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Author Topic: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]  (Read 6359 times)


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4th Granite, 1082

"Never have I seen such tenacity in a single person, much less than that of an entire species, as I have in the dwarven peoples.  They work from before the first light, until long after night has fallen, stopping only for food, drink, and as much sleep is necessary to keep themselves alive.  Other that that, no time is wasted with these peoples and no opportunity for wealth and comfort left untapped.

I have once seen a single dwarf survive falling into a chasm, nearly fourty feet below the rock face he was mining with the cave swallow that had forced him from his perch held in one meaty hand. He fell, using the creatures wings as a sail to slow his fall, it's bones cracking as the force of the air broke them apart. When he landed amidst the rest of the nest, he wasted no time. With four swift strokes he felled the remaining two birds that struck at him, killing them with nary a scratch. Then, almost by instinct, he began to dig upwards back to the ledge he had been working on without pause or hesitation.

Though they are a rare and currently unsung people in this day and age. To you, my predecessor and heir, I must impart the strongest and most powerful warning as I can in your dealings with the dwarven people of Ulolgeshud. While they are our allies and exceptional trading partners, be wary, for a single of those birds that miner felled are more than a match for three men, and later I discovered the miner had no previous training in combat whatsoever."

Atir Gidouzin, The Human Leader of Desopesor, "The Molten Confederacy" in a letter to Siti Zapassetshi on dealing with the dwarves of "The Last Fortress", Ulolgeshud.


Thirty-Two years.

It is hard to think that so much time has passed since we have settled in this fair valley. Much has changed, some for the better, others for the worse. I try to maintain the feeling that the good has outweighed the bad.

Blessed by Likot we have been, and through her blessing we have flourished in this small valley we call home. Through her blessing we have tamed the wild brooks and rivers of this land, and through her flesh we have formed the walls that keep the goblin raiders out. After thirty-two years we have enough food to feed a settlement thrice our size for a decade, and enough wealth that would put any human settlement or goblin castle to shame. However, our blessings have not been without pain. My sister of the mind if not the soul and blood, Frea Libashrur, has fallen. And no fewer than six of our children have fallen to goblin arrows or have been stolen in the depths of the night. Thieves and raiders still constantly seek to destroy us, to raze our home and take what wealth we have hidden behind closed doors and under the watchful eye of our best-trained children. I cannot count the number of times we have come close to destruction, nor do I wish too.

Regardless, we have perservered and flourished during this time. Once seven, now thirty-six of us inhabit the last home of the dwarves. Two-thirds of whom are adults in their own right, some are even happily married with children of their own.

However, A shadow has fallen over our small home. As I did on that day when Likot's hand drew me from the grave to lead my people as high priestess, I feel something is changing within the land. Like the shadow of an adamantine cap, one of those spoken in the legends, something is changing, and I do not like it.

Likot preserve, haven't we been through enough?

-The Writings of Rikker Esker, High Priestess of Likot in Ulolgeshud.

Needs More Syrup!

-Written in the margin of a cookbook by 'Illet Eshan', Journyman chef of Ulolgeshud

Welcome to Ulogeshud, The last dwarven fortress.
This is a continuation of an old community game, where every participating player will be able to choose a dwarf to be written into the story of the last dwarves in the World of Omens, further information can be found here: and here:

Basically, in world generation every dwarven civilization had been destroyed by an the local elven civ hundreds of years ago. This means that in this game there are no dwarven traders, migrants, nobles, or kings. Every member of Ulolgeshud was either a member of the initial seven, or was born there.

The Embark Site:

The site has no magma, but it does have a brook and a chasm. Currently it is the start of year 1082, the start of the 32nd year of the fortress. Our current dwarven roster is as follows:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 If you feel dwarf enough for the challenge, then please step up and submit your name and preferred line of work.  Currently nine children are available to be claimed. New updates should be coming very soon!

If you wish to see the fortress it is here -
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 05:09:06 am by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 05:50:09 am »

I remember Ulogeshud! After I had managed to read through it all, I was disappointed that the last story update had been two months ago. :(

I anxiously await updates now :D

I would want to claim a dwarf. My only preference is someone who has the highest ARTISTIC_INTEREST, and make him/her an engraver. And I've just finished reading the Codex Alera book series. Kitai if female, Tavi if male.

 ;D Ulogeshud is back! ;D
A quick scan of the stocks menu shows that one of the dead pack animals has a bin full of silk cloth!  It is speedily unforbidden, and my moody glassmaker sprints off to retrieve his prize amongst the smoking, charred, blood-soaked ruin that is the outdoors, totally oblivious to the carnage that was instigated on his behalf.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 06:32:40 am »

Granite 1, 1082. The diary of Glacies Esrur

It's hard to believe that it has nearly been ten years since I have last written here. I suppose I've just been too busy, you know? All the tanning, and sorting, and trading, I've just never really had the time to pen down my thoughts like I used too. Microline! I probably still wouldn't have written anything if Feb hadn't found this old tattered book when we were moving to our new house last week.

Since my last entry a lot has changed. I'm a mother of seven now, for one things, a bunch of hell-raising little tykes that you wouldn't know it unless you were in my shoes for a day. I know I never was this bad for mother and father when they were around. It's probably because mine know they can get away with anything when their grandma or grandpa are around, a luxury I never had. I know I shouldn't blame them for it... but sometimes I do anyway, in secret... Ziril Ibmat Vush protect me I do.  Still, no matter how jealous of my own kid are I still love them more than anything... almost more than anything. And I would take up the bow again to protect them until my blood stained the ground ruby if necessary. In some ways, we all would. Though right now I want to pitch them all into the mines for a week.

It all started today when Tavi, my fourth youngest and the best liar of the lot, decided that he wanted to go play by the waterworks. He knows that the old windmill complex, now flooded, is off-limits to everyone. Yet, against my and his grandmothers orders he decided that he could go, alone, and swing through the grinding beams of the mechanical heart of our town. I hadn't even noticed that he had been gone until dinner time had come and his plate was kept empty. The others had kept my distracted, especially Diorite, his face beet red and his eyes leaking something fierce after getting slapped silly by Rigwef for a lewd comment. When I finally noticed he was missing, the other five had the GALL to tell me that he had left, on his own, nearly six hours prior after I had made them lunch.

Six hours! Unsupervised and alone! He knew better, they all did! Yet it wasn't until I asked them at dinner that any of my air headed little children even considered that he might be in danger, hurt, or need help!

The thing is, diary, the waterworks are on the edge of town, far away from any of the other areas with good reason. It's dangerous in there, one slip on a windmill, or pulling open the wrong door, and a full-grown dwarf can easily get pulled into the resovior by the current. Much less a child. The older children know this as well as any of us. The waterworks are nearly fifteen minutes away at a brisk walk, and five at a run. I think I ended up covering the distance in three, sprinting the entire way.

Once I got there it took me nearly half an hour to find him, sitting quietly at the base of one of the mills. A the small sketchbook his grandfather had given to him on his last birthday at his feet as he idly sketched out the shape of the mills around him, the margins filled with exotic runes and designs. I won't go into detail about the punishment he received for not telling me where he was going, even you diary, with your impartial ears, might be offended. Just let it be known that he will not do it again.

I do feel a little guilty right now, but we'll both get over it soon enough. If he wants to draw, he can do it here with me or with Scribbler when she baby-sits during trading month. In fact... I think that's exactly what I will do!

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 10:17:24 am »

Great introduction that fits the personality well! :D

I'm at the moment re-reading the old thread, it's been a while.

Of all the stories that petered out, I wanted this one to continue. I even wanted to create a Uristson Crusoe story after I found an island small enough.

Good luck ;D
A quick scan of the stocks menu shows that one of the dead pack animals has a bin full of silk cloth!  It is speedily unforbidden, and my moody glassmaker sprints off to retrieve his prize amongst the smoking, charred, blood-soaked ruin that is the outdoors, totally oblivious to the carnage that was instigated on his behalf.

Jim Groovester

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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 08:54:26 pm »

Ah, good to see it back.

I see Rigwef is doing well, though the last time I'd heard anything about her was her being born, I believe. Ten years is a lot to miss in a character's development.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 08:53:43 am »

Granite 11, 1082

While collecting some microline stone for the refuse pit, Tirean was attacked by a goblin ambush outside of the walls. Fortunately Maggarg and Creamcorn were not far off, and they arrived before the smith was hurt.

During the skirmish, Maggarg somehow had fallen into the moat. When I arrived on the scene with my crossbow to help clean up I was greeted by the most entertaining sight. Maggarg had just pulled himself out of the water, his beard dripping water everywhere and a lillypad in his hair. All of us had a good laugh as he suddenly leaped into the air and began dancing frantically, screaming about something in his greaves. It took him nearly half an hour to dislodge the small snapping turtle that had slipped into his pants, hopping and howling the entire time.

Granite 15, 1082

"Abod, this will never work!", Glacies shook her head furiously, red braids flinging about as she scolded the old smith. The woman she was addressing was holding a thick padlock in one hand and a thick basket of food under the other.

"Nonsense!" Abod said sternly, shaking her finger underneath the basket, her deepset brown eyes squinting in the sunlight underneath several black, twisted buns. "The boy already likes me, and he's unattached! All I need is some time to woo him without any of the vultures in town hawking him for a kiss or a quick lay"

"He is fourteen Abod!" Glaces shouted softly, keeping her voice down as best she could under the circumstances. Behind her the forge fires crackled merrily as the older dwarf set the lock into the basket and strode towards the door.

"And how old were you when you first laid with Feb?" The old dwarf snipped, a faint grin on her face as she saw Glacies face turn to the shade of a deep beet.

"Too young!" Glacies shouted, her hands lifting into the air in frustration as she followed the older smith down the street. A few of her younger siblings-in-law lifted their gaze up from a game they were playing with oddly shaped rocked and dye as she passed, before turning away again.

The pair rounded the corner at the refuse depot, shouldering past Sukasa and Chazzy as the latter argued about something that neither female dwarf really cared about. Glacies struggled to keep up with the much faster older dwarf as the crowd of people and animals thinned past the refuse depot, her flush turning to shortness of breath as they marched over rougher, recently-excavated ground. As the new forge came into view Abod resumed talking to Glacies.

"The danger of a young pregnancy is in the woman, not the boy. I'm more than old enough to handle him and whatever he gives me."

"You can't be serious Abod! He's half your age." Glaces said, her breath panting between strides as she struggled to keep up with the determined woman.

Abod shook her head as she approached the wide iron doors of the forge. "A few years will fix that, there. We're here!" She set down the basket outside to pull open the new door, it's smooth metallic finish marked only by a few broad engravings. As opened the door a mild male voice called out from inside. "Abod? I've finished the rivets you wanted for the new set of practice bucklers you wanted to work on. What should I do with them?"

The smith smiled as she picked the basket up and removed the padlock, handing it to Glacies and then lifting her finger to her mouth. As Glacies took it she leaned into the door and called out. "Stay there just a moment, I want to see them before I use them. If there is any problem with them I want you to know so you can fix them before I start." as she spoke she nodded to Glaces one more time, slipping inside and closing the door swiftly behind her. A moment later Glaces walked away, her jaw a little slack and her face still incredulous as she left behind very heavy locked door.

Granite 15, 1082
Elven traders yet again. I've asked somebody to lock the doors so they don't get into the town... I'll go to the gate to tell them to shove off.
 Wait, what is this?

 Dwarves!? What are dwarves doing in a caravan lead by an elf?

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 12:18:25 pm »

I just finished reading the whole of the old thread again. Even though I got a final tomorrow.

But those dwarves! It's spring, the trading season of the elves!

Could it be they are from the same place as Sarek?
A quick scan of the stocks menu shows that one of the dead pack animals has a bin full of silk cloth!  It is speedily unforbidden, and my moody glassmaker sprints off to retrieve his prize amongst the smoking, charred, blood-soaked ruin that is the outdoors, totally oblivious to the carnage that was instigated on his behalf.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 12:43:36 pm »

This is amazing! How do I join?
ΘπÆ┼ - Rise up against our superiors! Let all dwarves be equal!

Jarod Cain

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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2009, 05:33:34 am »

Halfway through the original thread, I'll be done with it soon though. But if I can I'll claim one of Rikker's progeny. Male or female doesn't really matter, named Cain. Preferably a Jeweler/Speardwarf.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 06:52:19 am by Jarod Cain »
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2009, 08:09:25 am »

Well if I can join, i'd like to be a male named Jack. Mechanic if possible.
ΘπÆ┼ - Rise up against our superiors! Let all dwarves be equal!


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 12:55:06 pm »

Granite 16th, The Trade Depot

Tifi Elufi shifted uneasily as the strange dwarves of the settlement watched him with a hacklike gaze. Dozens of beady black eyes peering from the shadows and overhangs as he and his companions led their mules to the trade depot in the center of the settlement. He suspected that he would have found it even without the words of advice from Elpa, the trade master of Elufiimere of it's location. The large green building in the center of this foreign town was difficult to miss.

He twisted the edge of his neatly trimmed beard with a pait of thuck, dirt-encrusted fingers as his companions unloaded their bins and cages full of exotic animals, nodding as Tora gathered the unburdened mules and set them loose in the wide field to the southwest of the depot in long hobbles. For six years he and Tora had been enaged, another would likely see them marry should this deal be profitable. He desperately wanted it to be profitable, as that would make him the first caravan leader from Elufiimere to ever return with a profit from Ulolgeshud in the history of their dealings with those people. A great accomplishment, one that would mark him in the annals of eleven history.

As he began to place the finishing touches on his stall, a twenty-some redheaded girl dressed in a violet outfit with wide braids coiled about her head detached herself from the crowd, her hand extended in greetings and a wide smile across her bewildered face. Tifi glanced around the depot at his companions with his gold-flecked eyes, his blond left eyebrow cocked slightly as they shied away from the strange woman and turned to watch the goods laid out in their stalls. He hesitated a moment, glancing at the thick hand, before stepping forward and taking it.

"The druids send their regards to your fair encampment, citizen of Ulolgeshud, we have been enchanted by what we have seen of your more ethical works. We've come to trade. Please, call me Tifi."

Tifi worked his head around the speech he had spent the night preparing, the words so deceptively short and easy now that they were fully said. It was vital, the head druid stated daintily from her living chestnut throne, to make friends of these people. Tifi had been as careful as he could to remain neutral and respectful of these strange people, while still returning with enough profit for his people to buy cheese and seeds from the humanfolk. One wrong statement could sour the deal.

The woman blinked at his statement, withdrawing her hand as if she had placed it in a swamp puddle accidentally. At once she waved to some of her companions standing outside of the platform, "Welcome, fellow dwarf, to Ulolgeshud. The last fortress of our kind in this world.  My name is Glacies Esrur, broker of our fair town. Let us trade in honor: See, we three tunics as gifts for you and your kin."

She motioned backwards, where a diminuitive blue-eyed dwarf walked forward with three of the most beutiful tunics that Tifi had ever laid eyes upon. The dye was a fine red, and each carried on it bright embroidered patterns in blue and green depicting half a dozen scenes, which Tifi could only assume related to the construction of the town.  Indeed, the trader's own clothes were of similar quality, if significantly more worn and used. Tifi could hardly compare the clothing to others he had worn.

"We... we accept your gift fair madame. In return, allow me to offer you two cougers and a raccoon captured by the druids. We use them as pets, to defend our stores and children, they are trained very well." Tifi bowed as he accepted the cloth, it's silken feel against his skin as he folded it up and placed it on his stall neatly maddeningly familiar.With his free hand he motioned to two of his companions to carry forward the first cougar cage, bowing his head as two musclebound men from the town walked forward to help with the hauling.

With the opening gifts exchanged, the woman... Glacies Esrur, smiled broadly and followed Tifi into his stall. The merchant wasted no time rearranging the voluptuous pillows that served as furniture within his stall to accomidate the well-built woman and motioned for her to sit across from him. "I am anxious to begin our deals, Glacies Esrur, you're peoples and mine have not often seen eye-to-eye. I do hope that perhaps these misunderstandings can be avoided with out talk today."

The woman nodded waving down a nearby child, "Jack, sweetie, please bring Tifi and Glaces a drink from the wine cellar. This may take a while." before turning to Tifi, "Indeed, we are much anxious to hear about you friend. Before we begin talk of trade however I must ask, why do you come at this particular time? The spring is the time of the elven caravan, and we nearly shot you before we realized you were dwarves."

Tifi felt his eyes widen, but struggled to keep his expression under control, "I am... not sure I understand the question milady. This is the time of year that my people always travel to trade with other nations, when the world is shaking free of the grips of winters' death grip and the warmth of the sun is reborn by the grace of Eru Desta. We have always come here during spring."

Glacies shook her head, her red hair flopping about a little as a strand of it shook free of it's braid. "That cannot be, brother. You are the first dwarves outside of our own we have met within thirty-three years of living here. I am certain that we would remember you if your people had come before, and that you would have been greeted with honor and dignity."

Tifi frowned a bit, unconsciously moving his hands in a spiraling pattern as he spoke, "But we have, for thirty-one years we have sent caravans to trade with you at the insistace of the druids. Many have never returned, obviously having fallen prey to goblin ambushes or human treachery, still others have returned with neither their original goods nor many traded items. Those who have returned have refused to speak of what occurred when they came here, except to our leaders. We were hoping to change that trend."

Glacies shifted a bit uneasily, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly a few times as she processed this information. "Wait you mean..." as she spoke she was inturrupted by the child she had spoken to earlier. Jack, as Tifi recalled it, and another slightly younger boy who looked to be his brother.

"We brought it Glacies, some drink for you and mister-stranger-trader-dwarf. Cain said that you would would probably want to drink it in something, so we looked around and found you some really nice cups and some really good tuber beer. Is that ok?" Their voices shook Glacies out of her reverie, causing her to smile again at the children as she took the cups from their hands and offered one to Tifi. "That is fine Jack... thank... you..."

Glacies trailed off as she glanced at Tifi's face, confusion covering it as a pair of hate-filled dagger-like eyes gazed back at her from the older dwarf's face. Without speaking he stood, dashing the cup from her hand to the ground and allowing the rich brown liquid to slosh through the stone tiles. The wooden vessel clattered to the floor with a hollow clunk as the dwarven trader squared his shoulders and turned his back to Glacies. "Our dealings here are done."

Several hours later, Tifi glowered in rage as he crossed the southern bridge. His mule's load significantly lightened and his fury running full-tilt. Behind him his companions were in a similar state, their voices angry and their animals similarly lightened. The druids would not be happy that he and his people had also failed, not one bit.


The Profiles of Cain and Jack Eshan:

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2009, 03:48:03 pm »

Strange that. Is it possible that the elves are using magic to guise themselves as dwarves. They didn't pass the tree-hugger test.
A quick scan of the stocks menu shows that one of the dead pack animals has a bin full of silk cloth!  It is speedily unforbidden, and my moody glassmaker sprints off to retrieve his prize amongst the smoking, charred, blood-soaked ruin that is the outdoors, totally oblivious to the carnage that was instigated on his behalf.

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 07:21:41 pm »

Jamini! I'm glad you're continuing the story! If you've got room for one more...

Kojeauq (KC for short)

Wants to be an Archaeologist when he's older and has a fascination with history.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2009, 06:24:30 pm »

I was grounded during the time that was posted! IN REALITY!
I do not make compromises! And all of it! 'cept the alcohol.
ΘπÆ┼ - Rise up against our superiors! Let all dwarves be equal!


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Re: The Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud revisited.[Community Fortress]
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2009, 06:37:14 pm »

Jamini is back! Awesome!
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One
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