Survivors of Mossena ArcadeThe laboratory is designed well, and the crafters have an easy time fitting everything together. Your scientists will be glad that they have some equipment now. (1d100 = 67)
The crafters now get the trick of quickly crafting mossena ammo, and having some experience with the ammmo, one of them manages to come up with a suitable rifle design. The rifles use standard Mossena ammo, and are slower but more accurate than the pistols. (2d100 = 63,72) They use 17 scrap.
The coil rifle ammo goes a lot better than last time, and lots of shells are added to the locker that you keep weapons in. (1d100 = 62) 13 scrap is formed into shells.
The T1 generator doesn't really generate air - it changes unusable air in usable air. Working on that principle, your scientists have a design that can form cellulose-based plastics from wood, and resources it gathers from the air. However, it can be used only outside, unless you want your people to suffocate in a thick, chemical vapor. (2d100 = 89,60)
It's difficult for the scientists and the craftsmen still building the lab to work together, and after a few clumsy hours the leading crafter boots the scientists out of the lab. "Come back when it's finished!" (1d100 = 21)
Some scientists go exploring for a source of water, taking the miners with them. It doesn't take long before they encounter a pattern in the plants that's typical for underground water, and indeed, some digging reveals an underground stream, providing more than enough water for your bunker. (1d100 = 98)
Although the work goes slowly in the start, your miners gradually get warmed up for yet another working day, and they dig the hallway and a bit of the room. (5d100 = 32,14,90,61,54)
A bit to the south, the explorers find a field of what was once corn. They bring a whole bunch of seeds that survived, and are on the way back when one of them stumbles and slams his nose into a loose rock. He gets to the bunker, but his nose is broken and will require some time to heal again. The corn is planted, and all 9 plots are used, with enoug corns for some more planting.
Random event: one of the miners, seeing the rifles, is reminded of his time as an instructor in the Earthern army. He tells you that for the good of the people, he is willing to teach the men how to shoot, if you provide some targets and time.
Status:2470 water
2612 food
18 scrap
Available troops:55 miners + 1 HW (4 †)
20 scientists
15 crafters
14 traders + 1 HW + 1 MW
Items:4 Coil Hunting Rifles
34 Coil Shells
4 Semi-auto 'Mossena' pistols
2 Manual 'Mossena' rifles
25 Mossena Cartridges, 8 shots each
1 Wolf corpse, cut open
10 space suits
Coil Rifle Blueprints (crafting +10%)
2-seater Trike
1 Fist-sized Ruby. What in Hell.
3 small rubies.
1 Old, Rusty Jetpack. What in Hell˛.
1 Meteorite. What in Hell (tm)
1 Plastics Fabricator
Outside Buildings:Trade Depot, space for vehicle, pulley system.
3 x 3 plot
Underground river
Farming:9 corn plots (1) (o)