First I'll answer any questions I was asked while gone.
Alsark, get talking when you're back. Which of the players who are in the game would you rather have as a scumbuddy, and why?
That is an odd question, but if I did have a scum buddy this game I believe that you would make a good one. You seem to be pretty pro-town this game, and that, of course, is a good trait to have as mafia. Therefore, a mafioso with you as a partner would be in good shape.
I vote for, I dunno, Alsssark because he hasn't posssted yet. Alsssark, if you played Pokemon generation one, which ssstarter pokemon would you pick and why?
Charmander - primarily because he is the cutest.
And now onto my vote:
I feel that
Cheddarius is the scummiest one here. My reasoning for this has been explained by others throughout the game, but I'll share my thoughts regardless. What first caught my attention was his whole, "I am not voting for this bandwagon because I don't want to seem like scum" post. That seemed very scummy, ironically going against what he wanted. Second, he seemed to then just vote for whoever seemed like the easiest vote at the time or whoever seemed the most likely to be lynched. He immediately voted for "theevilmonk" when Cthulu did. He later voted for me, who was defenseless (albeit in his defense he probably didn't know I couldn't really get on at the time).
Also, Cheddarius, I'm not sure your code is an actual code but a random bunch of letters? "x" has to be either "i" or "a". "u" has to be either "i" or "a". Yet, "o" must also be either "i" or "a". These are the only letters that are by themselves (and thus the most easiest to decipher in a normal code). Seeing as three are by themselves, the code is either extremely, extremely difficult or not a code at all.