Doom music, really? ...okay, you asked for it. Of course, I'm going to ask if that's okay with Jetsquirrel. Who knows, he might choose Morning Ballad or something just to spite you.
Turn 16Wimdit (Laodike)Hair potion! That Reginald was a genius. I can only hope his secrets didn't die with him. Continue to continue searching, looking out for alchemical notes as well.
(6+1=7) You continue to continue searching. The redunant word continue, having no where else to go, flies out of the narrative and hits you in the face. (5) Fortunately you aren't hurt- but it smashes open a locked cabinet. Eagerly you check in side- and are struck with irony, thankfully not literally this time. There is a small safe. You pull it out and inspect it- nothing seems unusual, save that in place of a keyhole is a smooth round indent, with a little notch sticking out of the top, and in the middle a few gears are visible. Who knows what's in here?
Kilakan (Kilaran)Drink about half the barrel of booze, then go back and grab two torches, then check too see if the booz door is unlocked, or any keys work.
You chug! Chug! No wait, stop! That's half. (?) Well, you feel a little less groggy, but not as much as you would hope. It might have gone foul. Nonetheless, you grab the torches and do what I think you're gong to do. (3) You drop a torch in and run, the barrel explodes behind you! You've now blown open the booz room. Closer inspection reveals that the door did not have a lock. Oh yeah, you need that booze.
tehstefan (Roderick)I try and see if I can't identify the snake, and hopefully find a way to neutralize the poison. Or that it gives me superpowers. either one.
(4) You catch a good glimpse of the snake before it goes away, (1) seeing that it's a Black mamba. You can do little more than hope it didn't actually inject nay poison. (?) You feel fine, for now. So why wouldn't you ahve super powers? You strain your eyes really hard trying to use X-ray vision. (?) Your head hurts. In the distance, you see the sky has darkened at an unusual pace. Indeed, looking west reveals a sky far darker than it should be compared to the east.
KineseN (Recital Sky)Point at the kings crouch and exclaim that his zip is down. Hopefully while everyone is looking at a non-existant zip I slip away out of the castle for now. I need to re-think my strategy.
You point at his
crouch. "Hah! Your crouching stance is horrible!" (4+1) Then you remember your plan. "Hey! Your zipper is down!" (6+1=7) Everyone falls for it. The king staggers back, blushing as his guards laugh. In fact, even the sacred Cheese Vault, forged in stone and God's-Metal to hold the Cheesediamond which would serve as a magical seal to forever bind shut the portal to hell and protect it from outsiders who would foolishly seek its beauty without understanding its portent, falls for it. Or rather, on it. Before you can even process that sentence, you're crushed by a bunch of stone and a giant vault door. (5) In spite of being dead, however, you get to annoy the king for all eternity in the afterlife. So... I
guess you succeeded.
RandomNumberGenerator (Viper)I'm a thief, not a warrior. Lats time I tried to kill a vault guardian, it almost took my arm off. People need to stop being idiots and stashing deadly monsters in with their treasure. I take the diamond and flee from the castle.
You start heading down the stairs from the tower. (4) The walls and floors are shaken, but they seem to be holding fine. Some of the stones seem to be scorched- you get on your guard. As you get to the main hall, you see the courtyard is filled with rubble. The most obvious means of exit will be difficult. You don't think anyone's going to try to kill you, but there IS a demon on the loose. There are noises you simply cannot describe coming from the Duke's party, but you're unsure if that's a good or bad thing.