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Author Topic: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation  (Read 10594 times)


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #105 on: February 11, 2010, 06:44:09 pm »

The Hollow One to Torva Vis
"If you touch a single hair upon my son I will destroy you."
       And as if to summerize his point he pulled Abyss from his scabbered and plunged it down into the earth and continueing to cut until a massive portal surronded the infection that was called Torva Nemus.This portal lead to the darkest pit of Nothingness if a single root entered into the portal it would dissolve in the primodial energy that is Nothing.

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"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #106 on: February 11, 2010, 11:12:30 pm »

Wayock grinned with glee.

Wayock, to The Hollow One and to Torva Vis.

"Right wrongs, punish those who have wronged you. Fight for the right to create!"



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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #107 on: February 15, 2010, 03:33:04 pm »

The Hollow One looks into himself and thinks.
He then created a subrace of Darklings to gaurd the portals he made.

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"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #108 on: February 15, 2010, 03:46:43 pm »

Drun-j'bal looked and saw that he creations we making good progress on their homes, but now it was time for them to learn the ways of crafting. He went down to his prophet to teach him how to heat metal until it could bend in to the shapes needed.

satisfied Drun-j'bal layed down to rest.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #109 on: February 15, 2010, 04:01:23 pm »

Resting on his floating home, Wayock rested. Yet still work was to be done. Wayock went down to that floating rock and breathed air into it, an atmosphere formed. He brought trees and shrubs from the floating continent and placed them on the rock, soon they spread across the small moon.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #110 on: February 16, 2010, 09:39:43 am »

In a cave formed by the roots of Torva Nemus, an old man lies dying. He has lived many years in the forest, but now his fur has greyed and his claws dulled. In the past weeks he travelled through the forest to the great tree, determined to see the guardian of his life before he died. He has gotten his wish. And he is doomed to die by the end of the night.. He dreams feverishly;

A garden, on a stone terrace. A middle aged man leans over the balcony, watching the sun set. Another man, younger, related, perhaps, sneaks up behind him. The roar of a river mutes his footsteps, and the watcher is too engrossed in the sunset to notice the man take a deep breath, brace himself, lunge forwards- and the old man tumbles down, into the river below. And so the dynasty of murder continues.
Then the image fades, changes, and there is the forest. And it speaks, with a voice formed by wind sighing through the trees; You have lived a better life than you could have... truly, you have not reverted to barbarism, you have risen from it.
Then there a black glow starts around the edge of vision, and works its way inwards. Good night, speak the trees. It was nice knowing you. The blackness has all but filled everything when a new voice, one in an angry tone, speaks out; "What is this?"
The blackness disappears, and a new vision arises. One clearer than a dream, one clearer, even, than real life. A glimpse of true reality; a man, dressed in a few leather scraps, sparingly tattooed with crude symbols, rough face leering at the viewer.
"Torva Nemus, have you broken your pact? No, I see that you have not. How clever, a man, born from civilization, yet not of it. I see you have taken liberties with his appearance, too. Eh, Wolfman?"
The figure seems less angry now, perhaps amused, even.
"Not that you can talk, of course. Well. I sincerely hope you enjoyed your stay. However, you were supposed to die ten minutes ago, and I have to smite some darklings and seal up a rip in the fabric of reality."
The figure turned round, made as if to leave, somehow. However, it paused, appeared to think, then looked back.
"Or perhaps.. perhaps I shall find a use for you."

The man awoke. He looked around fearfully, as if he expected something from his dreams to still be there. It was dark outside, but he did not wish to sleep further, so he started to crawl out, perhaps to see the moon one last time. But instead of the spindly sticks of  arms he was expecting, he pushed himself up with arms he could only have dreamed of only in his prime. And even by the light of moonlight he could see his fur looked healthier than it had ever done. In fact, he did not feel like he was dying. He felt like he was full of life, ready to do anything. He bounded out of the cave, and shouted, in a loud, commanding voice; "Thank you God!"
Which quite surprised him. On account of how he had before not been able to articulate more than a grunt. And he had not meant to do anything more than just express general satisfaction at, ie, life the universe and everything with a good howl.
Although, he thought, if I was capable of coherent speech that would probably have been what I meant to say.
Wait. What. Since when was I capable of coherent thought? All my life its been food food fight food sleep. Something funny is going on.
And to make matters worse for the confused man, at that point Torva Vis decided to talk unto him.
"Greetings, wolfman. I see you have noticed your revitalized body. And your capacity to thought and speech. Not, I should point out, a specific language, but the language of the mind. A capacity to understand the underlying meaning of everything and make your underlying meaning understood to anyone. Which is very convenient, as I need you to go and talk to some people. To whit; everyone.
You shall leave Torva Silva and spread the word. You will tell everyone of the freedom of wilderness and the danger of civilization. You will tell them my name, Torva Vis, protector of nature. Go south, and call me when you reach the edge of the forest. I will be waiting."
The man simply cowered, whimpering softly. The sun rose to him asleep once more, with untroubled dreams now.
He awoke, and briefly considered resuming whimpering. But, he thought, that would achieve nothing. Even if I am insane, going upon an insane quest will be more productive than sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Besides, why should I feel sorry? I am blessed with blessings and stuff. Hey, yeah. Awesomesauce.

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Long Live United Forenia!

The Willow Wisp

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #111 on: February 16, 2010, 11:00:25 pm »

Synk glanced down on his creations. He had made the storm-kin and gifted them with the Elemental power of Air, but he had also made the undead. These beings continued to function; whether under their own will power, as the Vampires and Lichs, or under the will power of others, as the skeletons and zombies. but he questioned himself, why? Why did I make them? They were meant to test the Storm-kin, but there were far easier and simpler ways to accomplish the same test. So, why? Was it a strange fondness of the idea of death? Was it because he as a god was incapable of actually dying, that he took such a strange preoccupation with death? He spent much time contemplating this and after he finally cleared his mind, he decided he did it not because of some strange interest in death, but so he could control it. He was the lord and master of all things that would die, and of whatever form they took afterwards.

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The reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #112 on: February 17, 2010, 09:46:06 am »

Kur'hadish looked at his empty plane. He needed a people to populate it. So he looked at the humans of other gods for which the form he had taken.

Exerting his will he brought a mass into existence and begun to shape it with his hands planning out the organs and nerves, personally adding every detail with a flourish. As he looked at the human form in his hands he saw a perfect replica. But Kur'hadish didn't copy but created or improved and with that he stretched out a hand and plunged it deep within all the mountains and extracted many ores.

His hands glowed as hot as the sun as he smelted the ore in his hand. He suspended the many metals before him and begun to work. Replacing bone endoskeleton with steel a steel exoskeleton, nerves with gold and many other organics he substituted with metal. Finally he stretched the form sideways and pushed it down giving it a blockier appearance.

With that he placed his finished creation and started many others in till he had made many of these metal humans. Placing them down he kick started the minds and his creations looked about them selves as they took their first steps.


After this Kur'hadish realised that he had used all of the minerals and metals in his land to make his creations. Also his plane was bare rock for many miles.

Kur'hadish set about making planets, hand crafting each one before he placed down. He worked with great speed and detail and was soon finished with the plants. At last he swept his arms around the world and replaced the metals and minerals, even combing new combinations while he worked.

As he finished he watched his creatures with interest. Waiting to see what would happen with them.

Create Populace 1/3 AP
Nourish Land 0/3 AP
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 09:54:13 am by Metal Militia »
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #113 on: February 18, 2010, 02:30:32 pm »

Now there is a gap. On one side of the gap are trees. They appear to be leering at the other side of the gap, where there are evenly spaced watchtowers, all dark spikes and suchlike. The gap itself contains nothing. This situation could continue unchanged for quite some time, but;
Now there is a sound, much like that of a branch pulled taut to the ground being released and sending someone or something on it that resembles in noise-making facilities a bear being ridden by a young human man. There is a whistling, some sparks as a god protects some flying object from the corrosive forces of nothing, and then a bear bears down upon a darkling guard standing upon the top of one of the watchtowers. He barely has time to scream before being crushed.
The bear's rider jumps off and looks around.
It is very empty without trees, he thinks. Better hurry up with the whole holy mission thing.
He extracts the guard's polearm from under the bear, snaps it in half, and heads down into the tower wielding both pieces. Several minutes later he emerges from the bottom, slightly shaven and wearing what might pass for clothes, if clothes were not meant to be worn by men with a slight wolfish streak, which they aren't, so hooray.
Sufficiently civilized not to get thrown out of a city straight away, he runs across the plains.

Now there is a city. It is made of bricks, perhaps, maybe wood, possibly even stone. A thousand people live there? Ten thousand?
The point is.
A man walks towards the city. He is wearing a hooded cloak. Under the shadow of the hood glow two yellow, animal eyes. Two guards are standing by the gate, wearing a cheery yellow livery. As the cloaked figure approaches, one of them calls out to him.
"Hey there! You coming in, then?"
The man stops, appears to think for a moment. Then; "Yes."
"Right you are. And what is your business? Only we have to ask."
After a short pause, the man answers; "I come to [teach the truth]"
The guard nods. "Right you are then. In you come."
The man walks on. After a while the second guard turns to the other, and says; "Shouldn't we have, like, asked him some more questions? He looked weird with that cloak and everything."
"Nah, you heard the man. He said he... uh. Well... You heard him"

Now there is a square in the morning.. The cloaked man has found some things and has dragged them together to make a stage. Out of general curiosity, several people have gathered round it. Now the man steps up onto the stage and begins to speak. What he says does not matter, for the people hear what they want to. By noon there is a large crowd. By evening the whole city has heard his words. The next day, hundreds leave the city, following the man. After a while he points them down a road which leads north, says others will meet them there, that he shall arrive in a few weeks or so.

Now it is three months later. A few days travel south of Torva Silva, by a small river, lies the city of Visaedes. At first it was not more than a camp, but it has grown large now. A man approaches the palisade walls, still wearing his hooded cloak. Behind him trails a group of cheering followers, grateful for proof that the promises of a city of nature were not idle. He marches under the hastily-constructed gate, passing the rows of tents and shacks. He nods with approval at the vine-covered stone shrines. He angrily overturns the stalls of merchants who were drawn to the city for profit instead of fervor. The people cry out in happiness when they see him, and follow him, to the center of the city, where a large stone platform has been built, covered with crude statues, of trees, and beasts, and hooded strangers.
He climbs onto the platform at the center, and addresses the people. It is a speech they have all heard before. For many, the wording is the same. For others, the wording has changed, as they have changed. But instead of finishing like he did before, the man continues.
My god has called you here, he says. He has called you here to free you, and he shall. The empires of evil shall fall before us, brought low by the unstoppable force of nature. If there are any among you who, despite coming here, to the city reverted, do not wish to fulfil this destiny, leave now.
None move. Even if there were those who wished to, the crowd is too thick.
Very well, he continues. See now what you shall receive; and with that, he removes his cape, revealing his wolflike features. If there are any who do not wish to receive this gift, do not fear, for it is not required. Only your loyalty.
There a suggestion of shock in the crowd, but for the most part they are silent.
Now, if you wish to receive your gift, simply throw your hands to the sky, and ask of Torva Vis to bless you as he has blessed me.

And they did, mostly. And Torva Vis made them into images of the first; men with aspects of wolves. Larger than humans, and stronger, yet with decreased intelligence, on the basis that intelligence implies civilization. And he named the first Wolf, and the rest he named the wolfmen, to be his followers for evermore.
Or something.

And the wolfmen travelled from the city of Visaedes, to found new camps. Though ever careful to preserve nature as far as possible they were industrious; they crafted weapons of bone and rock with which to drive humans from the more important natural locations, and always sent weaponry to the stockpiles in Visaedes. Visaedes itself was expanded with stone temples and walls, with soil channels linking all the buildings to the nature outside; trees grew all over the city, dappling the streets in green shade.
And on occasion, the warriors of Visaedes would venture north, to the boundary of Torva Silva, and sack a few watchtowers. But it was mere practice for the promised strike which would free Torva Silva from the Hollow One's clutch; that would come later, when they had truly prepared.

Summary of everything I did this turn:
-This human orphan washes up in Torva Silva, gets raised by wolves. To let the uncivilzed child survive, Torva Nemus (the tree) gives him the teeth, claws, and fur of a wolf.
-Just before he dies, Torva Vis notices him, and turns him into a herald, who he sends out of Torva Silva to recruit humans.
-Wolf does so, recruiting people from the populations of many human cities.
-They all gather in Visaedes (think ruined central american temple city)
-Torva Vis makes them all like Wolf, and calls them wolfmen
-The wolfmen spread across the land and prepare for war

Guide Populace: recruit humans 2/3AP
Create Subrace: Wolfmen 3/3AP

I may not have internet access next week. Regardless my action will be to evolve physically, so, whatever.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 05:38:55 pm by NUKE9.13 »
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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #114 on: February 20, 2010, 06:25:38 am »

A revolving will focuses upon some of the Ankheg, causing them to squirm as their insides are twisted to a new form. These people then sprout wings and take to the skies. a legion of them spiral towards the inner edge of the Ringworld and meet with the guardian, pledging to serve alongside it. The source of their changes observes these actions and embraces them.

4 Create Subrace: Flying Ankheg.
2 Raise Army: Flying legion.
0 Gain Portfolio Element: Defence
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #115 on: February 21, 2010, 09:16:12 pm »

The Phoenix came to rest on top of a mountain overlooking a vast and featureless steppe. There was a small human village near the base of the mountain. The phoenix's flame shimmered a bright golden color, nearly outshining the omnipresent sun. Nehaz himself had taken possession of this creature, and wished to take pity on the humans, for settling in the dry and barren plains around this peak.

Create Avatar 0/3 AP Remaining
Not only is it not actually advertising anything, it's just copy/pasting word salads about gold, runescape, oil, yuan, and handbags.  It's like a transporter accident combined all the spambots into one shambling mass of online sales.


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #116 on: February 22, 2010, 05:35:13 pm »

Drun-j'bal looked at the many things he had thought his people, He saw the good working of them and the metals they smelted. He was pleased that they had captured some of him skills, although they had a long way yet to go. Even now he felt the prayers of smiths more keenly and he found that the very essences of metal crafting was ingrained deep in his soul.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #117 on: February 23, 2010, 02:15:57 am »

Wayock, to Torva Vis.

"I am impressed with your great forest. It is strong and willful, struggling against all attempts of colonisation and exploitation. Such a being is strong and is worthy. I would be honored to help you spread Torva Silva to my moon, I wish to also create a populace that will live on the moon - and on the continent if you wish - I will teach them to worship, protect and respect Torva Silva and yourself, and I. My only wish is that a great palace will be built from earth and wood to serve as my house. I also extend my hand of friendship to your struggle. Will you accept?"

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« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 02:18:36 am by Emperor_Jonathan »


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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #118 on: February 23, 2010, 02:28:03 pm »

Torva Vis, to Wayock;

Torva Vis makes a shrug/nod/arm-spread gesture, indicating that he would not object, and indeed might be pleased.

((Go ahead. Mind, I used mold land to create Torva Silva in the first place, so I don't think you need to use create populace or land or whatever to spread it- you could even get away with just roleplaying taking some trees and replanting them- Torva Nemus would be with them in spirit still))

The roots of Torva Nemus reach deep into the floating continent, and there is power there.
The trees of Torva Silva reap sunlight and live life, and there too is power.
The beasts of Torva Silva run ancient rituals in the form of the hunt and the chase, and that is power.
The wolfmen create and destroy in his name, and that is also power.

Torva Vis gathers the power that is his together, and becomes mightier.

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Re: Fifth (?) Lords of Creation
« Reply #119 on: February 23, 2010, 05:07:38 pm »

Kur'hadish watched as his creations began discovering who they were, making a basic form of communication, using there enviroment to their advantage and taking food from that provided.

Happy, Kur'hadish decided to investigate what the other gods were up to. He moved over to a god. It's name was Drun-j'bal, and he looked on it's creations. They were a lot further down the evolutionary line than his, Kur'hadish saw the mastery that they used metal to create may things.

Kur'hadish to Drun-j'bal

"I admire your creations ability to create from what they take from the ground, but I have a question. What will they do when they rip all of the grounds bounty? Will you constintlly replace it?"
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