i reread your previous posts, and i still have to disagree. let me go over why, and please correct me if i misunderstand or misconstrue.
(also please don't take this in a harsh way, the comparisons are just a fast and simple way to do this.)
your idea:
1. some sort of CLI for the interface, that third party apps could interact with.
2. this interface would support commands for all (or most) windows in the game (e.g. trade, construction, military, job assignments etc.)
my idea is:
1. a save file for templates that would allow a player to save any possible designation the game is capable of (e.g. constructions, furniture, workshops, stockpiles, traffic zones, waypoints, etc.)
your way adds a second interface to the game
my way does not
your way allows for scripts to control almost every aspect of the game
my way only allows for you to "save" that awesome automatic bridge and trade depot entrance design so you can use it in your next fort
your way assumes 3rd party developers writing interfaces that would have to be updated by them when a revision came out
my way assumes that a player could update their own save files when a revision came out
you way could lead to a broken app when commands are depreciated
my way simply leads to an incomplete construction if a designation is depreciated
my way has precedent in that it is like a raw file for designations
your way has no precedent
my way is required anyway if we want a robust ai
your way would not benefit the ai (that i can see anyway)
in short, your way is more powerful, more complicated and possibly leads to some of the problems that Toady wants to avoid.
my way is less powerful, simpler, is required anyway and has precedent in the way raw files are currently handled.
And this is just a wild guess really, but I'm thinking that supporting the commands I described above would give us more bang for the buck, while also protecting Toady's interests.
for many of the reasons i described above i emphatically disagree with this statement, but the number one, most important reason i disagree is tat we need a template storage solution for the ai anyway, and once we have that it would be trivial to extend it to the player. and yes i understand that a "building script" could be exposed to the ai, but i think that would be a less robust solution than having a script engine simply access a building template file (assuming we get scripting in the future).
a building template solution should be kept separate from a scripting solution because they are different things, and we need a building template solution now, while a scripting solution is more of a luxury.