.
Range: Same as Plasma does not drop off with range.
STS: basically the same as plasma but less damage, does not drop off with range.
PD: you kidding me?
Mason Cannon:
nothing can stop it from hitting something, not armor, not shields... unfortunately,
it sucks on damage (one damage) Screw that, it is freaking bad-ass.
Range: Bleh, it really does not have good range.
it works nice if your opponent does not have backups, otherwise it does not really do anything (1 damage). it works nice if your opponent can't run away from it's dwarfiness.
PD: meh, mostly useful if you switch to STS, otherwise i would use a gauss.
Gauss cannon:as me and Greiger said, it works wonders in PD. it fires
3 shots NOT four! Heh, it can go even higher on the amount of shots it can fire, if it had higher range than it does now it would likely replace missiles.
Range: does it need range? because it has the lowest range of them all!
STS: Gwahahaha! its worthless!
PD: on the other hand, it does
wonders awesomeness here.
Plasma Carronade: best damaging weapon.
Range: low, yeah, very low
(fixed, its plasma for plasma's sake) checking technogy, it turns out it does
not have a fixed range.
STS: if you can get into range, it is a great weapon, otherwise it sucks (annnddd it drops off with range).
PD: haha.
High Power Microwave: if you want to disable your opponent, same as masons but it gets blocked by shields.
Range: See mason cannon.
STS: when you've knocked out their electronics (AS, FC, etc) its worthless. it does magnificent damage to electonics though.
PD: What use is it if it only damages electronics? answer; none!
CWS: its a bunch of gauss on a single turret with its own FC.
Range: read gauss.
PD: its built for PD, and nothing else.
Mount:uhh... its already mounted.