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Author Topic: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - UPDATE: badass clerk has 1 kill and counting  (Read 11988 times)


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2009, 05:30:32 am »

Next came my trip to the quartermaster. Given the general harsh nature of the territory we were settling, and the impossibility of finding a decent set of trees for lumber, bringing along extra woodcutting axes or an anvil was out of the question. We'd focus on simply surviving long enough to set up a decent farming operation and go from there. Our smithy - and it would be a glorious smithy, someday - could wait.

An additional aspect of the freezing landscape would be the difficulty of importing live animals for our breeding stock. I decided to bring a pair of each animal along from the start to ensure the viability of our herd.

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Why all the different and inexpensive foods, each coming in their own spankin' new barrel? Because variety is the spice of life. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Our preparations complete, the only steps remaining before embarking on our journey (estimated to end sometime in early Spring) were to name both our group of seven and the settlement itself. For the latter, after a lengthy deliberation on what sort of name captures the Dwarven spirit of adventure, craftsmanship, and honor, while also reminding our enemies of the long and storied history of our fierce warriors, I settled upon "Flickertreaty." Yes, even those we deign to negotiate with would do well to respect our unpredictable belligerence.

As for the group, we all agreed on "The Armored Hammer." I mean, it's a hammer, with more metal stuck on. It's both an icon and a role model.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 12:56:28 pm by Kethas »


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2009, 05:37:05 am »

Aww crap, im going to be the crazy cat lady... well if we get more than 1 cat in...

It is the consistent position of the Department of Financial Responsibility that silhouette is, um, no fun at all at parties.
Its because i drink all the liqour!
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2009, 05:46:29 am »

1st Granite, 301, Early Spring:

After a long journey of many months, during which we discovered that the mason snores, we've finally arrived.

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The first thing I did as our new settlement leader was take a quick look around at our newfound home - a site filled with promise, adventure, and the chance to expand the borders of civilization and society.

The hell? This was not covered in the self-help books.

Okay, Step 1: perform Quality Assurance on the beer supply. Step 2: figure out what to do.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2009, 05:49:03 am »

Ooooh, obvious obsidian cap?

Also that looks like a perfect cave entrance to the right.
And thats a lot of trodglytes....
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2009, 06:09:07 am »

Oh boy I cant wait to participate in my first succession thread! Yay!
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2009, 06:23:46 am »

1st Granite, 301, Early Spring:

Well, first the good news: our dowsers insisted there's an underground river here somewhere, and that exposed chasm will serve as a great water outlet for our megaprojects. Second, the magma pipe's location is pretty obvious with that glaring obsidian cap next to our wagon. Third, looking around, there don't seem to be any skeletal giant eagles flying around in this evil-infested hinterland. Yet. Fourth, while the overall terrain is pretty flat, there's a good hill to the north that's just tall enough to permit siege operator training without bothering sleepers on the two deepest levels we can dig here - I've made a note of the location.

Now the bad: we have zero trees anywhere in the area. Unfortunate, but manageable - in my perfect foresight I brought a bazillion barrels and logs, and we can trade for more. The biggest problem will be setting up a working farm - we have no soil anywhere I can see. Fortunately, I've read up on how to get water out of glacier ice, and I'll try to get our miners working immediately and put that to good use. This glacier may be harsh and barren, but it's no match for the power of books.

1st Granite, 301, Early Spring:

Some hippy elf once said: If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. I think I feel the same way about fortress design. After taking a good, hard look at the surroundings, I think I have a decent idea of where the fortress's central staircase should go, which in turn tells me what patch of the glacier I should try to collapse for water for farming. That will be our first project, and I've dispatched both our miners. The rest of the settlement team will start hauling our belongings out of the cold.

17th Granite, 301, Early Spring:

Unfortunately one of the local troglodytes came a bit too close to one of our dogs and attacked. The nearby miners couldn't be mobilized in time and the poor thing died. Fortunately it ended up being one of our two male dogs - it won't interfere with our long-term breeding plans.

Meanwhile, our single cat has developed a penchant for wandering through hordes of ratmen and moledogs to the southwest, near the chasm, unmolested. I suppose evil beings ignore their own kind.

Work on collapsing the glacier continues apace. We're in a race to complete this major external project before serious predators show up, but so far, so good.

15th Felsite, 301, Late Spring:

Today, work completed on the third level (of four) of the pit required for the glacier collapse. The non-miners among us have, by now, moved our entire stock "inside," as well, although the "fortress" excavation is really just a staircase at the moment. All of our effort has gone into completing the pit as quickly as possible. No undead yet, but I still fear the arrival of aggressive monsters before we can hole up properly.

27th Hematite, 301, Early Summer:

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The efforts to extract water from the glacier reached a very satisfying conclusion today, and we didn't even lose the miners! All that remains is to remove stairs lining the external, now-water-containing pit to prevent enemies from climbing down to our water access, and start a bucket brigade irrigating an interior cavern floor. Just in time, too - this excavation has seen us go through most of our booze. That, and the ratmen outside have been steadily encroaching our excavation. I wouldn't have wanted to finish a month later.

25th Malachite, 301, Mid-Summer:

Strangely, the melted water from the glacial collapse has developed a new top covering of ice - one that immediately reforms whenever we channel through it. Access via buckets would be impossible. Instead, we're digging out the entire farm cave and will drain the cistern into it to muddy the soil. I expect work to complete before summer's end, although we'll take extra time to expand the lowest level of our fortress, the bedrooms, to guarantee evaporation if we need to spread the water further.

19th Limestone, 301, Early Autumn:

The ratmen finally got tired of our cat meandering around their ankles. One corpse later, we now have no cats to keep the vermin under control. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope our first immigrant wave brings a cat or two.

The trade liaison and caravan arrived today, but needless to say we're in no position to trade. I'll probably offer a handful of mechanisms for some food and booze to keep us going until the farms are operational.

The cistern has been drained successfully and, so far, we have 27 5x5 muddy plots safe in the depths of our fortress. At this point I'm digging out additional plots merely to spread out the water and expedite the evaporation.

15th Sandstone, 301, Mid-Autumn:

Some migrants arrived today. Why they opted for a military outpost in the middle of a frozen wasteland instead of a tropical beach is beyond me, but here they are. Seven total, doubling our fort's population: a metalcrafter, furnace operator, general metalsmith, stonecrafter, general fisheryworker, potash maker, and peasant. I immediately put them to work hauling in the dozens of corpses littering the countryside after the dwarven caravan's guards had their way with the local fauna.

Good work, dwarfs.

I've dug out all the potential farmland I really care to and am now waiting for the water to equilibrate and evaporate before digging below our farming level. In the meanwhile, our fort finally - finally, after two and a half seasons of constant work to secure a source of food and booze in this frigid environment - has some time to take stock of our rooms and start making this look like a proper fortress. No bedrooms still, but I've had a common barracks dug out on the military level and we're now excavating a handful of lockable armories for our (eventual) military's inventory.

I traded away a few dozen mechanisms for food, booze, and a few bars' worth of metal.

Next year, I'm sure, will be different. Oh yes...

15th Moonstone, 301, Early Winter:

Nelasilral is finally starting to resemble something civilized instead of a hole in the ground. The mason just finished all the furnishings for my very own office. And bedroom, and dining room, and tomb, yes, but an office! With records! Records that need updating!

Pardon the short journal entry today - urgent business that needs attending to. Urgent records business.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 11:24:13 am by Kethas »


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2009, 06:32:21 am »

dont you dare crush me!
# PowerGoal49, SCREAM BALL, (Future): Trolls take the captives and see if they can throw them all the way over the chasm to each other.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2009, 08:11:48 am »

1st Granite, 301, Early Spring:

Some hippy elf once said: If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. I think I feel the same way about fortress design.

Agreeing with the elves?



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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2009, 12:39:26 pm »

1st Granite, 302, Early Spring:

And so ends my year as expedition leader. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. But not a bad whimper! This is a good whimper - the kind of whimper that suggests you didn't screw up horribly. Let's see, notes for the next admin...

1) This is the current entrance:

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I never really worried about setting up a decent defense here; I just finished the glacier business and walled us in for the year. Totally safe, but not terribly conducive to safe trading. One level up is a ceiling that's about to finish to protect against fliers, but the tile over the ramp can't be floored, as the mason needs a way to get up there. I'd suggest placing some cage traps between the up-ramp and the guard dog to catch the odd skeletal giant eagle/dragon/kobold.

2) It might not look like it, but this is our barracks/military level:

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The room on the right is the barracks; the nine rooms on the left are for weapons/armor/ammo storage, so you can compartment off, say, steel weapons from wood ones with different stockpiles, and lock and unlock the appropriate doors when you want your dwarves to either spar without killing each other, or kill off a siege with plenty of killin' involved. The floor gives you a great idea of the status of our stockpiles; that status is "abysmal." "Tidying up" will probably be a solid theme for the next year.

Immediately below that level is a set of actual stockrooms, which are in the process of being excavated but haven't been cleared of stone. Farther below THAT you'll find what looks like a stockroom, with channeled holes in the floor - this was originally for a Bucket Brigade irrigation of the farms below. Ignore or floor over the holes.

3) My main (only?) focus for my first year: ensuring that our fortress has enough food and booze while it's parked in the middle of a barren glacier.

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Farming will not be an issue for our fortress. I only got these up in late Autumn, though, so while there's an absurd amount of subterranean farmland, none of it is actually set to farm, except one farm doing straight Plump Helmets. (We have plenty of seeds, though.) Have fun. We're currently okay on food and booze, but low - it'll improve once our farmer gets cranking, but in the meanwhile watch the counts, especially if we get a huge immigrant wave soon.

4) This floor serves two purposes:

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It lets you Dump materials into the workshops below, if, say, you get a nice mood and want to lock the guy in and only let him use the specific items you want him to (once, that is, the workshop level gets doors). Once you connect the Depot on the right to the surface, however you want, that'll be a nice, safe way to trade, and also protect the traders (assuming you hook up a door, bridge, etc. at both the top of the tunnel and between the depot and our stairs). My current depot is hardly safe - I just built it in a hurry in Autumn when the traders arrived.

5) Kethas likes selenite, pig iron, ivory, variscites, maces, shields, bins, horses, and sasquatches. He's currently in a relatively underfurnished suite. I'm sure you'll do well. (If you can trap a sasquatch and place him in my room, you'll be my hero.)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 12:41:07 pm by Kethas »


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2009, 12:44:55 pm »

And on that note. Stefan, Mal, and Mono, any of you folks here? I'm pretty sure silhouette is. We'll say 24 hours for someone to reply; if multiple people do, the first person on the OP list goes; if nobody replies, we go to silhouette's turn.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2009, 01:04:35 pm »

Yep, I'm here.

And yay! my dorf likes most of the stuff I like!
Cat heads, cat heads, roly poly cat heads,
Biting at the dorf necks, now I have dorf heads.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2009, 01:07:24 pm »

Mal, go ahead and pick up whenever you'd like, I'll swap you and stefan in the OP.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2009, 01:09:39 pm »

Alright, I'll start my turn now <- official file-grabby
Cat heads, cat heads, roly poly cat heads,
Biting at the dorf necks, now I have dorf heads.


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2009, 01:22:33 pm »

I salute you Kethas, you did alot of the major, yet boring, tasks. 

Now everyone else can focus on being drunk and insulting the human caravan's mother.  ;D


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Re: Nelasilral, "Flickertreaty" - our slacker clerk still has zero kills
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2009, 04:01:09 pm »

I'm here... I've just been lurking around looking at the fortress.   8)
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.
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