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Author Topic: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice  (Read 3322 times)


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice(Need 2 more players)
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2010, 08:45:21 pm »


that creates a conundrum then, because I had promised the last male to HFS. Would you still like to play as a female?

Ok then Kilakan, you don't mind being the trader then do you? If not I'll take the job into my character.
Alright. Put me as the female...


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice(Need 2 more players)
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2010, 08:46:21 pm »


that creates a conundrum then, because I had promised the last male to HFS. Would you still like to play as a female?

Ok then Kilakan, you don't mind being the trader then do you? If not I'll take the job into my character.
Alright. Put me as the female...

Alright then.

Edit: If others don't join up soon I'll have the others put into useful roles and we will run with them.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:55:05 pm by mission0 »
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice(Need 2 more players)
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2010, 09:00:35 pm »

ya by putting appraising,  had meant to be the trader.
Nom nom nom


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice(Need 2 more players)
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2010, 09:08:05 pm »

ya by putting appraising,  had meant to be the trader.

You got it then.

I'm making the other characters since no one asked for them. One a farmer/brewer. The other the organizer/manager/architect.
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice(Need 2 more players)
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2010, 10:02:06 pm »

Looking over the ledger that Isethushat handed me proved that the nobles had sent us off with many unnecessary items that this scouting job didn't really need... heck it may have even broke the wagon even without that monstronsities help!

We have an anvil of all things.

Anyways, it seems like we have enough supplies to at least keep us alive until help comes. My only concern is that we may run out of booze.

Putting that thought aside I pull out a piece of parchment in which notes had been jotted down concerning every one who is part of the group, had included myself in there because it's always good to know one self.

Me of course, not sure why I was chosen for this expedition or why we are even on it. I guess I'll just have to do my best with the situation.

I'm a hammerdwarf, although we don't have any weapons hopefully my strength alone will help us stay alive.

Agigagak, I know him but not to well. He's a carpenter by trade not sure how much use he will be out here in the icelands but we have some wood maybe he can do something useful with that.

A miner, he can help make some good shelter for us so we may keep warm.

An Axedwarf, a respectable military dwarf. Will be good if something nasty comes our way. I have a feeling we will come to respect each other.

A mason and a mechanic, can help greatly like others though we will need to find stone under this ice and dirt before she can be useful.

This girl was sent along by the nobles, she is knowledgeable in book-keeping and the such. I have a feeling a stern talking to will be needed to get her working.

A farmer and a brewer, I think I may like this lass.

*And here's everyone, now onto actual game play. Also if anyone wants a custom profession just let me know.
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2010, 10:44:10 pm »

1st of Granite, year 35, Early Spring

Looking around there isn't much to see.

To the north... Ice

To the East... Ice

To the West... Ice

To the South... a small hill... and more ice

The others milled about going about their business waiting apparently for me to say something.

Xanthius and Ankigagak were talking to eachother, something about axes and the lack of them.

Uberspocklaing and Steady were likewise in deep conversationg.

The planter, I have yet to learn her real name, was huddling in the Wagon to stay warm.

and the Nobles dog... was walking my way with a disgruntled look on her face.

"Zero!", she called. Zero seems to be the new favored nickname for me since I'm the chief of this expedition and we are stuck in the sub-zero frozen wasteland.

"Chief Zero, if you will..."

"Whatever! I demand that you get us out of here, it's cold and I don't much like it here"

"You don't think the rest of us don't want to leave this place either? The wagon's broken as you have seen and we are stuck here no matter how much you whine about it. Now I suggest you sit back, relax, and shut it while I think of what to do next."

She walked back to the wagon and sat down in it, next to the farmer, they huddled together for warmth. He shook his head, apparently she could be all high and might to him but when it came to her life she was capable of lowering her standards.

Now that she was out of his beard, he looked around at the landscape once more until his eye settled on the hill to the south once again.

He stroked his beard as he looked at it, then walked over to talk to Steady about some digging that needed to be done.

After talking to Steady, I realized that we didn't have any picks to mine with. However looking over what we had in the wagon I think we can improvise a pick and perhaps a few other things if we sacrifice a few logs of wood.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 10:48:50 pm by mission0 »
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2010, 11:09:54 pm »

I've already lost track of the days and I think it's mid-spring now.

Digging had already commenced, and things were being stacked up inside the improvised shelter.

Miss Noble had at first complained about any heavy lifting, however a finger to the sky and the looks of an incoming snow storm quieted her down and got her moving.

Blood Gnats are everywhere and as soon as you swat one off of you it's as if another is there to take its place. You would think that such a thing as Gnats would be non-existent in a place like this.

Elk have been spotted in the area as well, not the skeletal kind that got us stuck here in the first place but the kind with meat... Juicy meat, I'll have to go out with my hammer later on and get some for myself. I may send out Agigagak or Xianthius as well to gather more if I don't bring in enough.
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2010, 11:44:10 pm »

Still not sure what date it is exactly, possibly Slate, about Late Spring year 35.

We work hard to get everything from the wagon into the fort but weariness sets in, and with the cold still around us and always a constant danger morale is low.

I found Uberspocklaing sleeping in the snow, I tried to wake him but he just turned over and kept on sleeping as if it was the most comfortable place in the world. I felt his head to make sure he hadn't a fever or the coldness in him, but he seemed fine. From the looks of it he had piled the snow on top of him as an impromptu blanket to keep him warm. With the lack of beds and with the camp knee deep in supplies I figured I'd give it a try to. Digging into the snow at first felt fairly cold, but eventually things warmed up and it was actually kinda cozy. I dozed off just after thinking we should make some beds with what wood we had.

*Got tired of posting after myself so I'll add onto this one instead*

Still late spring

We have the supplies inside now, Xanthius is bringing it in now. It's good to be out of the cold and get into the shelter, where our own body heat makes it bearable and the snow doesn't pelt our bodies as we move.

Akigagak surprised me with a new bed, and pointed toward a workshop he had set up where others could be seen lined in a row. Smiling I patted him on the back and started getting the others together to put the items in a proper room, probably down below closer to the warmth of the earth.

Also the planter, a shy lass because she still hasn't told me her name, had started a small farm area down below and was asking if she could plant the few plump helmet seeds below. I agreed heartily, I don't have high hopes of the plants living but it's a chance and I'm willing to take it.

*I think I'll stop there for now. Don't want to keep editing this same post, and double,triple, and quadruple posting seems somewhat jerkish to me. Anyways let me know what you think so far. Also suggestions are welcomed ^_^*

Digging deeper into the earth for stone is proving difficult, on the brighter side of things we've struck magnetite and that means we aren't to far from more stone. On the darker side of things however we have struck and aquifier of all things... you would think it would freeze up but as soon as we dug into it, water poured in from all sides stopping the digging from progressing.

Also something's moving out there, something big, and something evil. A loud piercing howl can be heard every once in a while... I'm not quite sure what it is yet but I'm sleeping with my hammer by my side tonight.

After many days of hearing the howling I got both Akigagak and Xanthius told them to grab Axes, while I grabbed my hammer, and we all headed out into the snow to find out what was out there. I'm tired of sleepless nights because of the fear that someone or something would come into our shelter in the night.

We patrolled the area our eyes spread wide in search of whatever may be out there. I lead the group, with Akigagak not far behind, and Xanthius just behind him.

Turning slightly to my left I stopped dead in my tracks...

A wolf-like being stood before me, something that i've only heard stories about from Human Traders when I was just a babe. I think they called it a werewolf.

The thing sniffed the air in front of it, then standing tall it howled into the air before looking dead at me. In those eyes, I saw pure hunger in its eyes... and apparently I was on the menu. The thing charged at me but I stood my ground, hammer in front of me ready for whatever this beast may throw at me.

The others hadn't noticed that I was in a fight until the thing was already running from me and I had called out to them. To their credit though they managed to catch the beast fell it before I could do much more damage with my hammer. I can sleep safer and sounder tonight without this horrid beast out and about.

After a dream that night I had come up with a good name for this place. The Fire of Ice, we are the lone fire of civilization in this iceland. We may be but a small flame but we won't be snuffed out easily.

Later on that day I was looking down at the aquifer and had an idea of how to get through it. I told steady to dig a hole in the roof up above so that the frigid air could sink down below and freeze the water. He got right to work... and caused a collapse. He felled down all the stairs and straight into the aquifer water below unconscious and stunned, not to mention battered from the fall. He managed to recover quick enough not to drown and he's now resting in bed trying to recover from his wounds. I won't say I'm sorry for the chap though, he's the one that caused the cave in and he should take better care next time.

My plan however will have to be put on hold for now until he recovers enough to walk again. Luckily he didn't drop the pick in the water either because I'm not about to jump in there if he did.

*Yeah now that will be the last of it, got sorta carried away there. Again suggestions asked for*
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 01:30:58 am by mission0 »
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2010, 02:02:51 pm »

lol I had a cave-in, that'd be just like me in real life, so what are my wounds?  No nervous wounds is there, and who got the werewolf kill?
Nom nom nom


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2010, 08:51:10 pm »

if your still taking names ill be the record keeper.

why must i always be female...
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2010, 10:46:38 pm »

lol I had a cave-in, that'd be just like me in real life, so what are my wounds?  No nervous wounds is there, and who got the werewolf kill?

Couple of browns and a yellow in the upper body.

Chief Zero got the kill.

And sure would you like dermonster to be her name?
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Crap, can't think of an alternative.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2010, 11:01:45 pm »

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2010, 12:05:30 am »

Still late spring, perhaps early summer

Steady seems to be doing better, most of his wounds have healed. Although his upper body still looks in rough shape I think he'll pull through in by the time the next season passes.

His pick stays by his side always, I tried to grab it from him so that I may complete the work needed to freeze the water below but he went into fits as soon as I came near so I thought it better to leave things be and wait for his recovery.

I also talked with the noble figurehead, she seems to have relaxed after the initial shock of being stranded out here in the middle of nowhere. I even learned her name was Derm, an odd name but I won't judge anyone for what they have been named. She even offered to help out in anyway she could, offering her skills as an architect which may actually come in handy.

Not to say I'm still not wary of her but I think if things continue this way things will turn out alright.
Oh wait, "insane" doesn't work on this forum.
Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2010, 12:23:51 am »

I'll take the farmer, Kalki.
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.


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Re: Community Fortress: The fire of Ice
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2010, 12:33:01 am »

Early Summer

Ice Wolves are about, I heard them howling far off. I knew it wasn't another werewolf by the pitch, but still it made me nervous. Akigagak, Xanthius, and I went out to meet them before they could get to close to the shelter.

There were three of them, we each took one out ourselves. No major injuries, I took a few scratches but even as I right this they heal.

As I got back to the shelter I realized that we had a far far worse problem than the wolves... the booze had run out. The only other option we have for drinking now is the water from the aquifier below, as much as I hate to say it. Also Steady still won't give up his pick so that we can dig to get to the water, instead I'm having another one made so that I can dig it out myself.

The farmer girl spoke to me for the first time since we have gotten here, she had congratulated me on the kill outside and expressed her worries of whether or not we may survive. I reassured the lass and complimented her on her fine beard, which won me her name, Kalki, a fine name.
Oh wait, "insane" doesn't work on this forum.
Crap, can't think of an alternative.
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