Turn 19: That quickly?!?I will practicing with my pistols - without firing of course... - until we can reach a decision
Since you can't practice aiming very well without using bullets, you instead try some fancy techniques with the gun. (11) You don't accomplish much, but you think you're a little better at using pistols. Drawing them, at least.
+1 to PistolsStash all firearms away in a good spot, including the ones the grunt is carrying, keep one of each on hand tho. Ask for some spare 10mm rounds for the SMG. Then I volunteer for scouting/watch duty.
You grab all your weapons and look for some place to dump them. (10) You find an outcropping of rock near the fort that will shelter them for the time being, and at least stop hide them from wandering eyes. As you're heading back to the fort, one of the soldiers stops you and asks what you're doing with enemy weapons.
You head back into the forest a way and scope out the southern camp. With your scope. (14+1) The only thing you notice is a raccoon trying to open a rations package. You're fairly sure there is nothing else there that is alive.
+5 to ObservationContinue trapping the surrounding area, leaving paths for my allies to pass through safely.
You grab some supplies from the fort and begin setting up some traps. (12+1) You set up a few net traps, and a log trap.
+3 to Trapping
See what I can do for the wounded privates to build up our numbers some more.
Finding the rest of the privates at the camp, you set to healing up their wounds. (13+3) You heal everyone up very well.
+6 to MedicineI look around to see what I can be helpful with. Also admire my new vest. and locket.
Hey! Anyone need he- (5) Ohhhh! Shiny... You're distracted by a piece of glass lying on the ground.
It seems that the Garange army has finally started their assault on the fortress. Three rounds come whistling towards the fortress. (10) The fortress is slightly damaged, though none of the personnel are wounded by shrapnel.
Mercenary Squad:
10 Healthy Soldiers
Byor© Sport Hunting Rifle(10mm)
Trench Knife
x15 10mm Ammunition
1st Fortress Guard
20 Healthy Soldiers
Byor© Sport Hunting Rifle(10mm)
Trench Knife
x20 10mm Ammunition
2nd Fortress Guard
20 Healthy Soldiers
Byor© Sport Hunting Rifle(10mm)
Trench Knife
x20 10mm Ammunition
Artillery Squad
8 Healthy Artillery Gunners
4 Stoic Artillery Cannons
20 Howitzer Shells
8/40 Expert Medic
0/10 Scouting
3/5 Unskilled Rifleman
3/5 Unskilled Grenadier
Byor© Sport Hunting Rifle(10mm)
Byor© Semiautomatic Pistol(10mm)
Trench Knife
Medic Kit:
- x3 Bandages
- Medical brace
- Syringe of Morphine
x38 10mm Rounds
6/20 Skilled Grenadier
0/10 Mechanic
0/10 Pistolier
4/10 Trapper
0/10 Medic
2/5 Unskilled Sneaker
2/5 Unskilled Siege Engineer
Garange Hunting Rifle(.32 Cal)
Byor© Semiautomatic Pistol (10mm)
Trench Knife
16x 10mm Rounds
5x 32 Cal Rounds
13/20 Skilled Pistolier
0/10 Mechanic
2/5 Unskilled Observer
2/5 Grenadier
x2 Byor© Semiautomatic Pistol (10mm)
x2 Trench Knife
Concealable Vest
x2 Cigarette Pack
x149 10mm Rounds
Bloody Garange National Army uniform
3/20 Skilled Rifleman
0/10 Shocktrooper
7/10 Pistolier
2/5 Unskilled Melee
1/5 Unskilled Medic
Byor© Compact SMG(10mm)
Garange Hunting Rifle(.32 Cal)
Garange Pistol(.32 Cal)
Trench Knife
Tactical Vest
28x 10mm Rounds
35x .32 Cal Rounds
2/20 Skilled Siege Engineer
0/10 Brawler
0/10 Tracker
0/10 Rifleman
0/10 Grenadier
1/5 Unskilled Sneaker
Byor© Sport Hunting Rifle(10mm)
Byor© Semiautomatic Pistol (10mm)
Trench Knife
Concealable Vest
x56 10mm Rounds
Pewter Locket
18/20 Skilled Sharpshooter
8/10 Observer
1/10 Camouflager
2/5 Unskilled Thrower
Stoic© Sniper Rifle (.303 Cal)
Byor© Semiautomatic Pistol (10mm)
Trench Knife
x36 .303 Cal Rounds
x20 10mm Rounds
3 Military Rations
Pack of Cigarettes