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Author Topic: The Castle Mightygrips: Cancelled. [community]  (Read 48013 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2009, 03:59:49 pm »

I just realized as I went to write this update that I’ve taken painfully few screenshots. I’ll have to work on that.


12th Limonite, 11~

We saw them following along the mountain’s base. Finally. Oh gods, how we had waited.

The wagons were packed so full that their wares were visible from our little outpost. Coils of rope, barrels of meat, rare gems, and anvils. Ohhhh, anvils.

“See that, Jyr? That’s your future right there on those carts.”

Jyrvus stared out across the jungle with me. “Yep. I suppose that would be indeed be a truth.”

A funny dwarf. Was never anything but calm, peaceful, and worry-free. Practically my exact opposite, yet we got along superbly. “Listen, this mining business… you don’t mind, do you? I mean, we need to get some stone from somewhere, and you were the only guy around without something consistent to do, so…”

“Don’t mind t’all,” he said. And that was that. I’d assigned Jyrvus to carving out a strip mine a few months earlier, and admittedly, he’d gotten quite good at it, but he didn’t seem satiated with the job. Perhaps he just missed the heat of a forge.

We watched the caravan make its way closer… closer… I stirred suddenly, feeling that something was off.

“Jyr,” I asked, “does… does it seem like those wagons are passing awfully close to the magma pipe to you?”

Jyr took a swig from his mug. “I might very well say that, yep.”

“And you don’t have a problem with this?”

“I ain’t the one riding on the wagons.” He swung his pick off his shoulder and trotted off, presumably to return to his digging. I was on edge, finding it impossible to relax as Jyrvus did. The zombie imps could ambush the caravan at any time. One second the merchants were safe, and the next… pow. Raining fire all around you. A dwarf had to keep his wits about him in a dangerous environment like this.

Oddly enough, they made it through just fine, driving up over the short bridge into our new palisade. I’ve no idea what the imps were up to when the caravan drove by. I noticed Bodark was busy setting up the new stables, so I quickly went to meet the traders myself and see about getting an anvil.

“Hey there, suckers,” laughed Kadol Blockadebanners as I approached. “So you’re the dwarves that got stuck on castle duty, eh? Looks like you’re really having a good time out here.”

His buddies were snickering behind him as they unloaded the wagons. Bastards. I changed the subject. “Kadol, it’s just so great to see you too,” I said, not wasting any amount of sarcasm. “Fabulous. Made my day, in fact. Really. Anyways. I hear you’ve got some goods for us?”

And did they ever. Armour, weaponry, food, the works. And a perfect-looking iron anvil, worth about a thousand bucks. That’d be our first purchase. “Yo, Gute, Bodark,” I called, “help me bring over the goods. Traders are here!”

Gutendorf looked at me with a dead expression on her face. “Funny, Quinn, I don’t recall making any goods. If I were you, I’d talk to the manager about it.” Bodark shrugged and gave me a thumbs up. Shit. This was my problem to sort out, I suppose.

I held up a 'one moment' hand to Kadol and hastily sped to the stockpiles, thin though they were. The only thing we had… at all, really, was cat meat. I sighed. Looks like our round, jolly figures might not be so dwarflike for the next season or two.

Rolling three barrels over, worth just enough to trade for the anvil, I attempted to recover gracefully. “Well, you see, we’ve decided that cat food’s going to be our main export here, so, uh… Anyhow, there’s a little bit of profit there, and I’ve got my eye on that nice iron anvil you got. What say we swap and you and your boys can buy a few free rounds of beer when you get home, eh?”

I was met with a dead stare. “We got cat food, boy,” commenting one of Kadol’s cronies.

Traders. Profit wasn’t profit enough for them. Grumbling, I rolled over a fourth barrel. Kadol took his time pretending to mull it over, but I could see instantly that he intended on getting more. “You can’t be serious,” I said. “Five barrels?”

Kadol shrugged. “Hey, maybe next time have something else for us. You know? This cat food, it ain’t gonna cut it next year.”

We shook on it, and I lugged the anvil over to our furniture stockpile. I saw Jyrvus emerging from the mines and waved him over. “Jyr, take a look at this. That’s some quality work, eh? Once the mine’s cleared, you can get back to making us some weaponry and armour!”

He nodded slightly. “Sounds good, boss.” I had hoped for more of a reaction. He would’ve used the same mellow tones for “I’m dying, boss,” or “Your mother’s an elf, boss.”

I stood there a moment, and then shook my head and returned to my work. Jyrvus was a nice enough guy, but getting some sort of reaction out of him was just about impossible.

It was then that Thob Merchantbranded, our liason with the mountainhome, waltzed in.

Thob was known by first name all throughout the Fortress of Singing – he’d singlehandedly fought off an invasion of skeletal minotaur once while accompanying the king. Rumour has it that he took down the bronze colossus that laid siege on Swallowedglazed when I was a kid, and then went about his business as usual afterwards. He was a legend, albeit a rather intimidating one. As he approached, I could see that his clothes were a bit ripped up, revealing daunting muscles beneath. Though I'd intercepted the merchants, I didn't feel safe around that beast of a dwarf.

“Bodark,” I called, “You’ve got a visitor!”

The mechanic turned to see, then briskly made his way over, a beaming smile on his face. “Thob!”

“Bodie!” Thob lit up, laughing deeper than any dwarf could talk. I was stunned. Bodark knew Thob? I didn’t know Thob talked to dwarves on anything less than a businessdwarf level.

The two shook hands. I’d hate to be in the middle of a handshake like that. “Great to see you again, great to see you, how are things? How’s the mountainhome? Zas treating you well? Bit of a grouch, that one. Ah, but what am I saying, I haven’t introduced you! Here, this is Quinn. He’s the manager around here, gets things done. Quite a fellow, eh? A bit stringy, you know, but he’s a good chap. Here, let’s head inside, I’ll have Gutendorf fetch some roasts for you…”

Their voices trailed off as they headed inside the cabin, which was still somewhat roofless. I was stunned. Who exactly was Bodark back in the mountainhome? He’d dodged every question about his old life I’d thrown at him so far. I figured they’d be meeting at the dining table, so I decided to pretend to do some records work there as well.

Following them inside, their voices grew audible again. “So I say, ‘listen, you mangy beast, you take another sideways look at my dinner and I’ll beat you down with your own leg! And the thing—allright, allright, get this—the thing goes and piddles itself!”

They both erupted into laughter. Thob was telling some sort of story about his travels. I made my way to the far end of the table and started taking inventory of the booze we had left, trying not to make myself look conspicuous. I doubt they would’ve cared.

Thob wiped away some light tears, his laughter shaking the table gently. “Ah, children. But enough about the kids. How’s life out here treating you, eh Bodie?”

Bodark shrugged, smiling. “Ah, you know, it’s a far cry from the mountainhome, but if you can sleep through the eagle cries at night, you rest just as well.”

Thob nodded sagely. “True, true as truth gets. But let’s get down to business, huh? I gotta get over to Palaceboats inna next few weeks, and they live way out ‘cross that haunted lake.” He pull out some papers and unrolled. “Right! So what’ll it be?”

The two quickly descended in lulled business tones, just a bit too quiet to hear. They were talking extremely rapidly. I thought about heading outside to see how the stables were coming along, when Bodark stood angrily. “Son of an elf! 198% for iron bars? They’re not worth 160%!

“We ain’t gonna lug no iron nowhere for 160! 185, and no lower!”

“172! I know you take 5% off the top!”

“179, and that’s eatin’ an elf!”

“176 or nothing!”


They shook hands furiously, then Bodark sat back down. Suddenly the atmosphere seemed so jovial again. “Well!” he said. “Quinn, why don’t you head out and see what’s taking Gutes so long with the roasts, eh? We’ve got some more business to do.”

I blinked, then backed my way out of the cabin. That was enough excitement for me.

Thob left the next morning before I’d gotten up. I asked Bodark how he knew the great liason. “Oh, you know, you meet people here and there,” was the only answer I got. Curious. Curious indeed.


A second update to follow shortly, which should take us to winter, then I'll address questions and dorfings.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #31 on: December 29, 2009, 04:31:13 pm »

Hooray, an anvil for me!

Loving it so far!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2009, 04:35:17 pm »

Aaaand here's the second half of the update.


20th Timber, 11~

The door smashed into the side of my head, and would’ve knocked me out of my chair if it hadn’t been crammed into a corner as it was.

Rykue was seething. “Okay, buddy, I signed up for this for this stupid expedition to go out into the wild and bring home the bacon. It’s been nine months – where’s my prey?”

It was true – almost a year had gone by since we had arrived in this hellscape. Not that much had changed, really, aside from some nicer lodgings. Rykue and Dermonster had torn down nearly half the forest, admittedly… but hey, the elves would have to manage. It was only when Rykue pointed it out that I realized just how long we’d been there. For the last nine months, we’d been working without breaks to get our palisade up, a basic cabin, and stables to keep Irwin’s mangy pack of animals from running all over the place. I hadn’t really thought much about Rykue’s lack of hunting fodder. I supposed I had hoped he’d forgotten, too.

“Uh… well, I think some other time—any other time, in fact—would be a better time to talk about—”

“Listen, you little rat. I want it straight: Am I going to get to kill anything in this damned jungle or not?”

I pried loose his hand, which was around my collar. “Walk downstairs with me,” I said. Our cabin was complete, for now, with a new hardwood floor and fine dining room. We exited and walked out into the yard, climbing up the ramps to the top of our bridge. From here, most of the jungle was visible.

“Take a look around,” I urged her, waving my arm around to emphasize the point. “There is nothing alive out there. We live in what is effectively a plane bordering hell itself.” I pointed out a pack of skeletal hoary marmots, clattering their way towards the mountain. “You see those marmots? There is no meat there. They are abominations, pure and simple. If I let you go out and hunt them, not only would you probably hurt yourself, but you’d have nothing but bones and some scars to show for it.”

Rykue seemed about ready to believe me. Then a fox ran by.

The logger turned and gave me a sly grin. “Nothing but bones, eh? I’ll get my axe.” He walked away, smirking evilly.

I was a bit surprised. Though we hadn’t been attacked yet, nothing living had come through the jungle since the merchants came. I sighed, and headed back to the cabin.

For its purpose, housing and dining, it was effectively complete. Somehow, my office’s 15x15ft space had been condensed into a 5x10ft one, which is why I was so crammed when Rykue came knocking. I suspect Dermonster was on building duty that day. I have no evidence, but I’m sure she has it in for me.

Speaking of Dermonster, her and Jyrvus are dating now. Aside from both generally being pleasant, I can’t imagine what their common ground is.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rykue and Gutendorf, on the otherhand, have a very identifiable common ground – me. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone on this outpost likes me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I wandered over to the stables, the first floor of which is now complete. The war dogs have bred three puppies, but I’m not sure we need another three war dogs – oncce they grow up, it might be chow time. The horses have also given us two horse foals, which should breed into formidable creatures. I’ve got something in mind for them once we’ve got ourselves a militia.

I approached the horse pen and reached in to pat one on the snout when something hissed at me from the hay floor. I shrieked like an elf and withdrew, backing into the wall behind me and falling down.

Irwin’s head emerged from behind the pen door. “What were you doing?” he snarled at me.

I blinked. “Um… I was going to… nevermind that, what are you doing in there?!” I shouted, trying to recover my dignity.

“Sleeping.” He continued to glare. “You have an elfy scream, you know.”

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“…Fine. Whatever.” I stood up, avoiding eye contact, and made my way out. Irwin turned his head to watch me go. I don’t think he blinked once our entire (albeit brief) conversation.

It was getting chilly out as I headed to the cabin. We’d still gotten no migrants, and despite trying to make the place feel like home, I still got shivers walking around here. Not from the cold, either.

We’ve heard noises from the hills – organized noise, not animals. It’s going to be a long winter.


I was a bit astounded at the fox – actually, despite the jungle being evil, all the trees are alive and I haven’t seen any skeletal deer or anything, which surprises me. We may have to treat the forest as effectively neutral. The fox had fled the map before Rykue got out there, though, and I had to call him in before the eagle got him.

So both girls of the fortress are dating now. Also, Quinn’s only listed friend is Irwin, who’s friends with everyone. Quinn must be losing them; he used to be friends with practically the whole fort. Poor guy. At least he’s the first legendary of the fort (boo-ya record keeping!)

Here's a Stonesense screenie. The hole (not visible here) behind the cabin leads to a tunnel that goes to the open-air mine that Jyrvus is working on.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Randal shall be extremely arrogant and egotistical. He always believes that he is the toughest and strongest dwarf in the fortress whether he actually is or not. He will demand all artifact weapons and armor be given to him. He is also very supersticius

So he's a total douche?

Aww, look, you guys are making friends already! Heh, really though, he can demand all he likes - doubt it'll work out for him, though. What I end up doing with artifacts will most likely be random anyhow.

Jared, Spartan, Pasakoye, I'm off to add you to the TBD list.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:38:31 pm by Retro »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #33 on: December 29, 2009, 07:37:29 pm »

Accursed Dermonster, I see your (self-perceived) malign grin everywhere! Are you perhaps reverse-following me? >w< I mean, I'd call you a stalker (jokingly, naturally) but you were kinda here first.

I hope your dwarf suffers an excruciatingly painful death, preferably at my hand!
Haha, just kidding. I love you.

Thats because i AM everywhere.


Speaking of Dermonster, her and Jyrvus are dating now. Aside from both generally being pleasant, I can’t imagine what their common ground is.


oh hell. why is it that i am almost always a girl in every fort i'm in?
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #34 on: December 29, 2009, 08:17:03 pm »

heh, interesting. :D the creepy bone animal guy is friends with everyone.
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2009, 08:28:16 pm »

Hey Dermonster. ;)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2009, 08:37:54 pm »

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Jarod Cain

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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2009, 12:48:53 am »

oh hell. why is it that i am almost always a girl in every fort i'm in?
Just remember man, it's okay, when you wear the dress you are a girl.
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2009, 01:15:19 am »


Your avatar is awesome. ;D
Sulvor has created a backpack (made out of dwarven babies) and is now a legendary leatherworker


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2009, 01:16:58 am »

I will put avatars of you into my current fort.

then i shall go to dwarf companion, turn them to tame elves, strip them naked, and toss them into the tentacle HFS i found two days ago and walled up.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Jarod Cain

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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2009, 02:10:41 am »

Sounds like fun man, you should post a story about it.
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2009, 04:40:18 am »

i would like a dwarf im still figuring out if i can have like a priest like dwarf or a peasent if priesty make sure hes got hammer or a weapon skill (as i wish to be like a warrior priest of sigmar WH:FB ftw!)
name: Narglard
role: Priest of the god of war (dont make my guy seem crazy though ^^) or just a peasent (heck i dont even know if a priest class is available)and on a greater note he perferably wishes to defend his home with honor (make him a marksdwarf or a axedwarf what ever comes first!) he hates undead and wishes all fowl beasts of there type to be destroyed. (you know you dont have to actually have to have any of this just make him a peasent if ya cant XD)
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elder berries!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2009, 04:56:37 am »

28th Obsidian, 11 - New Year's Eve~

One year. We’ve survived… unfortunately. Honestly, I was rather hoping we’d be besieged by skeletal monkeys and have to abandon the project. We’d go home failures, but we’d be home. This place is nothing like the warm cavern over a magma furnace that I’m used to. It’s chilly out, even in the cabin. My office has finally been expanded to its originally planned size after much arguing with the loggers, and that’s where I was hunkered down now, recording the events of the last few months.

Downstairs, Bodark is throwing a party. He keeps saying how proud he is of us. We haven’t really done much but survive. I suppose that’s good enough for now.

Our winter was pretty uneventful. Though the noises we’ve heard along the mountain ridges (possibly goblin scouts?) is disconcerting, nothing’s attacked us yet except some raccoons. Unfortunately for Rykue, he still hasn’t gotten to kill anything – Dermonster got there and finished the job first.

She dug her axe into the first one’s skull, killing it with one swing, then swatted the other into the palisade. Moments later she had ended it. Then she went about her day, whistling again. Eerie.

On that note, when I asked Irwin to slaughter the female dogs, he obliged happily. He started giggling, in fact, and continued to do so even as blood was spattering on his tunic. I’m not sure what to make of this.

The imps in particular have been bothering me. All three have left the exposed pipe south of us and moved distinctly east, then south. Nobody’s quite sure why. Hopefully when the eventual migrants show up – if they ever show up – they won’t have too much trouble skirting past the little devils.

There was a knock on the door, and then Bodark poked his head in, grinning. “Quinny! You’re missing out on the party! We’ve opened up Gute’s barrel of whip wine– powerful stuff, eh lad? I could get used to drinking this slosh, I’ll tell ya!”

He made his way somewhat gracefully to the table and sat down. I’d ordered a second chair built, allegedly to host visitors; really, though, I just wanted to be able to put my feet up. Bodark coughed and unrolled some paper diagrams, littered with sketchy blood-ink drawings.

“Listen, Quinn, I wanted to talk with ye about what we’re doing with this here castle. Thob tells me the king doesn’t have the damnedest idea what a castle’s s’posed to look like. That means how it looks is in our hands, yeah?”

I took a moment to think about this. This could be my chance at making it into the king’s graces once and for all. We could do just about anything and have it fall into the category of ‘castle.’ If I saw this project through to the end, I’d get enough credit to make a name for myself back at the mountainhome and then—

“So I figure, being the resident architect around here, I oughta plan this out myself. And I want you along as my assistant, yeah? Whaddya say, kid?”

Argh. And so, Quinn Shadowhelms becomes the ‘shadowy’ figure that ‘helms’ the project… from the shadows. With a name like that, I suppose really my future was either going to be doing this or become some sort of superhero of the night.

I agreed to Bodark’s terms, and we stayed up plotting out what we wanted to do with the castle.


Okay, so reader input time. I’ve got a very, very basic perimeter up – a simple wooden wall covering a rectangular space – and two buildings (with a third, the workhouse, in progress) that can be built up even further. I’ve got enough stone now to start working with that, but I’d like some direction. Though I’m capable of pulling off some neat/cool/fancy designs given a little bit of time to plan, that’s not really any fun. I’m thinking I’m just going to generally build up and in whatever direction feels comfortable (and yes, I’ll give that twin-spiral tower a try eventually). So what’s on the menu? A church randomly sticking out from the side of the main keep? A military tower by the entrance? Expanding the walls unnecessarily? I’m up for anything, though keep ideas short-term so I can do a few at once.

We don’t have a military yet after a year, as although we have an anvil we’ve yet to find ore - though I think I can mine out some of the obsidian by the now-vacant magma pipe and get some swords together. Hopefully sparring injuries won’t be too bad, if any. Swords play a big role in how I’d like this fort to turn out, so it’s fortunate that they can be made without smelting.

I’m gonna give the elves what I can to encourage the humans to show up, but the idle list has literally been at 0 since we departed – no time to build goods. More likely than not I’ll end up just snubbing them like I more or less did for the dwarven caravan. Still uncertain how I’m going to handle the orcs, who still haven’t shown up. We’ve got that little wealth, I guess.

i would like a dwarf im still figuring out if i can have like a priest like dwarf or a peasent if priesty make sure hes got hammer or a weapon skill (as i wish to be like a warrior priest of sigmar WH:FB ftw!)
name: Narglard
role: Priest of the god of war (dont make my guy seem crazy though ^^) or just a peasent (heck i dont even know if a priest class is available)and on a greater note he perferably wishes to defend his home with honor (make him a marksdwarf or a axedwarf what ever comes first!) he hates undead and wishes all fowl beasts of there type to be destroyed. (you know you dont have to actually have to have any of this just make him a peasent if ya cant XD)

Technically there's no priest class, but I can totally give him a custom title and treat him for all intents and purposes like one. A stone-faced crusader seems a pretty apt summary. I think I can give him a special befitting military role, though it likely won't be one of your preferred weapons - you'll see. I'll add you to the TBD, and gods do I wish we'd get some freaking migrants already.

Jarod Cain

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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2009, 07:11:31 am »

Well, we'll want a concentric castle with ideally at least one ring of curtain wall for defense. Though if we're upstaging the humans I'd say two or three. The central one wall closest to the keep should have a water moat (if possible) while the ultimate outer perimeter should have a lava one. Massive gatehouses are good, with multiple towers and murder rooms that can be sealed. I've always been a fan of the King's Gate from castle Caernarfon, but that's me.

But most of this is all pretty elementary. As far as projects go, I'll just demand a multi-story norse-style wooden longhouse (with marble or obsidian support pillars & floor) to serve as the future beer hall, where the brewery will be located.

Quote from: Sulvor
Your avatar is awesome. ;D 
Thanks, it fit my mood when I first registered here.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 07:43:07 am by Jarod Cain »
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


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Re: The Castle Mightygrips: A medieval hell. [community]
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2009, 09:35:22 am »

I think your plan with the elves should change. :( If you keep snubbing them Irwin will never get any exotic pets to play with. You have to trade them quite a bit and get some estatic elfy traders to bring tales of the great dwarfy castle that needs a pair of giant eagle pets... >.>

That said, we slaughtered some things like raccoons and dogs and the like, there should be skulls and bones around. Have Irwin start working on totems and bone crafts. The more skill he gets in bone crafting, the more value these things will have, and the closer he will be to getting a rare pet combo. You could also think about getting a kitchen running for meat roasting. This can be worth tons of money once you get a fairly skilled cook, plus a kitchen is the only way to deal with fat that seems to explode from butchered animals.

As to the castle itself, I've been playing around with an embankment type castle, a two story wall, that is dug in for the interrior. Basically a large flat open air hole, with a wall inside the hole, and then another wall placed on top of that. I suggest the trade depot be placed outside this bunker, with two archer towers on either side, that have tunnels back through to the main courtyard of the castle.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 09:37:25 am by Haika »
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?
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