Well, let us call it a matter of opinion and leave it at that; I just hate constraints.
Adding more to the list, enforced tutorials are very annoying. Oblivion and Fallout 3 fall into this, since I have to dredge through the longest possible tutorial that asks you "Are you perfectly happy with this?" near the end.
At least demon souls had the decency not to do that, although it can get annoying in its own right. (Why the hell did a guy with a poisoned knife just jump out of that iron maden!?)
Memorization and trial and error gameplay is pretty bad design, although it is one thing when you do something that is idiotic simply because you are used to doing so in other games. Roguelikes can be frustrating because of this, but it can also feel rewarding as well. Unless you are really unlucky and fall in a spiked pit with poison in it, or happened to have a block land on your head.
The unintuitive fighting in the original prince of persia game, although there might have been a way to defeat the guards without racking up near fatal wounds that I haven't discovered while I was playing it.
The DS Zelda games, and the idea that using the touchscreen to play the majority of the game... moving towards the left means my hand gets in the way of the screen, and Spirit Tracks just makes you look silly if you play it in public.
Dynasty Warriors doesn't exactly fall into this, but they have an issue with releasing the same game I've played since 3.
Any game that depends on gimicks for that matter. The eyetoy was a waste of money, and I haven't bothered getting a new power adaptor for my wii since my sister pluged it directly into the socket instead of the converter. That is a pretty bad sign (although I will probably get one when the Metroid game comes out).