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Author Topic: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress  (Read 14085 times)


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Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:41:28 am »

Welcome to the succession fortress Redundantfort, also known as:
Shadmalgeshud Bunsothurdimgeshud Råsh

This succession game is based around towers. Instead of digging down, one will build up, spending only minimal time underground. This succession fort will start once enough people have joined. To join, please reply on this thread, along with which z-level you'd like to do.

Turn Sequence
  • Lord Nincompoop (KIA) MathijsBuster (KIA) Overspeculated (DONE)
  • Overspeculated (DOW) Zeffrin (KIA) Omegastick (DONE)
  • TheHunger (MIA) Boksi (DONE)
  • Odd!x (KIA)
  • Lord Nincompoop (CURRENT)
  • Overspeculated (FUTURE)
  • TheHunger (FUTURE)
  • (Access to all z-levels, Objective: Polish up fortress and make a grand roof)
The number also represents which z-level, numbered from the amount of levels off the ground, that is reserved for the player.

  • Each turn will last 3 years or two weeks, whichever comes first.
  • The player will be limited to one z-level, which is on top of the previous person's level.
  • The player will not be able to use anything from the previous players' z-levels. This means that each z/level will be independent of each other (except structurally). No workshops, no food, no nothing.
  • The player can not simply lock themselves in the fort. This is no Fun.
  • The underground is free game. Please make the majority of your fort aboveground, and refrain from relying too much on the underground. Not so much a rule as guideline.
  • The player on the topmost z-level WILL have access to the levels before, and this player's mission is also to greate the grandest roof possible.
  • When a player takes over and begins his/her turn, he/she will appoint a fully working, non-noble dwarf to be his/her avatar. This dwarf will perform normally until the end of his/her tun at which point the dwarf will become a non-working dwarf (no, not even hauling). Also, if you chosen dorf dies, you die and your turn ends.
  • Please write a progress report to go along with your finished turn. May be however long, or short as you want.
  • When your turn begins, post a "journal entry" within 3-7 days or you will be skipped. If you do not wish to be skipped but cannot meet the deadline, please contact me within the specified length of time. If you have been skipped, contact me to be added in the list at a rank you feel comfortable.

The game will be running under 40d, using this map, and using a few mods of my own design. These mods are homebrew, and unfortunately I can't tell you what they are. It's a Fun Surprise.

Link to initial modded game
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 01:45:01 am by lordnincompoop »


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 01:35:51 pm »

Well, I might be remotely interested.
However, I have a few questions:

- Should we write a progress report?
- Should we carry essential things like food up to the next z-level at the end of our reign, for use by the next person?
- Could you be a little more specific as to the nature of the mods that are used? Or is it supposed to be a total surprise?

Other than that, I guess I could go wild and try Turn 2.
I'll try and do my best to stick to the rules as I interpret them. Feel free to ignore my attempt if I screw up. :)
Dwarves: Death from Below!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 07:06:01 pm »

1. You will never get enough interested people for all 106 z-levels.
2. A week per person is too short a timeframe
3. The next version is coming out soon, this means both less interest in any community forts starting now, as saves will be incompatible, and the sure death of this succession fort once the new version hits, as everybody will play with this.

1. Who cares
2. Increase the time frame
3. Wait until the new version is released? :P

Sign me up anyway, I'll give it a try


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2009, 10:12:10 pm »

Sign me up. Although I agree with the above post. But sign me up anyways.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 05:41:51 am »

Sign me up, first possible place.
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:


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First Year, Spring-Summer
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2009, 10:56:40 am »

This was something new. Something controversial. Something... Amazing. I, Zas Inksavage, was a scribe and administrator to the government of one of the largest cities. I was rather well known there. My friends called me Inksavage as a result of my... writing habits.

One day, I had recieved a letter from the king that I was to lead an expedition to a land in the southwestern area of the world annd found a fortress there. It told me to come to his court immediately to rendezvous with the other 6 dwarves. I arrived some days alter and met up at the hall.

The other dwarves, unfortunately, seemed working class and none were from a position much higher than craftsmen. The king told us that unlike the other fortresses we were going to build upwards, not down. He had, it seems, a rather strange sense of humour as he named the fort "Confusefortress the God-Forsaken Tower-Fort of Death". Very optimistic, indeed. Before he sent us off with our wagon, he told us that there had been a few strange goings-on there and that we should be wary.

We arrived at the foot of two narrow, tall mountains. Immediately I could see why the king wanted us to build towers: mounatins provided an ideal base for a tall tower, and they were unusually narrow (only about 48 dwarf-breadths across). When one of my comrades saw them, he began crackin jokes about the "features of women". Note to self: give perverse dwarf as many remote jobs as possible. We immediately began unpacking the wagon and diggin out our temporary homes, and a small farm for food. I began taking stocks.

The first order of business was to build a suitable base for our coming project. We created someworkshops outside, made beds and began digging out mining shafts downwards to extract stone. One or two dwarves tended the farm. Then came the first harvest! We only got a few plump helmets (for that's what we grew) the few that we did harvest were mostly stockpiled, but it was a harvest nonetheless.

Our cats all suddenly came back with mouthfuls of bloody chunks from some poor animal. Dammit. We seem to have gotten some killerkats. Oh, I feel sorry for that animal... probably bleeding out somewhere.

Here's us working.

We've pretty much finished the camp, so we began digging out the rest of the mountain and placing a few walls. And just as quickly, summer came.



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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2009, 02:18:26 pm »

I'll take the next available spot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2009, 11:05:15 pm »

'Ey, it's been a long while since I played one of these. Sign me up for the next spot, would you?



  • Bay Watcher
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First Year, Summer
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2009, 02:28:33 pm »

"Don't worry, Zas. Lotsa dwarves do it. Tis no shame."

"But that does not make the act any better!" shouted Zas, and buried his face into his hands once more. After a few minutes of sobbing, he looked up at his friend Ducim, sitting beside him, and stammered, "a-and there were so many of them, so many that I sent to the butcher's, just like that..."

"Aye. Well, that's the life of a fortress leader, Zas, and many worse things are coming. You should not grief and despair over the lives of a few wee kittens." Ducim sidled a little closer and patted his back as comfortingly as he could, taking solace in the fact that it was not him that had to make the decisions.

"There were just so many, you know, Ducim? There were just so many o' them, all so suddenly... I just woke up and there were kittens everywhere..."

"Aye. Ye did what ye had to do."

"A-and we couldn't just let them be... We had ta get rid o' them somehow, wit' us swimming in cats. Seriously affecting productivity, and all that."

There was a loud and wet crunching sound as Solon the butcher bisected yet another kitten. Blood plattered onto the claystone chopping board and onto his face. Zas flinched at the sound, frantically wiping away the bloodslatters on his forearm as if it were poison or acid.

Solon picked up another kitten, and smiled to it at the little creture mewled and licked him playfully, unaware of its impending doom. He hugged the kitten and cradled it like a baby, before placing it on the chopping block. Solon pranced over to the tools rack and picked up a knife, and holding it one hand, stroked the kitten gently. It mewled in joy and looked at Solon, curious at what would happen next.

Slowly, Solon began bringin the knife closer to the kitten's throat, still smiling, still playful. Slowly, the dwarf drew a red line on its throat with the knife. Solon still kept that seemingly kind, caring smile. The kitten still mewled quietly for a few seconds, before suddenly spurting out a fountain of blood, covering him. Face unchanged, he looked up from his work at the two dwarves sitting against the stone wall, and said,

"Sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up afterwards."

Zas simply stared at him for a few minutes. Ducim however, didn't. It was all normal to him, having come from another fortress. Zas then shook Ducim, again in tears, and shouted,

"Is that normal? Is that who I have to become? You say that there are many, many worse things than that! Tell me it's not true!"

"Well, tis' true, whether you want it or not. If ye don't know this, then you've never been to a fort before. You will do many worse things than all o' us, includin' Solon over there, in the years to come."

Solon continued looking at them blankly, and tilted his head slightly, smiling in a faintly puzzled way.

"Trust me, Zas, there's more to come."

"No. I can't take this anymore. I'm an administrator, not a dictator and murderer! I thought... I thought I'd have a quiet life, not this! I quit! I quit, before this job blackens my soul any further! I want to sleep at night with- with a clear concience, and wake up happily hopeful of the new day, not grieving over past sins and future horrors! I QUIT!" screamed Zas, and ran. He ran as fast as he could.

"No, come back Zas, come back!" Ducim shouted after him, sprinting and running as fast as his legs could bear him, trying to chase Zas.

The two dwarves left Solon standing there, looking out to their shrinking silhouettes on the horizon, still smiling in a faintly puzzled way. Solon stood there, motionless, for a long while, before herding another kitten and returning to his work. To him, there was only the butcher's workshop, the kittens, and the job.

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« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 02:30:06 pm by lordnincompoop »


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2009, 04:25:07 pm »

I, Buster of Stalgeshud, had seen forts before.
I've visited the great majestic magma fortresses, traditional dwarven keeps, and I've even witnessed forts that had been build above ground – sculpting the horizon itself with their grand and glorious outlines.

So when the king told me that I had been assigned as the new caretaker of some weird fortress in the middle of nowhere, I wasn't expecting anything too surprising. I certainly wasn't expecting what would follow.
Instead, I hopped on the very first caravan heading towards the place. Apparently the previous caretaker had gone crazy and fled.

Maybe that should've tipped me off...
And if not, I should've at least turned back when I came upon the two most unnatural pillars I had ever witnessed. They were rising up into the sky – piercing the heavens themselves.

At first I thought they were towers, but the caravan driver assured me they were 'natural' rock formations.
Natural? There was nothing natural about that! This was the work of some sort of greater demonic entity. Or could it be the altar of Armok   himself?

The caravan halted a few miles away from the site, and the caravan driver seemed as anxious to go on as I was. I told him we had to move on however – for the new fortress would surely need the supplies, and me as their new leader. The caravan driver hestitated one final time, but then we moved the final few miles towards the site.

It was when we got closer when I first heard it.
It was soft at first, like pressure was gently pushing against my eardrums. It quickly became louder however... and even louder. Until I could clearly distuingish the sound.

It was Meow-ing! Not mere meow-ing... but the meow-ing of what sounded to be a thousand cats that were craving attention in unison. When we arrived, the sound was almost deafening.
It was then when I noticed all the moving furballs in the grass. They were cats, and by Armok, there were indeed thousands of them!

The caravan driver couldn't get to the Trade Depot due to all the kittens that were running and tumbling about.
You couldn't walk without tripping over the darn things, but I hopped off the cart anyway and expertly manoeuvred the last few yards through them.

As I moved over I finally spotted the first dwarves. It looked like there were at least 5 of them. They held  butcher-knives in their hands and were making rhytmic swaying motions.
Every few seconds I'd hear a collective gory -THUD- as the knives hit another few kittens, followed by blood splattering everywhere. The thunderous meow-ing was somehow adding to this all and making the entire soundscape into a grizzly new musical genre.

What did I get myself into? All my courage sank to my knees, and I knew I had to turn back and get away as far as possible. The world seemed to spin, and I turned around to start running – but I tripped over at least 12 kittens and face-planted down in the mud.
The whole world seemed to slow down to a crawl as some of the kittens were heading towards me - with a few of the more adult specimens giving birth along the way.
The new-borns immediately joined into the rhytmic choir of MEOW.

I vomitted as cats started adopting me. I pleadingly looked around for help. Surely one of the local dwarf residents had spotted me and would come to my aid?
I looked to the right, and luck seemed to be with me as one of the dwarves was indeed heading my way.

... My luck seemed to be over just as quickly, however - as a hundred cats swarmed him, and he immediately bursted into flames. No doubt due to the sheer mass and warmth of a thousand cats rubbing against him.

I screamed, and so did the !!dwarf!!. He flailed his arms around while running and screaming - spreading smoke everywhere – with the cats following in his wake.

I quickly stood up and threw some of the kittens off me, and finally began to run. It didn't matter to me in what direction I was going. I just knew I had to get away.
I didn't stop running until the meowing was no longer heard, and I couldn't distinguish the smoke between the two pillars anymore.

I gasped for breath, and looked up. The caravan driver stood in front of me with a terrified look upon his face.

“G-get me out of here”, I begged, “I'm not touching this one with a hundred foot pole” - before vomitting up a hair-ball (or maybe a small kitten?) and passing out.

The world turned dark...

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Dwarves: Death from Below!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Year, Summer
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2009, 06:57:32 pm »

seemingly kind, caring smile.
I got to there. Now its 3 in the morning where I'm at (started reading at 11)


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2009, 04:27:22 am »

Please don't make Zas disappear. He's still there.

Also, if you guys don't think you are dwarf enough to handle the broken cats, I'll do it. If not, it's your turn, Overspeculated. Please post your game, MathijsBuster. It's still valid and canon, like mine.

If you really want to know why that miner ignited, read below.

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« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:29:55 am by lordnincompoop »


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2009, 07:11:17 am »

Also, if you guys don't think you are dwarf enough to handle the broken cats, I'll do it.

Dwarf enough to get rid of the catsplosion? Perhaps not.
Dwarf enough to know when to run away? Definately!

As for uploading my save... I'm not sure there's any use. :-\
The only thing I managed to achieve during my turn was to get more of the infernal creatures to spawn and set at least one of my dorfs on !!fire!! 

I've tried everything, butchering them, getting a roof to collapse on them...
I even tried...
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But they just keep filling my screen.
Except for when that burning dwarf is running around, because then all I see is smoke.

... now maybe if there was magma on the map... <_<
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 07:13:16 am by MathijsBuster »
Dwarves: Death from Below!


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2009, 08:25:41 am »

I'm cranking the cats down to a playable amount, and adding more, other, Fun. I'll finish this turn.

Still, expect dealing with catsplosions very important.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 10:35:38 am by lordnincompoop »


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Re: Redundantfort: A Succession Fortress - PEOPLE NEEDED! JOEEN NAO!
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2009, 06:33:22 pm »

Why have I jumped to fourth position? I have nothing against with it It's just I wondered why.
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:
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