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Author Topic: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation  (Read 10593 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #135 on: March 07, 2010, 05:46:23 pm »

I accept you invitation and will send a group of Kurthal to work with and learn from your magi.~ To Synk.

A shimmering wall appeared near the base of the great spire it showed a land far different than the Iron Plane, a land filled with magic. This portal was keyed to the  The prophet and would only open when he wished it. The prophet of Drun-j'bal, Hig-Ur-Kurthal his dreams were filled with sights of the land beyond. He crossed the portal and became the first of his race to leave the Iron Plane.

Drun-j'bal went to his people and and told them of the lands beyond the portal, he told them of the great magics that were possible and the dire rarefactions of misuse.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #136 on: March 08, 2010, 01:28:25 am »

Wayock, to Synk.

"Thank you for the invitation. I will send some when I find them."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #137 on: March 08, 2010, 05:23:50 am »

Raise Divine Rank: wheel
Teach populous: Ankheg: arcane and divine magic.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #138 on: March 08, 2010, 07:07:50 am »

Kur'hadis to Synk
"I cannont accept at this time, for my creations are but taking their first steps and have not proven themselfs worthy but when the time comes, I shall send some of my best."

Kur'hadish looked back to his creatures, his origanl crations and vastly improved in matters of culture and being. They had developt'd out of simple tribes and into communities, working together towards a common goal, also developing a language.

His later creations had done niether, they acted no differently then the animals and still communicated in a lower form but they had quickly dominated the plane they had inhabited.

Kur'hadish pondered what he had made, the two types of people, the animals, the funa and the plane they all inhabited. Like an good creator, he looked at there faults and thought how he could have made them different, to accompliss more with less. With this Kur'hadish pondered and thought new ways to develop what he had already made.

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Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #139 on: March 08, 2010, 07:48:38 pm »

After much slumber The Hollow One looked upoun his creations and noticed that a son of the Hollow Prince was a great Nothing shaper.The boys name was Thasos the Wise and this boy to a great portal that The Hollow One had created.

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"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #140 on: March 12, 2010, 12:06:40 pm »

Drun-j'bal was feeling good, he was steadily growing in power and he had made allies among the gods. He decided it was time to call all the Lords of Creation to his banner for protection from those who would destroy their creations.

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The Willow Wisp

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #141 on: March 14, 2010, 11:19:15 pm »

Synk had worked to increase the influence that magics held in his world and soon in all others. He had also created a way for magics to be regulated and balanced. Those who knew of magics began to refer to him as the god of magic.

If the mortals wished to grant him this title, he would accept it.

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The reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #142 on: March 15, 2010, 02:31:26 am »

And so Wayock rested, soon his power increased ten-fold and he was thus mighty. Then he went upon his moon and found a small cave, inside he carved out a small enclave which he poured his power into, he created a portal that reappeared within Torva Silva itself, connecting them.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #143 on: March 15, 2010, 03:39:25 pm »

Drun-j'bal watched as the gods around him spent their power, gaining power and prestige making alliances. He watched and learned. He saw Synk build a great organization to regulate the powers of arcane and divine magic, and he was pleased. The great powers of magic, which he knew may someday grow to rival the gods themselves needs protectors and regulators and the Council of magic would do.

Psyco Jelly

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #144 on: March 16, 2010, 09:14:21 pm »

The villager returned from the mountains, carrying a woven bag full of gold. He was now an old man, but his purpose still burned bright within his heart. He and his people now had a gigantic cairn built out of the raw ore. It's dark gray rock filled with the shimmer of the gold within. The town had become wealthy from the gold that it harvested, there had been some greed from the people the town had attracted, but the miners and smelters still remembered the great flaming bird that had instructed them to gather.

The old man broke into a fit of coughing and nearly dropped his bag. One of the younger haulers stopped to help him up. He refused his aid, but gestured to the young man. The young one took the old man's bag and returned to town. The old man's last task was complete.

He looked up toward the sun. The gravel in his throat and the ache in his bones had faded away. He was no longer encumbered by his own weight. The world around him had become thin and transparent. The sun seemed to spread it's wings, glided to the man. The great bird landed in front of him. He stood in awe of the creature. He was led to the top of the cairn, an began to rise from his feet. The bird took flight, and ascended to center of the sky. The color and substance returned to his world.

The man, no longer burdened by age, had six flaming wings, and His skin was the color and texture of pure gold. He recognized His purpose, the people needed guidance, and the sun could not shine it's light on only one place.

His new name was Geluneor, and He was the first of the Seraphim.

"You must go now, to learn the weirding ways of the arcane. The land around your destination is filled with darkness. You must show them the light, and keep the darkness confined. You must enter Synk's realm."

Geluneor turned from the sun, and was now a radiating beacon within Szadoroii. The matter in the plane itself reviled the intrusion.

"I am here, O' Sovereign of the Arcane."

Create Exarch (Geluneor): 0/3 AP Remaining
Not only is it not actually advertising anything, it's just copy/pasting word salads about gold, runescape, oil, yuan, and handbags.  It's like a transporter accident combined all the spambots into one shambling mass of online sales.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #145 on: March 17, 2010, 09:44:15 am »

Kur'hadish veiwed his origanl creations, they had swiftly developt and had turned into a strong civilization. They had stared questioning who they were and their existance.

They had named themselves Drails

The Drail had grown and expaned over most of the plane, they had easily pushed back the wild animals but they had encounterd Kur'hadish'es other creations and war had quickly brock out.

While the Drail fought in cohert formations and organisations they were battered back each time by the shear rage and bloodlust of the Vox. They had stayed in a tribal stage with the biggest and meanest becoming warlords of a tribe, constant fighting in the ranks assured that the strongest always stayed in control.

Luckly it was only border skirmishes but Kur'hadish knew that the rate of the Vox'es expansion and the Drails prime location on the plane would soon cause all out war and prove to the god who would deserve it's attention.
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #146 on: March 18, 2010, 09:57:30 pm »

Drun-j'bal saw that his people had grown. From the clueless savages that they were at first to fine civilized craft men that they are now. They were ready to leave the confines of the Iron Plane. He grabbed a bit of soul stuff from the core and and string it out. Than, repeating his technique from the makeing of the Iron Disk he spun a layer of iron on it making a long thin disk with the soul rod in the middle. He finished this creation by plateing it with a layer of copper to give it that shinny finish. He than imbued this device with great power, it chuld fly, even hop between planes when one with mastery over Incarnum. He than he set it down, deep in the disk at the core of the central soul pillar for his Kurthal to find. Than he sent a dream to one of his priests tell him how to operate this device and where it was.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #147 on: March 20, 2010, 04:38:06 am »

A slowly revolving will observed came to observe Drun-j'bal, its rotating nature at odds with the familiar world, and beyond it, an image of a stone tablet. And power flowed from its turning mass, and into the new construct, giving it weight and meaning, and with it came an image, within the rotation there was balance, and within the balance there was hope that the world might be safe.

Join Pantheon: Lords of Creation: Wheel

Upon Ringworld the ankheg were again subject to the twisting will. They felt the world, the knowledge within it, and the knowledge of themselves. They felt that to spread knowledge was noble, but to protect it was of greater importance, and that they were its guardians. The revolving will then granted them a view of their own position, that their nature could be used against them, that knowledge could be their undoing, and the undoing of their works. They were to be open about the world, but they were not to reveal knowledge of themselves or their world.

Teach populous: Ankheg: Secrecy
Raise Divine Rank: Wheel
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #148 on: March 20, 2010, 05:07:10 pm »

The Drail had slowly been pushed back under the onslaught of the Vox, their strengh and lust to destroy easily out did the Drail's tactics, there were victories but they were few and far between and the few in the know had a grasp of how dire the situation was, how they were being pushed back to the capital and were to make there last stand there.

Kur'hadish observed the two sides as they lined up for the final fight and chose this moment to act. He had looked over the Drail from there first steps to what could be their last, he knew how they worked, how they thought and how they could be improved.

Reaching into the minds of 5 Drail he told them secrets about the earth, how it was alive and hold to mold it with ones will. He also told them about it's self, how Kur'hadish had crafted the plan and everything on it.

With this the god had intended to trail the minds of the 5 Drail, whether they would use the power to control the earth for good by teching others and bolstering the depleted army or selfishly and use it to control the Vox.

Again Kur'hadish watch events unfold.

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Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #149 on: March 21, 2010, 10:20:45 am »

The boughs of Torva Silva hung low, and the beasts within loped tiredly and without purpose. Torva Nemus slumbered and trembled in the wind, not guarding over his forest as he should. Instead, his soul quested the world, searching for that beacon of anger and power that he knew to be his master. It had been long since he had felt his presence, and he missed him. But he had searched all the world and could not find him. Perhaps... he had gone?
But then, as he was about to give up, he felt it; a tremor, which became a shaking, which quickly developed into the psychic equivalent of an earthquake. Torva Vis, mysteriously missing for so long, returned, and his rage swept through Torva Silva, reinvigorating it. Across the floating continent the wolfmen, who had lost their purpose and merely wandered, felt the roaring on the wind, and shook their fists at the world and howled in delight. On the luscious moon, the Ger looked up from the endeavours and knew their protector.

Torva Vis looked upon the world and snarled.
"Must I attend to everything? Why have the insults upon me not been repaid? My servants, gather! There is blood to be spilt!"

Upon his command the wolfmen gathered. From every hill and forest where man had not held sway they came in their hundreds, armed with teeth and claw and crude weapons of wood and stone. They did not march in rank or file but moved faster than a standing army, laying waste to minor cities as they passed. When they came within sight of the great forest they stopped, and awaited the order to attack.

Torva Vis to The Hollow One ((If he is there to listen));
"See now what happens to those who constrain nature. I suggest you watch, then beg for forgiveness"

As he spoke the amassed wolfmen roared and took their weapons, and moved forwards once more to the fortresses of the portal-guarding Darklings.
There were a great many battles fought, all around the circumference of Torva Silva, and all of them one sided or worse. The defenders saw their walls crumble in minutes as plants promised forestdom overgrew their bastions with divine speed. Wild beasts ran alongside the attackers, tearing into the defenders and breaking their formations seconds before the wolfmen arrived swinging axes and screaming expletives. Within days only the strongest fortresses remained, and those were under a constant siege which would soon wear down the remaining defenders.

Now the battles are over. In the ruins of a fortress near Visaedes are gathered hundreds of imprisoned darklings. A large wolfman climbs onto a fallen chunk of masonry and adresses them;
"Heed, Darkling Scum. I am Wolf, herald of Torva Vis. Your lives have been spared merely so that you can undo some of the damage you caused. You are all workers of nothing. You know how to mold the biting acid so that it can be contained. You shall construct for us tunnels of nothing, as that we may lay them through the gaping scar that your master laid across the land, and allow the forest and its creatures to burst forth from its prison."
Some prisoners offered defiance. However, they swiftly changed their tone after the offenders killed and fed to the wolves. They gathered together and planned and thought and designed and built the tunnels. They had a diameter of twenty meters, and were forged of translucent nothing. Despite the smiths insistence that they would not last for long when exposed to pure nothing, the wolfmen took the tunnels, filled the bottom with soil, and laid them across the portal to nothing. They laid the first, and watched in trepidation as a few wolfmen crossed through it. No vengeful bolt of destruction smote them as they crossed, and there were cheers.
Yet as the scout party stood there, laughing with relief, wolves emerged from the forest behind them, and tore them to shreds. On the other side, Wolf nodded.
"They had taken too much of civilization, and were not allowed to enter Torva Silva. Only the wildest of us may enter. But see, the tunnel is working; the forest advances!"
And indeed, a root from a nearby tree rippled, and grew into the soil of the tunnel, and across. The wolfmen cleared the area, but reluctantly, for they felt a strong affinity for the forest the questing root represented. Seeing that they had adopted civilized ways unwittingly, Torva Vis relented, and spoke unto Torva Nemus;
"Henceforth, let those who are if not of mind but at least of spirit wild enter those reaches of Torva Silva which lie outside the boundary of the scar of nothing."
And so the Wolfmen rejoiced, and tended to the root and the tree that grew from it. But Wolf was worried; he asked Torva Vis what would happen when the tunnel collapsed, as the smiths had said it would. Torva Vis reasurred him that that would not happen, for he had devised a way that the Wolfmen could repair the tunnel, by channelling power similar to his own into it.
"There is a god in another plain who rejoices in the use of this... magic for all purposes. You shall teach it to certain wolfmen, as that they may maintain the bridges, as well as having the darklings teach them how to make more of them. Thus shall the tunnels be upheld."
Thus became the bridge keepers, wolfmen with knowledge of magic and nillsmithing, who swiftly constructed an array of bridges all around Torva Silva, through which the forest flowed and expanded. In the new and expanding parts of Torva Silva the wolfmen rejoiced and feasted. Some wolfmen even ventured across the bridges and into the deep forest, and, if they were indeed wild enough, they were let in, and the made their homes there. 

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