Survivors of Mossena ArcadeThe crafters work as har as they can, but building the furnace - and making it as failsafe as possible - take up the whole day, as wel as quite some scrap, and a few electrical components for the furnace jumpstart. (2d100 = 42+1,37+1)
Armor is a new challenge to the crafters, and every prototype they come up with is wrong. Some are to heavy, others block movement, and those that are light and easy to use simply won't stop anything. (1d100 = 9+1)
When the scientists finally finish there design, it doensn't really look like you would want it to. The coilgun turret still has the same practical issues as before, and has been scrapped. And- well, there are five places for people to sit, if you have a bit of imagination and don't mind bum burns. Three normal seats, including the driver's. The axles and suspension can be forged and found in the srap, respectively. (3d100 = 21+1,5+1,63+1)
When you approach the kitchen, the smell of roasted meat is replaced by the stench of blood and intestines. A wide variety of organs is lying on the table, several of them bearing the marks of a practical EHBO training. The exercises help a lot, and by the time the scientists finished, the medic knows enough to apply first aid on any kind of wound, keep heavily wounded people alive, and bring them back to the base without killing them. (1d100 = 92+1)
The War Games start of well, and different tactics are tried by both teams. Everything is running smoothly until one of the recruits stumbles into the river. He stays under water for some moments before a helper arrives, but he managed to hold on to the pump. He's coughing a lot, and is undercooled - though nothing too serious. (2d100 = 64+1,3+1)
BOOMThe last sound you expect to hear on a farm plot, but there it is. After a few seconds of shocked silence, one of the miners begins to scream - the others all yelling to each other, and the rest of the people running to the farmground. A single miner is lies on the ground near you. Most of him, that is. From a crater, a plume of smoke appears. Apparently the last civil war let behind quite a mess. And explosives. On the plus side, some plots are dug. (5d100 = 2+1,4+1,7+1,78+1,34+1)
The traders have more luck. When they return, they carry quite an amount of resources - as well as a bag of potato seeds, enough for at least 10 plots. (2d100 = 89+1,45+1)
Status:2320 water
2380 food
15 scrappy scrap
14 nice scrap
Good Morale
Available troops:38 miners + 4 HW (5 †)
20 scientists
15 crafters
10 traders
5 privates (former traders)
2 corporals (former miners)
1 sergeant (former miner)
95 total
Items:10 space suits
1 Old, Rusty Jetpack. What in Hell˛.
1 Meteorite. What in Hell (tm)
1 Plastics Fabricator
Weapons:4 Coil Hunting Rifles
34 Coil Shells
4 Semi-auto 'Mossena' pistols
2 Bolt-action 'Mossena' rifles
25 Mossena Cartridges, 8 shots each
Resources:1 Fist-sized Ruby. What in Hell.
3 small rubies.
1 Wolf corpse, cut open
11 pieces of Iron
7 pieces of Aluminium
Potato seeds, 10 plots worth
Vehicles:Twoseater Trike
- Cart
Outside Buildings:Trade Depot, space for vehicle, pulley system.
5 x 5 plot
Underground river with pump
Farming:9 corn plots (4) (o)