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Author Topic: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!  (Read 37141 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #135 on: January 13, 2010, 09:47:59 am »

Would you like to get a place later on in the list then?
As things are looking now I won't have much spare time for the next week and will with all likelihood be swamped again after that. So for now I will just follow along.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #136 on: January 13, 2010, 01:24:44 pm »

Alright, wicked. I'll get right on that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #137 on: January 14, 2010, 02:08:32 am »

Ast Dallithkubuk, Mayor of The Leaky Noble
1st Granite, 206
I have been... utterly ecstatic lately! I made a crown, the best crown ever made in these lands, they say. This prestigious personal achievement and the massive improvements to our fort would make my predecessors proud, rest their souls.

I think it's about time to open up a military program... I'm sure there's plenty of useless immigrants coming around the corner, and they've got nothing better to do. I went ahead and ordered the construction of some screw pump components so that they can improve their endurance and strength!

I'm not quite sure of what our material supplies are like for construction of that... but I'm sure me and our crafters will figure that out soon enough.. make them out of silver maybe?
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Vabok Locunerush, Animal Trainer and Dog Enthusiast
5th Granite, 206
I went to the animal cages today, to see the dogs. I got fed up with the way they have been locked up in their so I just went ahead and let them all out.. Ast didn't like that however.. I tried and tried to convince him that they deserved to be free but he just wouldn't have it.. asshole.. Dogs are dwarves best friend, such an outrage.

It wasn't all bad though, Ast only put the puppies back into the cage. He said that if I trained all the adult dogs into war dogs he would be fine with letting them run loose. I don't like the idea of dogs having to risk their lives in fights for us but.. it's better than them being locked up and eventually butchered for food.
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Ingish Obokadril, Miner
10th Granite, 206
fucking fuck fuck fuck shit

i was just trying to finish this goddamn water tunnel project or whatever the hell, no one gave me any proper directions they just said 'go dig'
so i go dig and guess what happens? fucking salty shit water everywhere, i'm gettin thrown around like a dick on a dick and could barely even get out of the tunnel cause i don't know where the damn stairs are no one told me

why would they put me in charge of this project? i don't know nothin about screw pumps or water tunnels. i'm sure i just ruined someones plan but it sure as hell isn't my fault hell no.
anyway, the well is built and stuff, and the screw pump is set up to put the water into the dwarvenmade water storage room and stuff. i don't know why salt water pumped into a dwarfmade room makes it clean, and i don't know why if it hits anything natural it turns back into salt water but that's not my job to figure out.

eventually this flow of water will reach the reservoir (why the dick who made the tunnel so long and wide is anybodies guess, goddamn)
then some idiot can pump it over to the other side i guess (i hope, i mean this is my first time doin this so...) so yeah our fort should have fresh water in a few months when that water stream eventually comes in.
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A note from Meng Artobbomrek to Ast Dallithkubuk, Mayor of The Leaky Noble
You really need to remove the engravings made by the artist 'Luke.Evil'. They are tasteless and horrible depictions of violence, and I don't care to see them. My newborn child is very impressionable you know, lately he's been striking his father after seeing all these pictures of dwarves killing each other.

If you don't do something about this I'm afraid he might drag some poor dwarf into a workshop one day and.... make a chair out of him or something horrible.. Please think of the children.
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Kol Shetbethducim, Metalsmith
5th Slate 206

I've been having trouble crafting these screw pump parts lately.. I'm having great trouble finding the necessary metals to craft what is asked of me. That and other stuff keeps getting thrown at me. Metal buckets, metal chains.. you name it.

So, the miners are mining up a bunch of ore for me and I'm going to try and smelt as much of it as I can, that should help.. it will help me re-establish myself. The military training program is just going to have to wait I suppose.

Immigration Log and job placements signed by Ast Dallithkubuk
24th Slate, 206
Goden, Weaver - We definitely don't need any weavers right now.. I think I'll place this dwarf into a squad for screw pump training when that's setup. Should make a fine recruit for our military.

Endok, Peasant - Another useless dwarf. Into the training program!

Ineth, Armorer - How nice! We will definitely need the services of this dwarf. I will also assign them to the crafting of everything else metal related.

Hexon, Speardwarf - He came armed fully in steel chain complete with steel shield and spear. I like this guy. Maybe a little too much. He shall be my shining paragon....

Nish, Mechanic - I'll leave him to his own designs.

Zefon, Peasant - ...drafted.

Kogsak, Butcher - If Vabok keeps up his disturbing dog obsession out cries, I think I'm going to need this guy to keep him in line. There's lots of other animals too. I really like meat... this guy can keep his job for sure.

Tosid, Dyer - Drafted.

Tekkud, Fisherdwarf - Does this place even have fish? I'll let him find out.

Stinthad, Cheese Maker - Wow. Drafted.

Sibrek, Gem Cutter - I added gem setting to his responsibilities.

Sibrek II, Animal Dissector - This guy seems to have the right idea about animals. I'll assign him to the rest of the duties involving animals as well.. maybe give our other animal caretakers an idea of what their mentalitiy should be... I'll be damned if my fortress goes soft like those prissy elvish tree hugging bastards...

Oddom, Peasant - Drafted.

Nomal, Potash - I don't even know what Potash is. He's going to be a miner instead.

eirth, Stonecrafter - A valuable profession.

Rakust, Brewer - Without these guys I would probably strangle and rape everyone in sight.

some other generic peasant - Getting sick of these bastards. Into the army with you!

Kib, Animal Care - This is getting uncomfortable. Next thing you know these guys will start wearing suits made out of animals and go around pretending to be them. I'm going to assign this guy to make crossbows.. just in case we have an incident with them.. Heh heh... he'll be crafting his own doom!

Sazir, fish dissector - Um, okay. He seems to like guts so I'll make him a butcher too. Always good to have an army of butchers ready in case of an emergency.

Eral, Peasant - thank god this is the last peasant, drafted!

This concludes my first section of my turn. I will get the rest done in a timely manner.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #138 on: January 14, 2010, 03:08:15 am »

Ahahahah I'm loving it.

I like the way Ast comes across as a batshit bloodthirsty animal hater :D


  • Bay Watcher
  • Failsafes on failsafe's failsafes!
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #139 on: January 14, 2010, 05:58:30 am »

Checking in early to inform that I won't be able to make it within a couple days. So if my turn comes up before the 20th, feel free to shove me further down the list straight away.
Nothing yet!

As Always

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #140 on: January 14, 2010, 10:49:14 am »

I feel gipped my dwarf died because of LOL NO WOOD. Can I grab another dwarf with any type of metalwork skill? Preferably a guy, but that's less of an issue, not like we'll be seeing that anyway.

Thanks for any compliance, and as usual glad to see this project working.
"...Although, how you misplace an entire corpse is beyond me."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #141 on: January 15, 2010, 09:06:11 am »

Ast Dallithkubuk, Mayor of The Leaky Noble
28th Slate, 206
One thing I don't get is why everyone stands outside all the time. It seems a little dangerous if you ask me. What's the point of having an excellent trap system at our front door if everyone isn't behind it?

Pfft.. sometimes this fort seems like a nut house to me. 'We can always just sound an alarm and forbid everyone from going outside anyway.' they said. Whatever. They might as well hang outside in style though, so I'm setting up a statue garden. I see the way the dwarves look at me lately... I really need to stay on their good side if I want to get re-elected...
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Aban Kelidin, Brewer
14th, Felsite
We're running out of barrels... I've heard rumours about the recent events that transpired here... they make me very very uncomfortable. I tried asking the farmers not to farm so much and pack up the plants full of barrels but they don't listen. Our supplies will last us for awhile so I better hope they realize the dire situation we are approaching.

At least the metal smiths and miners are TRYING to produce more barrels along with their other stuff.
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Ingish Obokadril, Miner
20th Felsite, 206
do i look like a fucking smart fucker or something? that cockdocker, Asthole, keeps askin me when the water is gonna reach the well hole
how would i know that? all i know is that its stupidly slow, it'll probably take like a year at this rate goddamn. goddamn!

good thing no one is yelling at me for my design, jeez
i'm gonna have to fix the end of that tunnel when no ones lookin, i forgot bout settin up a pump up top, settin up a dwarven made room for the reservoir, and for some dick ass reason i set up this floodgate fortified wall shit

fuck, one of these days i'm goin to be callin the shots i swear, with how retarded stuff is around here
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The Leaky Noble Local Crier
26th Felsite, 206
Tekkud Eshtanlektad, local mad-dwarf or genius? It has been confirmed by his local crafting peers that he has indeed locked himself up inside one of their workshop. They report that he spends entire days sitting at his station, muttering to himself components to some sort of unknown creation.

Only time will tell what will happen with this fellow and we hope to interview him when he is able.

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In other news, there is a complete lack of shells in our stockpiles... more on that on page 12.

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Ingish Obokadril, Newly Elected Mayor of The Leaky Noble
17th Hematite, 206
holy dick wagons! all i had to do was run for mayor and what do you know, they elect me
this is the best shitting day of my life i tell you what, haha! now i get to boss everyone around and make them do stupid things

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my first thing that i'll do is ban people from givin away our copper
i fuckin love copper, that shit is the best holy fuck i love copper

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Hexon, Speardwarf
16th Malachite, 206

For the past few days I have been directly stationed in front of the crafts shop. Get this... there's this mad dwarf holed up in there who has been sitting their muttering something about shells for months. I guess there was a chance of him going insane with rage at any moment and going on a killing spree!

So there I was, prepared for anything, when he finally stood up. He looked at me for a moment and then just starting babbling some utterly incoherent nonsense! He sounded like some sort of monkey or something, and he just started running around the room randomly throwing off all his apparels! Well, at least he wasn't hurting anyone. I just let him run free, he's probably out there running around naked in front of children or something.

I.. am quite disturbed by this ordeal to be honest. I'm not sure how much longer I can handle being a soldier if things continue at this rate...

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Tholtig Fuckingretardedlylonglastname, Recruit
27th Malachite, 206
I can barely... write... so..... thirsty!

I was.... wrestling with a buddy... buddy got a little rough.. sorta got broken in a bunch of places in a bad spot.... now I'm in bed.

There's a well, isn't there? Yeah.. that's what they said... they said the water was coming in.... if I can just hang in there... by the time the water comes in... I'll make it, they say... I really hope that well project is coming along good.... it's my only hope..
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Ast Dallithkubuk, Broker/Treasurer/Manager
1st Galena, 206

I may not be the mayor anymore.. but I'm still everything else important! I saved this fort once before and I will do it again, that I swear to you! Many drastic measures must be taken, this is not out of our ability to survive. As long as we work fast and efficient, under my lead, we will make it through this!

I researched our stocks and made a horrifying discovery... someone ordered the farmers to plant and harvest a VAST amount of plump helmets THEN this same person ordered the cooks to NOT use these plants for cooking! I am assuming that they intended to preserve absolutely everything involved with the process of creating Dwarven wine, and that was a sound idea... for a time.. was that me? ...I cannot recall, nor should it matter!

I revised these instructions to enable the cooking of plump helmets. Then I hired another cook and built an extra kitchen. I ordered both cooks to immediately start cooking lavish meals... which take 4 ingredients to make, in an attempt to reduce the plant supply as much as possible AND FAST!

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But this is not good enough. I also had the farming fields destroyed, I cannot allow them to continue in this state. In addition, I have dumped out several barrels full of tallow, fat, syrup, milk, and the ones that have a scarce amount of plants.

The whole fort... is thirsty... I had to build another still right away, and assign the brewers to them and nothing else. They managed to create a few drinks, I think this will buy me some much needed time to catch up with the needs of the entire fort. There's only 1 or 2 barrels of wine now, and for some reason only one dwarf at a time will use one... this will leave many thirsty for even longer!

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Trogdor, Legendary Bone Carver
3rd Limestone, 206

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It has begun. I have seen the images on the wall, we all have. History will repeat itself, some of us will die of thirst, others will commit suicide, some will be murdered.

This first death by dehydration.. will mark the beginning of a downwards spiral into chaos and de-

Oh wait, isn't this the mad-dwarf who tried to make the artifact out of shell and failed?
Hahaha! My mistake. Now, diary, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my bone spear.

Ast Dallithkubuk, Legendary Trader.. for today
14th Limestone, 206

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They finally came. These guys were not a part of my plan to stabilize the fort, but they will be a welcome boon for sure.

I already have the booze situation stabilized, but I will take ALL their wood, booze, empty barrels, and barrels full of anything. This brings us up to around 700 units of booze, we really have it made now!

I am told we will only use 10 units of wood this year, 5 barrels and 5 bins. Their will be PLENTY left for next year for us to do whatever we wish. I advised our Mayor to keep some on stock at all times, however. We don't want any insane crafters failing to create their masterpieces and having to die for it.

I also bought all their turtles and cave lobsters... we need the shells.

I got some cages from them as well... these damn animals... those goddamned animals...

We also got some extra steel spears. That... failure of a soldier, Hexon, (my first impression of him was completely shattered) he recently went and quit his job. He's a hunter now I believe? Either way, he keeps getting spears stuck into Camels, then the Camel runs away, and the spear is gone. Incompetent fool... He can't even take down a single camel, even with a hunting dog helping him..... damn dog.

To get back on track now.... I also bought us a bunch of other military hardware, steel variety. Got a really expensive platemail suit for one of my newly trained soldiers (first to get to the armory gets it, basically).

Those merchants... they sure were crafty in their dealings... they demanded so much. They made a huge profit off of us... no matter... we have so much junk that it's no problem at all...

Overall, it was pricey but well worth it. This fort is lucky to have me..

Olon Bimked, Wrestler
14th Limestone, 206

So one of my squad died today. Good riddance.. You'de think a guy would be handle a little bit of dwarvenly wrestling, but no, he had to go and get his bones broken didn't he?

You'de think a guy could go on for a few months without any water, but no, he had to go and die of thirst didn't he?

Anyway, I'll be sure to pay my respects to the poor bastard when I get the chance. I just got armed with some new gear and a steel battle axe. I gotta get myself some practice... idiot Mayor has us training with steel weapons.. I swear someone is going to die again..

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Ingish Obokadril, Mayor
16th Limestone, 206

that well is still dry, the water has made good progress but it's been slower than a shit in a shit.

oh, yeah. i went ahead and authorized the fisherfucker to do some fishing shit or something, he went and dug a big tunnel and a pond at the end of it near the fort or something since he noticed some fish in some water.
i like fish man, i like it almost as much as i like fucking copper, fucking copper man

one of these days i'm going to have to eat some fucking fish on a fucking copper table in my dining room, i swear to god if these dwarves don't make me a copper table i'm going to be so titting disappointed with life

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Hexon, Failure of a Hunter
1st Timber, 206

I swear to god that spears are like the worst weapon for killing Camels... you know what, I'm just going to go back to military. The others are trained up well enough to survive sparring sessions with me, I don't need to live in isolation like this anymore.

(Non RP note)
4th Timber, 206

Okay so I sorta walled off the area where the dwarves like to loiter and set up a statue garden and stuff. But that's not the important part of this mini project. The important part is the bridge which is retractable in an emergency. I put the lever inside 'As Always' elaborate tomb. You cannot miss it. (Also, lol, the merchants were there the whole time.)

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Ingish Obokadril, Mayor and Creator of the New Well
6th Timber, 206

that well of mine is almost done, just need some manual pumpin done. so i got the asshole who decided to put me in charge of making the well to do it, heh heh, Asthol the ex-mayor himself
fucking dick sag

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Astesh Sharbomrek, Mason
15th Timber, 206

That foul mouthed mayor of ours doesn't realize it but if it weren't for us masons that well would not have been complete. By writing this down, let it be known by it's finders that it was not only he who created OR planned it. We had masons, architects, metal smiths, and other miners involved. Along with pretty much the WHOLE population that helped us carry out the stones in the way.

You know the walls along the end of the water tunnel? That was MY idea. I had that put there so that the water would have less area to spread to, and because of MY idea, our well was completed all the faster!

I for one will not miss our old mayor when he's unelected. He overuses profanities to the point where they lost all effect. Pitiful.

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Ast Dallithkubuk, Pump Operator, Pump Operator! PUMP OPERATOR!
27th Moonstone, 206


Haha! You stop me from pumping today? Oh! You're worried that I might hit some unnatural rock and contaminate the supply! OH HO HO! Well you caught me fair and square. FAIR and SQUARE! Had I a little more time I would have been able to PUMP more water and it woulda worked too! But no! You were somehow smart enough to put in stone floor around the top level! THAT'S NO FUN AT ALL! I'LL FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO JUST YOU WAIT

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Ast gsaihauoweatusdhuspgFUCKahsugaANIMALSahljsghl
12th Opal, 206515316738


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Vabok Locunerush, Animal Caretaker
12th Opal, 206

Oh god, what has he done! Ast and his sleeper butcher agents suddenly arised and errected 3 butcher shops and just started massacring our poor cats! The monster!

He won't get away with this! If it comes down to me vs. the fort, I am ready! I have trained 27 war dogs and I am not a force to be ignored!

But I don't know... among my own animal caretaking group.. my own friends whom I thought shared my views on animal rights... they rose right up with Ast the newly risen butcher.. and I was not able to stop them.. I tried to let all the cats go but... they tracked them ALL down and killed every last cat that wasn't bonded to a dwarf!

Well, I got about 3 cats bonded to dwarves before they could be killed... that's the best I could do.. But as for the rest.. I will meet them again in hel- heaven!

(My Project)
4th Granite, 207 (sorry I let 3 days slip by without noticing, got too absorbed into the project)

Before my time was up I attempted to start a medium sized project. I got the basics down, but I had some wierd mechanical shit planned. Definitely had no time to get the mechanical stuff running and there's no way I can explain it due to it being retardedly complicated.

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Here it is. It is supposed to be an incinerator/crematorium. I planned on having obsidian statues placed around it, and some bridges over a lava pit. I hope you will try and finish this project, I just hope it doesn't lead to your doom! (I ordered some bauxite from the dwarven traders, you might want to wait on some of that so you can get a flood gate; up to you though!)

Thank you all, and good luck.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 02:04:31 pm by Hexon »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #142 on: January 16, 2010, 02:15:50 am »

I lold many a time.

Who's next eh?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #143 on: January 17, 2010, 08:43:48 am »

Brilliant. Also, I would like to request the next players not to rename Ast. My character died before I even got to play, and I am very fond of Ast.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #144 on: January 18, 2010, 01:58:41 am »

dead again?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #145 on: January 18, 2010, 05:14:31 am »

dead again?
Well, I'm still here if Vasily doesn't show up; Arramiy said that they wouldn't be able to play before the 20th.
Quote from: tomio175
Quote from: Mrhappyface
Well if COD players all have ADHD, and Minecrafters autism, then what do DF players all have?
Cave adaption.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #146 on: January 18, 2010, 07:04:34 am »

I'm in.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doo dee doo
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #147 on: January 18, 2010, 09:30:20 pm »

Well this place is completely fucked up and nearly falling apart, so sign me up! Seems like the best place to rejoin DF...
Aren't Rhesus Macaques actually whales?
They're actually a special ore. Instead of being mined, they're hunted from between the trees and instead of producing metal, they produce food: rhesus pieces.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #148 on: January 19, 2010, 05:56:37 am »

Since I didn't have time to do a full turn I instead decided to rummage through the region in Legends mode and see if I could fin anything nice.

Seems the region once was packed full of giants and cyclopes, but almost none are left.  And I think I might have found why, the dwarfs in this place are fucking hard-asses. Just take a look at this fucker right here.
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That was one of the worst cyclops running around the place with a total of 18 kills (all elfs and human) and had razed around 20 howels. And the dwarf was just a damn farmer that deiced to go wander the wilds. And that wasn't the only megabeast he had encountered, a few years earlier he had a run in with a giant, in that fight he didn't even get a scratch. After Urdim is still alive, roaming the wilds with just her upper body.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: /v/'s potentially fail, fortress succession thread!
« Reply #149 on: January 19, 2010, 06:25:25 pm »

I'm in. No, seriously, I'm in. This has potential.
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