The interface, again.
Info on the currently selected entity. This can be a player or a company.
Research tools.
Entity Info is where I can see all this stuff (as seen with MBK selected):
(See the bank info spoiler above for examples of some of these screens)
Other than the obvious (buy stock, sell stock)
we can access these menus:
Most of these will change, giving more options, if I have a controlled company selected. These options are all we see when Urist Dorf is selected.
For example, suppose I owned a company named Lada Motors, these are the options I'd have:
do not own Lada Motors. I just loaded a different game up for these example images.
Other stuff:
From here we can...
My Balance.
This always displays
our balance, no matter what company is selected.
Commodity Prices/Indexes/Indicators.
All important stuff.
Search functions.
Some of these buttons are shortcuts to frequently accessed stuff (like Research Report, which is otherwise accessible from Entity Info)
Others are unique, like Database search:
The database search can be very useful.
The stock quotes.
This is empty now, but we can mark specific stocks to follow. They will list here with the company name, symbol, and current price. A nice way to get a quick idea of how a company's stock is doing. (The price also color codes to show recent change, green=up, red=down, blue=same)
Here is an example of what it could look like with a bunch of random stocks:
(note, these are from a different save, so these are not accurate for this game)
This is hard to keep up with. But pretty much everything that happens gets listed here.
The stock ticker
Even harder to keep track of than the news. but its also very important because thats where we pause:-)