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Author Topic: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation  (Read 10592 times)

The Willow Wisp

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #150 on: March 21, 2010, 07:58:36 pm »

Synk went to a remote part of Szadoroii, and began to meditate. When his long period of meditation was complete he felt more powerful. He wasn't sure how much his power had grown, or if it had actually grown at all. Either way he felt renewed and ready to continue his work.

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The reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #151 on: March 22, 2010, 01:38:23 pm »

Drun-j'bal looked to his people, they grew and prospered, they had found the Iron Hopper and were now starting to work on starting it up. It needed power though and so Drun-j'bal took the undersoul in his hand and held it tightly. Drun-j'bal channeled the power of raw souls deep into the Hopper and it started to glow. A great power come from the soul, enough to rip a hole in planes and go to hole new planes. His people were ready, they were strong of soul and body and so they went.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #152 on: March 22, 2010, 10:10:42 pm »

Wayock rested and thus gained power. He then went upon the Ger, he taught them of the seasons. He taught them that some fruits and food could only be found in different seasons, he then gave the Ger food and bountiful lands so that they thrived.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #153 on: March 24, 2010, 02:05:36 pm »

Torva Silva, once again free to expand across the floating continent, encroaches upon the lands of the Hollow One's servants. Outlying towns suffer constant raids by wolfmen, and several smaller villages have already been overgrown. The night is full of enemies and the horizon full of trees for the Darklings. They may pray for aid, but their god is not responding. Was he ever there, or was he but a dream?

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Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #154 on: March 26, 2010, 02:19:27 pm »

Torva Vis looked upon the Moonworms, and saw the teachings of Wayock. Seasons. The name triggered some memory he could not have. He investigated seasons. He saw the moon spin around the sun and the continent, constantly changing the environment. A useful challenge; a harsh winter could weed out those who could not adapt, but the summer was always around the corner, to replenish the stocks of the survivors. The world swung elegantly from protecting to challenging in a way which spoke to him. It was a shame that he could not emulate it on the land below; the sun was always in the same place to the denizens of the continent.
...Of course, he could always rectify this.
Torva Vis cracked his metaphorical knuckles, took a metaphorical breath, and gave the sun a giant, literal push. 

A tortured groan came from the rock of the continent, as the temperature suddenly changed. The sun, previously a constant, began to move across the sky. Man and beast watched as over the course of the day the sun travelled in a great arc through the heavens. Curiosity became panic as it neared the horizon and did not stop, which became utter terror as it plowed straight into the sea, and the land was blanketed in darkness. The first night was long and cold and full of fear, which made the first morning all the sweeter; cries of relief filled the land as the sea on the other side of the continent glowed red and disgorged the sun, which was fortunately unharmed from it's apparent submerging.
Confusion met the new system of day and night, yet people learnt to adapt. But no one had prepared for the winter; the sun's celestial path spent less and less time above the continent, and the climate became cold and unforgiving. People starved. Trees withered. Rivers froze. Once again the end of the world seemed nigh to those below. But like the night the winter ended, and spring came, and the world had survived. The cycle had been put into motion.
Torva Vis was satisfied.

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Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #155 on: March 27, 2010, 09:33:58 pm »

Aside The Ringworld appeared a wheel of reddish granite, the size of a small city, with a hole occupying about half its diameter. It just sat there, steadily rotating, and radiating a sense of knowledge.

Create Avatar: Wheel
Gain Domain: Wheel: Knowledge
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!

The Willow Wisp

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #156 on: March 28, 2010, 08:12:40 pm »

Synk had taught his Storm-kin of the other dieties before he went off to meditate and grow stronger, since then many had turned their back on Synk as their patron diety and turned to others. He decided that maybe he should let them move freely between Szadoroii and the material plane. He created a small swamp on a scarcely inhabited part of the plane, and inside this swamp rested a small statue of a Storm-kin. The Storm-kin was kneeling and presenting a orb in both hands. He then created a statue of a Storm-kin who was reaching out and holding an orb in both hands, as if it had just accepted the orb as a gift. He went before the stormkin and told them that when one touches the orb, they will be teleported to another plane where more gods than just he rule. Some storm-kin used the portal to go to a new place, others to escape something on Szadoroii, and others to learn more about things they had never seen before; but whatever the reason many storm-kin used the portal freely.

Synk then began to ponder about his next action. He didn't wish to lose his people to another diety but an oppressed people would do him little good.

Synk then noticed smething he hadn't anticipated. some of the storm-kin had grow tired of the way most storm-kin lived their lives. They had set off in small wandering groups to travel across the endless expanse of Szadoroii, and turned their backs on living in settlements. They also turned their backs on the elemental gifts they had been given. They saw them as a weak way to fight and relied on physical power and stealth to accomplish their goals. Some of these people had even used the orb to see what challenges other planes offered. Since they had turned their backs on Synk's gift of the elemental power of wind, he saw it a fitting punishment to take it back. But, these people had done somethig he was very happy to see and survived the harshest conditions of his plane and survived without the use of elemental powers or magic. He decided to reward them for choosing to do what he had to force others to do by giving them supernatural strength and agility. These people had earned their own unique identity, but what to name them?

The Storm-kin of Szadoroii had named them Wildkin since they showed no love for their elemental powers and acted more like a pack of intelligent animals than men. Synk saw this name suiting and decided to keep it. He would have to keep an eye on these wildkin, they could prove quite intresting.

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The reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #157 on: April 02, 2010, 07:17:39 pm »

The Hollow One awoke from his dreams of universes beyond this and looked upon all the things that have happened.With a manical smile he raised his armies from their hidden places and prepared them for war.
((Raise Armyx2:4 ap points))
He then raised his mighty sword and destroyed much of the land of Torva Vis.But he was weak and could not complete his act.But the damage was done a great swathe of forested land was desolate and unable to grow new trees or even grass.
((Create a gaint wasteland in Torva Vis's lands.1 ap point))
((Out of ap.))

The Hollow One to Torva Vis
"Let that be my answer."
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #158 on: April 02, 2010, 07:39:14 pm »

Drun-j'bal looked with bitterness as two god started fighting and insulting each other, they threatened to overturn the balance that had held the cosmos for so long. As they raised their army and struck out at each other Drun-j'bal worked. He pulled a great shinning force of the ether, a great fount of soul stuff. This soul stuff he forged into two artifacts, the Maul of Balance, and the Bulwark of Permanence. Drun-j'bal took up these two great artifacts and than called upon the bickering gods.

Drun-j'bal to The Hollow One and Torva Vis
Why do you ready for war? Do not mistake your conflicts as anything other than petty. Come to my realm and we can try to work this out with me as the mediator.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #159 on: April 02, 2010, 10:54:22 pm »

Wayock, to The Hollow One.
"Your thirst for war is admirable, O' Hollow One. I feel you have a chance of gaining immense power from this battle."

Wayock, to Drun-j'bal.

Grinning as best an insubstantial god could, Wayock said.

"Petty? I almost feel insulted."


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #160 on: April 02, 2010, 11:02:03 pm »

Drun-j'bal to Wayock.

"Yes petty, they are pissing in each others patch. I see no reason that the two parties involved in this can not settle it peacefully. Torva Vis can stop attacking the dark ones and The Hollow One can stop attacking the great forest.

No the conflict is not interesting... what is though is your stake in it..."


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #161 on: April 02, 2010, 11:03:33 pm »


"Ah. Now that is the question, is it not?"


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #162 on: April 03, 2010, 08:25:08 am »

Torva Vis to The Hollow One:

"You have had your chance for apologies. The forest will swallow you and spit out your bones."

Torva Vis to Drun-j'bal:

"What do you care for our battle? It will not harm you, hidden away from the real world. Let me have my revenge"

Torva Vis drew extra power from the earth, for he would need it in the battles to come. But before the battles begun he turned to the lands scarred by the Hollow One and drew out the poisons from the earth, let sustenance flow back into the soil, and called the forest back.

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Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #163 on: April 03, 2010, 05:36:49 pm »

Wayock went upon the Darklings, and he spread a disease. It was not a disease of death, injury or poison. It did nothing, but weaken their sword arm. He then went upon the Ger and nourished them, their population flourished and increased tenfold. He then waited among his children, and grew strong.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #164 on: April 03, 2010, 07:58:57 pm »

In the desolate void in which no god had cared to define, the darkness became real. The ill-will radiating from the conflicts below was drawn into the darkness and melded with it. The fused evil and darkness was bound into forms, those of winged beasts, walking villainy, and an undulating masses of horror, all of them of massive proportions. Within these beings was a hunger, they sought what they did not have and scanned across the heavens for it. They saw the light and life of the floating continent, desired it, and began their long journey.

Upon the floating continent another shadow stirred, bending under the force of a massive power surging into it and trying to be contained. The shadow leaped from the darkness and tried to gain form, eventually adopting the shape of the nearby creatures. After some effort it had learned enough of forms that it could grant itself a unique shape, consistent with any creature it wanted. It then travelled to the races of the world and warned them of an oncoming race of horrors that would destroy them all if they were not prepared. That all races must unite, and combine their greatest gifts if their world was to survive.

Create populace: Nightshades: 4 weeks from Floating Coninent.(3)
Create Exarch: Guardian of the Floating Continent and its Surrounds(0)

« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 10:48:15 pm by RAM »
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
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